Feb 11 - Trump is Playing the Same Role as Hitler
February 11, 2025

Don't get me wrong. I love everything Trump is doing domestically: expelling illegals, ending gender dystrophy in sports and the army, and stopping USAIDS etc.
Don't forget, Hitler also did a lot to prepare Germany for World War Two.
Trump is preparing the US for WW3 which, like WW2 is fought between the Communist and Fascist wings of Jewish Freemasonry.
In WW2, the Allies were Communist while the Nazis were Fascists. In WW3, the US, Israel & NATO are on the Fascist side. Russia, China, Iran and the BRICS are the Communists.
Like Israel in Gaza, Trump/Hitler lays claim to land that he has no legitimate claim to: Greenland, Canada and Gaza.
I am departing from my usual headline format today to post this August 2024 reply by "Mothman 777" to an article on Fitzinfo.net
It is a reminder that world wars are contrived by the Chabad Jewish bankers to exterminate the goyim and assimilated Jews. Trump, Netanyahu and Putin are all members of Chabad. Americans can thank Israel for the breath of freedom and sanity they are enjoying.
mothman777 says:
August 25, 2024 at 15:24
Real 'Corrected Communism' as intended by it's Jewish originators:
"The chief mission of all other races and peoples, large and small, is to PERISH in the revolutionary holocaust". Published by Karl Marx in 1849 in his political journal 'Neue Rheinische Zeitung'.
In plain terms, despite the many efforts of Communist Jewish sayanim 'intellectuals' to interpret this statement variously to provide it with entirely different meanings and even ascribe the authorship to Engels by sheer wishfulness for their own motives of intended deception, what these words REALLY mean is an open statement of intent by the Jewish Karl Marx to fulfil the edicts in the Zohar for instance that the Jews are intended to first enslave all of Gentile humanity and ultimately totally exterminate every Gentile on this entire planet.
Karl Marx was a third cousin of the banker Rothschilds who employed him to write the political Communist doctrine as a means to implement Judaism over the entire world.
Lenin stated that killing 9 out of 10 people in the entire world would be acceptable to impose a successful Communist 'revolution'. Klaus Schwab who had a Jewish mother plans to 'reduce' the world population by 7.5 BILLION, so Communism does cause inflation after all it seems.
The Zohar statements that all Gentiles in the entire world are to be enslaved, then ultimately totally exterminated may be being ignored by many who might think this does not mean a thing because there is not really any Jewish 'god' in the sky who is going to come down here and do all this killing of Gentiles anyway, but we should bear in mind that the Jewish death cult is posing as a spiritual religion only to better enable this dark-minded soul group of lower dimensional recent origin to infiltrate among unsuspecting humanity.
The Jewish 'scriptures' state that every Jew is god walking on the Earth (or what the Jews consider to be God anyway, as they are arrogant megalomaniac self-worshippers). In reality, it is actually the Jews themselves who are intending to do all the killing of all the Gentiles in the whole world with their mass sterilization program with their Jewish-designed synthetic mRNA ethnobomb bioweapons, and other Jewish scriptural verses make this quite apparent.

This is exactly what Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi, left, stated when he said that of all the Gentiles in the world, there will be "no survivors", and he said that very gloatingly, in a celebratory manner as if in anticipation of events soon to come to pass.
When discussing the Noahide Laws themselves, Mizrachi penly stated that 6 BILLION Gentiles will be killed for the 'crime' of 'idolatry' alone, and then there are other Noahide Laws that have death penalties for contravening them, however, one of the conditions of these laws is that the death penalty for breaking any of them can ONLY apply to Gentiles, and NEVER to any Jew.
This is precisely why highly sinister crypto-Jews like the Jewish-funded Keir Starmer (Starmer is a Jewish name, check out how many rabbis are called 'Star' etc.) is heavily preparing under the guise of providing measures to 'defend Muslims' (who the Jews really wish to entirely exterminate under Noahide Law anyway along with using their genocidal war program against Muslims in various nations using the armed forces of hijacked nations like the UK and US etc.) to build up an iron-fisted Stalinist police state ready to smash the heads in of anyone who may dare to physically resist being sterilized and murdered by the Jews with their COVID jabs and the rest of the synthetic mRNA ethnobomb jab weapons that the Jewish-run WHO is preparing to administer to all Gentiles to murder/suicide all Gentiles more rapidly and easily.
DC said (February 11, 2025):
The comment on that article mentioned Karl Marx as if he represented Jewish people, but he was a Jesuit tool like Trump, Hitler, Stalin, House (who controlled Woodrow Wilson) etc. This link explains how Marx is a Jesuit tool, which I would respond to that comment with. https://www.jamesjpn.net/government/the-authors-of-communism-socialism-jesuits/