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Results matching “Talmud”


Masonic Muslim Brotherhood is West's Terror Arm

(left, Rothschilds use Muslim Brotherhood to Weaponize Islam)Jamal Khashoggi's murder reveals that the Muslim Brotherhoodis at the vanguard of the Rothschild's conquest of the world.Below, Anders Bruun Laursen explains that they are behind the "Arab Spring," as well as Muslim terror and migration. Khashoggi was a MB kingpin. All those

The Judeo Masonic Roots of Modern "Cult-ure"

Just as our bodies need food, our souls also have needs, for meaningand inspiring models of truth, courage, goodness, beauty, and love.The satanic cult (Cabalism) that controls modern culture defines humanity as soulless animals, better to exploit and cull us. The film "Why Beauty Matters" (left) shows that we are being starved spiritually.

Freemasons Worship Satan - Texe Marrs

I'm going to keep this here until I get some more responses. (See the new First Comments.)Society --Jew and non-Jew alike --is in the grip of a satanic cult that routinely engages in magic and sorcery. On a personal level, most of us are also satanically possessed to a degree. We must acknowledge the malevolent nature of Cabalist

"Anti Semitism" - Goyim React Like Pavlov's Dogs

What does it say when the thing people fearmost is not the KGB, or the CIA, or DHS, but beingsmeared as an "anti Semite"!!??Makow -  We can counter the Pavlovian programming by saying "the political agenda of organized Jewry is world tyranny, and if its 'anti Semitic'  to oppose the

Illuminati Use Porn in Spiritual War Against Society

(left, a scene from American Pie,1999, porn passing as "teen comedy-drama")Hollywood served as a crack dealer, getting the young hooked on porn. How much easier to create a police stateif people enslave themselves. It's so all-pervasive we don't see it. The deification of the naked fertile female, sex, and romantic "love,"  is satanic

Hitler Described Talmud as Jewish "Megalomania"

25 years his senior, Dietrich Eckart was Hitler's mentor and a founder of the Nazi Party, which was secretly funded by the German army. Eckart's biographer, Louis L. Snyder, has argued: "By 1923 Eckart's connections in Munich, added to Hitler's oratorical gifts, gave strength and prestige to the fledgling Nazi political

Jewish Convert Returns to Germanic Roots

MY TRIP TO EUROPE AND BACKMichael Berg who first exposed the Trump family cult on this sitediscovers he is not a Jew. Apparently, a lot of Israelis are converts. Related - by Michael BergJews- Neither Race Nor Religion but CultJewish Conspiracy is Cause of AntiSemitism By Michael Berg( was born in Israel
This poster for a Miami area public library celebration of the 100th anniversary of Nelson Mandela's birth July 18 is an indication of widespread and pervasive Communist control. Honoring people like Mandel and Rosa Parks are signs that Communism is a fait accompli. Communism is a ruse. It is not concerned with

Jews & Christians are Bamboozled by Judaism - Michael Hoffman

"Orthodox Judaism above all is, a religion of deceit and self-worship, and pride is the paramount destroyer," says Michael Hoffman who adds: "I view my work as an expression of love for Judaic people and as a conduit for their liberation."Politics today is a "debate over which vehicle is best for the supremacy of

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