Purim revellers in 1593
THE JEWISH HOLIDAY OF PURIM BEGINS WEDNESDAY EVENING AND LASTS 24 HRS. It commemorates the slaughter of 75,000 "anti-Semites" in Persia 355BCE by the crypto Jewess Esther (Ishtar) and her husband, the King Ahasuerus. Esther told the king that his counsellor Haman was "plotting against the Jews." The king ordered Haman and his followers rounded up and killed. While opponents of the Masonic Jew World Order are being demonized as "white supremacists" could Jews be celebrating white genocide 200 years from now?
This suggests that Judaism is not a religion but a diabolical spirit, an egregore. Hoffman writes, "The creed of the Talmudists is at bottom a farce; an impersonation of the religion of the Bible. Nowhere on earth will this be revealed in greater detail and with more impact than in the rites and ceremonies that will take place beginning at sundown on Purim."
Ordinary Jews cannot understand that collectively the agenda of Organized Jewry is essentially evil and this is the reason for anti-Semitism. Individual Jews are no more evil than Gentiles but both must distance themselves from the baneful influence of Organized Jewry which has ensnared the whole world.
By Michael Hoffman
(excerpts by henrymakow.com)
Wednesday, March 20 at sunset, begins Purim (pronounced poor-im), the Talmudic festival of revenge on the goyim that is a twisted version of the Biblical book of Esther....
According to their Midrash on Esther, she was married to Mordechai: "Not only was Esther an upright Jewish woman who abhorred the notion of marriage to the goy king Ahasuerus, but she was also actually already married to Mordechai, who was the greatest sage (master of the oral law) of his generation.
Every time Esther went to Ahasuerus, she was literally taken and forced to be with him. Throughout her 'marriage' to Ahasuerus, Esther still remained loyal to her true husband, Mordechai. After leaving Ahasuerus' presence she would immerse in a mikvah (ritual bath) and then secretly rendezvous with Mordechai"...
The preceding convoluted fabrication is typical of the Talmudic perversion of the Biblical narrative. ...
On Purim it is necessary for the Judaic male to get drunk; he is to become so completely drunk that he can't discern good from evil -- "No longer distinguish between arur Haman ('Cursed is Haman') and baruch Mordechai ('Blessed is Mordecai'); (Megillah 7b).
Here is film footage of Orthodox Talmud-followers drunk in the streets of Jerusalem during Purim:
More Purim drunks:
Revealing these facts to you puts this writer in jeopardy, in the dangerous category of apikorus (heretic). You are not supposed to be reading these words and I am not to write them.
One of the foods served on the holiday of Purim are "Haman's ears" (oznei Haman), baked in the form of a pastry. In the Kabbalistic understanding of this minhag (custom), as personified by the Hasidic "sage" Rabbi Zvi Elimelech of Dinov, the hearing of knowledge (da'at) not authorized by the rabbis and which emanates from an apikorus, is a spiritual danger: "Consuming the ears of Haman at the Purim meal symbolizes eliminating wicked opinions -- the evil da'at, which is represented by the hearing ears. This is the particular spiritual threat posed by Amalek, who was the progenitor of Haman."
It is also the "threat" posed by the apikorus Jesus Christ who said, "He who has ears to hear, let him hear" (Matthew 11:15).
In the Zionist-influenced media, it is the Catholic priest and the pulpit-pounding Calvinist who are made to represent heresy-hunting, and the " tolerant and loving" rabbis and their communities who are depicted as the targets of the inquisitors, never the other way around; this is a reversal of the actual reality that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 23:30-39.
The religion of the Talmud and the Kabbalah is an anti-Biblical occult system. On Purim, the adherents of these texts dress Halloween-style in all manner of grotesque attire. In 2013 New York state legislator Dov Hikind mocked black people by dressing in minstrel blackface and an Afro wig (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpYJ3funHHw).
In this film footage dozens of rabbis and hundreds of their followers are gathered for a reading of the Megillah of Esther and what you will observe has nothing to do with the sanctity or the learned gravitas that Steven Spielberg and the controlled media have branded onto our minds in association with Talmudists. What you will see is something akin to unholy pandemonium:
Every October Protestant fundamentalists vigorously protest and warn against the observance of Halloween, but these faint-hearted folk have few words of protest or warning about Purim. Apparently, Judaic souls are not worth the effort.
Megillah (מגילה \ מְגִלָּה‎) is etymologically related to the word galah (גָּלָה): "to reveal." (Strong's Hebrew (1540) defines it as: "to uncover"). It can be translated as "Revelation of the Hidden."
The creed of the Talmudists is at bottom a farce; an impersonation of the religion of the Bible. Nowhere on earth will this be revealed in greater detail and with more impact than in the rites and ceremonies that will take place beginning at sundown on Purim, and none more so than in the particular ritual of Purimspiel. Here is a prime, indeed appalling, manifestation of the farce:
When the truth about a criminal enterprise is conveyed to you, you are doubly under obligation, and doubly convicted if you do nothing with the knowledge.
For further study
A Chronicle of Calamities and Catastrophes
Today's Hoffman Wire column is online here:
Related: Israel Shamir - Purim Gifts
First Comment by CR
I have looked into this before and it appears that Mordecai and Esther are in fact the Babylonian gods Marduk and Ishtar. This Jewish website agrees: http://www.shj.org/humanistic-jewish-life/about-the-holidays/purim/
"The Megilla, or biblical Book of Esther, replaced Ishtar and Marduk with Jewish mortals (Esther and Mordecai)"
You can find much more information on this if you take the time to research it. Also, the conflict in the story begins when Mordecai refuses to bow to Haman.
Quran 18:50
And [mention] when We said to the angels, "Prostrate to Adam," and they prostrated, except for Iblees. He was of the jinn and departed from the command of his Lord. Then will you take him and his descendants as allies other than Me while they are enemies to you? Wretched it is for the wrongdoers as an exchange.
Iblees is the Muslim name for Satan. It also appears that Marduk and Ishtar are the Babylonian version of Isis and Horus.
Brian said (March 21, 2019):
There is no doubt a Satanic aspect to this. There is a demonic delusion that covers our society. Everywhere we turn falsehood is exonerated. Truth is considered hateful and punishable. We can never seem to get to the bottom of stories. If Wikipedia and all the major outlets say that Joe Blow is a good man, nothing will change the minds of the masses about Joe Blow. If anyone criticizes Joe Blow they are conspiracy theorists who must be punished. They also have an agenda of some kind. It is never considered that maybe MSM has an agenda.
"Haman's Ears" and the customs and procedures surrounding these customs are demonic and have great power somehow. As this article points out, Christians somehow target everything but the antics of Jews at their feasts and in their synagogues. Christian leaders never seem to get around to such observations despite Jews living around them continually.