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Results matching “freemasonry”


October 27 - The Crucifixion of Kanye West

(West, in good company)Please send links and comments to Kanye West is being excoriated for pointing to Jewish power.Organized Jewry is responsible for taking the world to the brink of annihilation in Ukraine, for flooding our countries with penniless migrants, for undermining our racial and gender identity, for

October 23 - Documentary: Scientists Bribed to Promote Covid Hoax

Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comScience for Hire: The Scientific Industrial Complex & Its Betrayal of America (Gary Null) Oct. 2022 Adachi:  Yes. Gary Null has made a lot of great video documentaries over many decades, but this one is off the chart. He tells the story without

1933 Chicago -- 100,000 Jews Sacrificed a Baby to Moloch

(Is this connected to Jewish promotion of abortion and "vaccines" for children?)Don't believe it?Watch the Videos at the source Here July 3, 1933. Over 100,000 Jews gather at Soldier Field in Chicago to celebrate 3,000 years of Jewish history and nationhood by worshiping a fire-breathing statue of Moloch and feeding

Does Holocaust Denier's Book Have Merit?

Wikipedia- "Gerard Menuhin (born 1948 in Scotland) is a Holocaust denier and far-right activist, associated with the neo-Nazi movement in Germany.His book Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil, published in 2015, argues that the Holocaust is "the biggest lie in history", that Jews are an "alien, demonic force

Cohencidence? Every Aspect of Gender Dysphoria is Jewish

(credit- is satanically possessed by Organized Jewry (Rothschild banking cartel) and its minion, Freemasonry.Reader-  "The first push I heard on this was the Boston clinic for sex changes as of '07. I'd read that the tranny Jennifer Pritzker contributed to that."The 1st link references that. While I think

The Worm in the Apple ( or Why the World is the Way it is)

(All social institutions in the West have been rotted out by Freemasonry)This is for people who are asking the questions below and would like a simple answer.(Disclaimer - I realize this is repetitious but the ugly truth doesn't change. Mankind is satanically possessed by Organized Jewry (Rothschild banking cartel) and

Freemasonry is a Tool of Organized Jewry

(Fat fuck Gentile traitors) Judaism for Gentiles, Freemasonry is a place where third-raters can get an advantage by betraying their fellow citizens, their culture and their community. All they have to sell is their souls. Makow - We thought we were free citizens of democracies, endowed with "human rights," but,

Freemasonry (Satanism) is Deeply Entrenched in Western Society

To demonstrate that they have not yet completed their occult conspiracy, Freemasons show the top of the pyramid missing. We may have the honor of witnessing its horrific fruition. Eustace Mullins (1923-2010) was probably the best informed and most outspoken "antisemite" of our time. But to his credit, he described
Dutch Patriot, Theirry Baudet and wife The entire Dutch government left the chamber and halted debate when MP Thierry Baudet mentioned that the Finance Minister studied at a 'spy college' [i.e. globalist nursery.] in Oxford. Their over-reaction speaks volumes. 'The lady doth protest too much, methinks.' Watch the bizarre moment when

August 24 - COVID Hoax is Not Going Away

Please send links and comments to They relaxed some guidelines. But, Satanist never quit. They are just changing gears. They can do this because they have purloined our national credit cards and have unlimited funds to destroy us. If you live in a Blue State or Blue Country (virtually

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