(Left, author and researcher, Antony Sutton (1925-2002), wrote about hidden men behind momentous events.)It's not just the Jews. The whole Gentile establishment has gone over to Freemasonry (Cabala, Satanism.) Anthony Sutton: "First we have to dump the trap of right and left, this is a Hegelian trap to divide and control. The battle is
Results matching “cabala”
This Huffington Post, Goy Bye, caption made a lot of Jews nervous because it acknowledged there indeed is a race war in Americanot between Blacks and Whites, butbetween Jews (and their minions) vs. Goyim. Jews and Gentiles are both in denial. The Masonic (Communist) Jewish Conspiracy is real. Are the bankers stoking race tensions to scare Jews and discredit
The davening ("prayer") by Jews, left, simulates copulation. They are literally f**king God. The occult Luciferianism of the Catholic Church, has a very real subliminal effect on priests and drives themto pederasty, says author Edward Hendrie who also considers Judaism, Islam, Mormonism to be "heathen."by Edward Hendrie (henrymakow.com) The article by Jude Duffy, Media anti-Catholic
God stole the world from Satan. Satan wants it back.They are our neighbours, our co-workers, our pastors, cops and political leaders. They want to confound us and induct us into their cult.This is what Margaret Davis learned when they tried to recruit her.by Henry Makow Ph. D.Satanists believe that heaven belongs
"There is a deceiver for every believer." Video provides history of satanic conspiracy."What about those who profess to be Christians, Protestant, Evangelical, Pentecostal, Baptist, Methodist, etc. etc.? ... Are they also ALL FALSE?"The answer is YES! This gifted researcher confirms that humanity is indeed the victim of an ancient
Left, Esther denounces Haman. Threat of Jewish genocide is excuse for actual Gentile genocide.The Jewish festival of Purim, March 11-12, may seem benignbut it has a dark contemporary meaning. It manifests the Zionistdetermination to exterminate all those who stand in the way of Israel and the New World Order. Sound farfetched?
"Fake News" has become an issue because public information and instruction todayare controlled by a people -- Cabalist Jewish central bankers - whose "religion" is to lie and deceive. They believe that perception is reality, thinking is believing, and saying so makes it true. They claim to channel God's will, and create a solipsism that reflects their insane
Judaism, like its bastard child Freemasonry, is a secret society. Only the "initiated" knowit is Satan worship, based on Kabbalah. Jews, Freemasons, and the West in general,have swallowed this poison in the guise ofsecularism, humanism and liberalism. This is why some members of the Jewish (a.k.a. Democratic Party) elite are into pedophilia, incest and
"Let no one be fooled. The State of Israel has nothing to do with Judaism, and on the contrary, it has consistently tried to extinguish Torah observance and values." It's important to remember that not all Jews are Cabalists (Satanists.) While Zionists pretend to represent all Jews, they only represent a minorityof