Heathen Religions all Based on Phallicism
July 4, 2017
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July 4, 2017
Bruce R said (July 5, 2017):
IWhat does the Bible has to say if Jesus’ disciples defending him in armed combat: Matthew 26: 51 – 54
The catholic clergy have donned themselves with title of father. Is there any scriptural basis for this? Quite the contrary: Matthew 23:9
How about Mary worship? Mary worship goes back to the mystery Babylonian religions up through the Greeks and the Roman who worship this same queen of heaven. She was known under the names Artemis (Greeks), Diana (Romans), Isis (Egyptian) ad nauseum.
What does the scriptures say to us about worshipping this heathen goddess? In the Jeremiah we see the ancient Israelites doing just that and God’s condemnation: Jeremiah 44: 15 – 30
Mary worship is contrary to what God has to say of mediating between Him and us: I Timothy 2:5
And what about Jesus? How did he address his mother? John 2: 4-6
All scriptures taken from the Authorized Version.
I could go on and on, but this suffice. The Roman church is most certainly the Mother of Harlots; Mystery Babylon along with her many protestant sects and divisions; Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Anglican, and on and on.
Edward Hendrie: Solving the Mystery of Babylon the Great (sure to rouse feathers)
Avro Manhattan: Vatican Billions
Edmond Paris: The Secret History of the Jesuits
Alexander Hislop: The Two Babylons
Charles Chiniquy: 50 Years in the Church of Rome
Gordon W said (July 5, 2017):
further to the essay and comments "Heathen religions all based on phallicism", I encourage all-concerned to pay attention to the fact that that gigantic erection in the Square of Saint Peter, protrudes heaven-ward, from its base on the mark of Ainu, as explained by Tupper Saussy in his materpiece, "Rulers of Evil"
if, 'the whole world lies in the power of the Evil One', ... then that certainly applies to the religion which claims pride of place = the Vatican, the seat of Satan in the modern world.
as for Rome's apologists : required reading is, "Two Babylons" by Alexander Hislop. Point by point, proving that Roman Catholicism is the ancient mystery religion, right back to Egypt. Never refuted.
CR said (July 5, 2017):
Catholics who believe that the church was mostly uncorrupted before Vatican II are either ignorant or wilfully blind. From what I gather, the church was a crooked institution from the beginning, founded by the roman emperor Constantine who simultaneously led the Sol Invictus cult. At the very least, things took a turn for the worse in the 1400s as Michael Hoffmann has shown us.
From "National Geographic: Visual History of the World", pg.293 - it is a rather mainstream source, but I'm sure the original document can be found elsewhere
Cesare Borgia, son of Pope Alexander VI
"On the evening of the 31st of October 1501, Cesare Borgia hosted in his rooms in the Vatican a party with 50 honourable prostitutes, referred to as courtesans, who after the meal danced with the servants and others present, first in their clothes and then naked. After the meal the candelabras with the burning candles were stood on the floor and chestnuts spread around them, which the naked prostitutes collected on their hands and knees and crawling between the candelabras, watched by the Pope, Cesare, and his sister Lucrezia"
by Johannes Burcardus, Alexander VI's master of ceremonies.
If you look around online, there is plenty of information suggesting that Cesare had sex with his own sister, in addition to Leonardo Da Vinci. It is also rumoured that the well known graven image of Jesus is actually Cesare Borgia. It sounds like a baseless conspiracy theory until you see portraits of Mr. Borgia - he is identical to the common Jesus image.
Additionally, I have been to a Catholic church where there was no mention of either God or Jesus. In El Valle del Espiritu Santo, Margarita Island, Venezuela I visited a church where all worship was directed to Mary. There was a large statue of her in the church, and outside there were vendors with stalls full of images of the virgin Mary. How is that not idolatry? Even if you believe in the trinity, Mary is neither the father, son, nor holy spirit so haw can you pray to her? I grew up going to Catholic church and I had never heard of any such thing.
CR said (July 5, 2017):
Catholics who believe that the church was mostly uncorrupted before Vatican II are either ignorant or wilfully blind. From what I gather, the church was a crooked institution from the beginning, founded by the roman emperor Constantine who simultaneously led the Sol Invictus cult. At the very least, things took a turn for the worse in the 1400s as Michael Hoffmann has shown us.
From "National Geographic: Visual History of the World", pg.293 - it is a rather mainstream source, but I'm sure the original document can be found elsewhere
Cesare Borgia, son of Pope Alexander VI
"On the evening of the 31st of October 1501, Cesare Borgia hosted in his rooms in the Vatican a party with 50 honourable prostitutes, referred to as courtesans, who after the meal danced with the servants and others present, first in their clothes and then naked. After the meal the candelabras with the burning candles were stood on the floor and chestnuts spread around them, which the naked prostitutes collected on their hands and knees and crawling between the candelabras, watched by the Pope, Cesare, and his sister Lucrezia"
by Johannes Burcardus, Alexander VI's master of ceremonies.
If you look around online, there is plenty of information suggesting that Cesare had sex with his own sister, in addition to Leonardo Da Vinci. It is also rumoured that the well known graven image of Jesus is actually Cesare Borgia. It sounds like a baseless conspiracy theory until you see portraits of Mr. Borgia - he is identical to the common Jesus image.
Additionally, I have been to a Catholic church where there was no mention of either God or Jesus. In El Valle del Espiritu Santo, Margarita Island, Venezuela I visited a church where all worship was directed to Mary. There was a large statue of her in the church, and outside there were vendors with stalls full of images of the virgin Mary. How is that not idolatry? Even if you believe in the trinity, Mary is neither the father, son, nor holy spirit so haw can you pray to her? I grew up going to Catholic church and I had never heard of any such thing.
Tony B said (July 5, 2017):
The Catholic bashers need to read the confessions of Bella Dodd once she left communism and became a true Catholic. She made no bones about infiltrating hundreds, if not thousands, of communists into the clergy in the 1930s and later, all faking Catholicism in order to hopefully destroy the Church, the only real enemy of Satan on earth. Note that the bashers always tend to recite some recent revelation and then imply that this has always been the way of the Church, a deliberate misrepresentation of the Church which created civilization as that word is understood. In fact, there is an obvious direct corollary with the present diminishment of Catholic belief and the satanic plunge of modern "civilization."
Such efforts have never been necessary for the evil ones with protestantism. Noticeably, the crimes of protestants never seem to get beyond the local papers where their crimes were committed, if even published there.
Meanwhile, there is definitely something wrong with Hoffman's writings. Never does he have a good word for Catholicism, which seems to be all he writes about. More subtle than outfits like the patently insane and grossly lying "Chick comics" but the thrust seems to be the same.
Marco A said (July 5, 2017):
To label Michael Hoffman an anti-Catholic is slander, and may be a crime of false witness. The man is a gift to the people of Jesus Christ, he courageously exposes the crimes committed in His name. 'Traditional Catholics' fear him, because he doesn’t submit to Pharisaical monsters in Church hierarchy ‘for the sake of obedience to authority and tradition’… These wicked men in positions of power who throughout history have had the blood of God’s people on their hands.
Hoffman actually uses his eyes and mind, something many 'traditional Catholics' in their subservience to the Pharaohs of Church History have lost their ability to do. They truly espouse the words of Loyola in their slavery to the Pharisees of Church History, "We should always be disposed to believe that that which appears white is really black, if the hierarchy of the Church so decides."
That the Church hierarchy embraced Kabbalism at the dawn of the Renaissance is no longer a mystery.
The obelisk in St. Peters square is not a sign of Christianity’s victory as some would claim, it’s a clear sign of the occult infiltration of the Church long before Masonry even existed. It was setup in the square on the order of Pope Sixtus V, and I doubt it was setup as a decoration, just as I doubt the obelisks setup in the power hubs of Washington, New York, Paris and London are mere decorations or a coincidence.
And are we to believe as many ‘traditional Catholics’ argue, that the problems of pedophilia began predominately with supposed Masonic infiltration of the priesthood and are largely ‘Vatican II’ problems? On what evidence are we to believe that perverted priests abusing innocent children are because of predominantly Masonic infiltration? Can the real historians please stand up?
And that people have the audacity to act as a Church apologist in regards to this evil is truly despicable, 'if all institutions do it' - well then all the worse! But worse still to have this damnable crime in the Church of Jesus Christ.
Paul S said (July 5, 2017):
If you study the science and technology of the Middle Ages (which is an absolutely fascinating subject), or indeed the science and technology of earlier even eras, it quickly becomes evident that many of the sexual "interpretations" modern New Age people give to ancient monuments has as much to do with present-day 21st century dysfunction and perversions as with anything else.
Obelisks were used in the ancient world principally as sun-dial markers to indicate the time of day, and as a means of determining latitude. These people didn't have satellite-based GPS iPhones to tell them where they were or what time it currently is. The Catholic Church *invented* science in the modern sense, and the reason why science and logic are as rooted in Western culture as they are is because of Catholicism.
If you study Catholicism, all these people are doing all day long is sitting around in their Christian monasteries, trying to invent time-telling devices, invent new calendars, more accurately determine latitude and longitude, invent new navigational and orientation devices for their overseas voyages. In addition to the Gregorian calendar, the Catholics experimented w/ calendars having 13-day weeks, or calendars having a 33-year leap year cycle, etc, and dozens of other approaches to time-keeping and to modern science and empiricism in general.
It's true that by the time the Washington Monument was built, science had progressed past the point where you need an obelisk to tell time, and indeed the Washington Monument is no doubt occultic (and possibly sexual) in nature, but leaping to that conclusion every time you see something "phallic" or something to which you can possibly attach a sexual connotation to, doesn't necessary make it so. Modern electrical wall outlets are also "phallic", but that's b/c that's how the science and technology works out, not because electrical engineers are all a bunch of pedophile perverts.
Tim Fitzpatrick said (July 5, 2017):
(Reply to Sid Green, below)
Sid Green, while Eastern Orthodox priests and the diaconate are permitted to marry, Orthodox bishops and monastics are not. Therefore, it's a little inappropriate for an Orthodox Christian to criticize clerical celibacy among Catholics. And Eastern Orthodox likely choose celibacy for the same reason as Catholic—for the Eastern Orthodox believe in the doctrine of theosis—the primary goal for monastics and believers in general. That's not to say that married persons cannot attain theosis; however, celibacy should not be discouraged, as the Bible itself contains celibates and eunuchs. There is nothing unbiblical about clerical celibacy, as Mr. Hendrie states. On the contrary, Calvinism and Protestantism are the only unbiblical concepts in Mr. Hendries polemic. He should look at his own reflection in the wall of his glass house before he launches another stone.
Paul said (July 5, 2017):
As for Mr. Hendrie's comment that all Catholic priests are possessed by the devil, that is complete hogwash that is only fit for the dungheap!! I have met many Catholic priests and I have seen none of this proclivity to sodomy!!! There may be many problems in the Catholic Church, but that is mainly because the true beliefs have been many times discarded for a "gentler approach"! St. Peter Damian in his book against homosexuality, thundered anathemas against those pederast priests back in the 1000s for leading many astray and the Pope, through him and others, reformed the corrupt clergy, kicking them out or making them do penance in monasteries! I must repeat, we don't have any doctrines that approve of phallus worship!!! Anyone with an ounce of knowledge about the Catholic religion should know that! But no, Mr Hendrie puts forth this vomit, and doesn't even care to check his "facts"!
AZ said (July 5, 2017):
In my opinion Edward Hendrie is saying a lot of truth concerning the Roman Catholic Church perverting the message of Christ, for reasons of building a strong and repressive power loving hierarchical organization. The fundament of this perversion is the dogmatic reduction of the spiritual organization of human beings.
Of course pagan religions were based on phallicism. But this dates from much further back than Babylon. Just visit a Hindu temple that’s being devoted to Shiva. In that temple or in front of it one can see the Shiva lingam with the surrounding yoni. Pagan’s were far more embedded in nature and experienced the natural forces of procreation and death as manifestations of the mysterious cycle of life. The first satanic attempt to take hold of human evolution was directed towards the diversion of mankind from nature. This proceeded through the millennia and mankind was gradually more and more isolated from the life giving spiritual worlds. This was done for reasons of getting control of our planet and all life forms thereon.
During the first Council of Nicaea (325) an attempt was made to get several Christian groups in one line. This was a centralizing seizure from Rome, however this lasted until 1054. In that year the Greek and Russian orthodox churches separated from Rome and the Pope. Concerning pederasty it would be very interesting to find out whether this is also a problem within the Orthodox Christian Churches.
For the development of the west in the direction of a growing materialism, it is important to know that in 869, during the eighth Roman Catholic Council of Constantinople, the Church fathers decided that the individual layman’s access to the spirit should be abolished. By deciding through ecclesiastical dogma, that man only consisted of a body and a soul. The spirit was the exclusive realm only to be accessed by Roman Catholic Church-trained priests. Hereby the Church put itself in an immense strong dominant position. To get an individual access to the spiritual realms laymen always needed the intermediation of clerics.
Individual laymen were thereby cut off from their spiritual roots and source of existence. The divine trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, which reflects itself in the human body, soul and spirit, was reduced to soul and body. Hence the moral decay, that could take place because of abolishing the direct individual contact with the source of morality within oneself. The inner spiritual morality (conscience), could therefore be replaced by the outer indoctrinated satanic perverted moral code of the Roman Catholic Church, led by the military oriented Jesuit Order.
From the first half of the 19th century materialistic science reduced humans even more by denying the existence of their soul. According to this materialistic science we are soulless and spiritless beings. Easy to robotize!
The pagan basis of the Roman Catholic Church also shows itself in the building of churches and cathedrals on former pagan energetic power locations where they performed their nature and cosmic related rituals. Just like many ‘Christian’ holydays are a continuation of these pagan nature and cosmic related ritual festivities.
Tim Fitzpatrick said (July 5, 2017):
Mr. Hendrie begins his article by stating that Catholic Christianity is a heathen religion rife with pederasty while completely omitting the fact that there are plenty of Protestant churches also rife with pederasty. Why does Mr. Hendrie single out the Catholic Church? Is it because Mr. Hendrie himself follows the Calvinist sect of Protestant Christianity--Calvinism being a reactionary movement formulated in opposition to the Catholic Church? I don't doubt that "phallicism" is very much at the root of heathen belief systems, but it seems Mr. Hendrie is cherry picking here.
Regarding pagan symbols/structures at the Vatican, did Mr. Hendrie ever bother objectively to learn why the Catholic Church left some of these pagan relics remaining or did he just revert to an attack position that conveniently fit his Calvinist agenda? The obelisk at St. Peter's Square was capped with the Holy Cross when Catholicism won over Rome. It was left as a reminder, to show the defeat of paganism and the triumph of Christ. This can be said for almost all the old pagan relics left standing in Rome.
As for orthodox asceticism, Mr. Hendrie doesn't seem to understand the reasoning for clerical celibacy. It's simply a form of transmutation. Sexual energies are suppressed and transformed into energy serving Christ. This is a noble pursuit; however, it is completely voluntary. Those entering the priesthood know what is expected of them. Are there priests that have backslidden in this pursuit? Of course. Are there some priests who are not true Catholics but are abusing their power? Of course.
The sexual problems with the Catholic priesthood are part of a long, drawn out internal battle of infiltration and subversion. It is well known that masonic saboteurs (Alta Vendita) have plotted to pack the priesthood with non-Catholic homosexual (and pederast) priests--part of an overall dismantling of the Catholic faith as a whole. What we have here are anti-Catholic perverts using the Catholic faith to gain access to victims, like what happens with most cases of sexual abuse. These problems are not some result of priesthood celibacy. Mr. Hendrie completely ignores this. It doesn't fit his Calvinist worldview.
It's ironic that Protestants are rushing to the defense of Michael Hoffman II--a researcher who portrays himself as a traditional Catholic. We can only hope that one day Mr. Hoffman will come clean about his religious beliefs, his historiographical credentials, and to which religious authority, if any, he submits.
Matt B said (July 5, 2017):
This author, Edward Hendrie, is clearly anti-Catholic. He is an example of why we can't trust anti-Catholics researchers to report accurately or fairly on Catholic issues. The best critiques against the Catholic Church are the critiques given by Catholics themselves (e.g. https://www.lifesitenews.com/all/last-ten-days), because their mission is to clear out the wolves in sheep's clothing and restore our fidelity to DOGMA. Their agenda isn't to destroy the cradle of Western civilization.
There are exception to this rule of course. Professor and historian Rodney Stark comes to mind. He has a Lutheran background, and to this day identifies as an 'independent' Christian, not a Catholic. He wrote an excellent book titled "Bearing False Witness", in which is exposes 10 of the biggest lies we are taught about Catholic history.
Catholic dogma condemns pedophilia, same-sex acts, etc. Prelates and clergy who do not uphold this teaching in their personal life and ministry are wolves in sheep's clothing, there is no denying that. They should be condemned and brought to justice through the instruments of government and civil law in the strongest possible terms.
However what Edward fails to acknowledge in this propaganda hit piece against Catholicism is that pedophilia isn't exclusively a Catholic problem. Noting the truth that pedophilia is also a problem in Protestant churches isn't an excuse or a defense, it's a reality. Research the statistics on this, they aren't hard to find.
Not only that... Pedophilia is a SOCIETAL problem found in every profession, not just religious institutions. This pedophilia crisis has been a growing problem in our society since the 1960's sexual revolution. It is the fruit of an unchaste culture.
We are going mad because we are a people drunk with the wine of fornication. The average child will now be exposed to hardcore pornography by the age of 10/11 years old. This sexualisation of children is a form of pedophilia in and of itself. That's before we even factor in sex education being taught to them at schools, the sexualisation of the music they listen to and tv shows they watch etc. This is a crisis of epic proportions.
Catholic orthodoxy hasn't caused this crisis. Liberalism has.
To say Catholicism is doctrinally a pagan religion is the height of absurdity. The Catholic Church was Christianity for the first 1500 years of Church history until Protestants fractured and divided the Church (and it still is Christianity in truth, when it comes to doctrine).
Christ says in the Gospels that a house divided against itself cannot stand. All Protestantism have caused is ever increasing division. The only issue Protestants are united on as a collective body is their protest against the Catholic Church, nothing else. Other than that Protestants vary drastically on everything depending upon the sect and individual. We have 'oneness' Protestants who deny the Holy Trinity versus Trinitarian Protestants who uphold it. And so the list of disputes goes on forever...
It's also worth noting that the sex abuse crisis in the Church is predominantly a homosexual priest problem:
Given how militant pro-homosexual and liberal our society is when it comes to homosexuals we have a right fight on our hands when it comes to ridding our society and culture of this evil let alone the Catholic Church.
It's a tragic situation all around.
Sid Green said (July 5, 2017):
The people calling the author anti Catholic are in denial. I don't know the ins and outs of Catholicism, but all I know is, the Orthodox church is older and they allow their priests to marry. Roman Catholicism has SOMETHING Satanic going on, I am not a P.H.D. on the subject, but it dosnt take a credential to figure that one out. Is it fun for me to find the Satanic parts of Judaism? I don't complain and try to change facts to suit the religion I was born. We are all well aware that most Catholics are not nefarious, the same way that most Jews and even some Masons are not nefarious. However, to admit the "spiritual wickedness in high places" is not to make Catholicism "untrue". If your religion is corrupted its your obligation to face it.
Catholic priests need to be able to marry. If it is about transmutation, then why do Orthodox priests get married? If everyone denies that their religion is corrupted, can we get anywhere?
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
L.C. said (July 6, 2017):
At the risk of being the instrument of some pilgrim's revulsion or enlightenment, (and possibly incurring the wrath of certain secret fraternities) may I offer the fact that true Christianity, which was ancient even during the time of The Christ, has the worship of male/female union at the very heart --at the very center -- of "Christianity" itself, in the symbol of The Cross.
Those who have eyes, and those who have knowledge of such things, will recognize that The Cross as a symbol, found in nearly every culture on Earth as well as Christianity, symbolically represents the union of the male energy (vertical shaft) with the female energy (horizontal shaft). Or, to put it another way, The Cross represents the inter-sextion of Space (Male Energy--the Vertical Shaft) with Time (Female Energy--the HorIzontal Shaft) in order to create Matter.
This, of course, is the true secret of The Rosy Cross and The Rosicrucians. It explains why they use a symbolic flower -- The Rose -- a universal symbol of Love made Real (manifest in matter) around the inter-sextion of these Male and Female aspects of creation, eternally symbolized in The Cross, which all Christians unknowingly worship.
Furthermore, it also explains why the letter "X" -- which is actually the cross turned 45 degrees -- has come to represent sexual activity in our culture (X-rated movies, etc.). Humanity cannot avoid unconsciously adopting symbols which accurately portray reality, and for this reason the letter "X", an alphabetic adaptation of The Cross -- is now used as a symbolic abbreviation for sex.