Why the Blackout on the Effect of Cannabis Legalization?
May 13, 2024
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May 13, 2024
Paul said (May 14, 2024):
You can bet the bad from a PR perspective facts overwhelm the objective good society big picture on the liberalism of pot !
Look at all of the big money players promoting the pot liberalism here
That are known for being big control freaks and destroyers of the vast what use to be middle classes globally speaking,
And aren't known for their humanities with all of their wealth first that they not only maintain and horde but constantly increase thru the finanicial deals they kickback to the congress clown show along with their control of the uni party Zionist owned crack whores !
AL said (May 14, 2024):
The prophet Moses used Cannabis (Kaneh Bosem) to make holy oil. Ironic how so many "Christians" stuff their faces with Pork in the name of their god Paul, which Christ would never eat, and scorn cannabis, a holy plant:
This is a public announcement; Support your local drug dealer and boycott government weed.
Mark said (May 14, 2024):
Marijuana makes people stupid. Maybe you have a high enough IQ that you can absorb the loss in mental ability. In college I saw 3.5 GPA's converted into 1.5 GPA's by those who smoked weed heavily. They all said it made them think better.
As respects Trump you have managed to put some more asterisks by his name. On the other hand your whole blog site might be an elaborate ruse in which 90% is truth with the remaining 10% reserved for sending right wingers like myself into the weeds. A strong goy like Trump must be destroyed at all costs.
If you think Trump is not a Jew, you have a lot to learn.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Jennifer said (May 14, 2024):
I never date men who smoke pot recreationally or for medical purposes.
I call them pot-philosophers because their thinking is circular with no obtainable realist goal insight or realistic method to get there.
And over time their repeated failures make them emotional basket-cases and eventually crazy—but its gradual and depends on how much they use.
Then years ago, I saw this article (below) about how pot makes a man’s sprem lose its calling —its goal to get to the egg to fertilize and that pretty much sums up
The pothead male just going in circles on multiple levels —physically, emotionally, and spiritually —just like any other drug addict.
So maybe the Blackout on the Effect of Cannabis Legalization is that they are too high to write about it —forgot in their circular drug haze ?
Smoking marijuana causes fertility problems because it makes men's sperm 'lazily swim in cires' say experts