Disgrace: Canada Protects Porn Queen Judge
March 1, 2019
The resignation Thursday of a panel tasked
with firing Douglas calls into question the rule of law
in Canada.The judges accuse the Harper
government of undermining the judicial process.
from Nov 24, 2013
by Henry Makow, Ph.D
When a society fails to recognize and exorcise evil, and instead rewards it, it is in deep trouble.
In an unprecedented act Thursday, a panel of judges threw up their hands in disgust and quit because of lack of support from the federal government. The mass media does not mention any of this. Instead it gave the long delay as the reason, as if starting over won't further retard the process. The inquiry has already cost $3 million.
(left, Douglas & husband Jack King)
When she was appointed judge in 2005, Lori Douglas was required to disclose any information that would detract from her fitness to be a judge. She failed to disclose that she had posed for scores of porn and bondage pictures on the Internet. She failed to mention that her husband Jack King had solicited a Black client Alex Chapman to participate in making more such obscene pictures.
When Chapman revealed this in 2010, Douglas was already Associate Chief Justice of Manitoba in charge of family law. She should have been forced to resign, plain and simple.
Instead, Winnipeg elites rallied around her, arguing that her private life had no bearing on her job capacity. Perhaps if she were still in private practice. But chief family court judge is a public position. Do they expect decent citizens to allow a degenerate to determine the fate of their families?
They claim she didn't know what her husband did with the photos. Alex Chapman says she had two lunch dates with him and knew why.
Instead of resigning, for three years Lori Douglas has been receiving full salary of $315,000 for "administrative duties." How long are taxpayers going to allow this?
In 2011-2012, a Canadian Judicial Council Inquiry began hearings to determine if Douglas should be cashiered. It included the Chief Justices of Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island and was chaired by the Chief Justice of Alberta, Catherine Fraser, left.
In July 2012, the hearings were going badly for Douglas. After some particularly withering cross examination, Douglas' lawyer Sheila Block accused the Committee of being "biased" and called for the proceedings to be stayed. Her motion was rejected by the Committee.
Nevertheless, she was able to take her accusation of "bias" to the Federal Court. This is obviously an obstruction tactic. Instead of rejecting it, the Federal Court entertained the motion. Sixteen months have passed and nothing has happened.
In their 11-page statement Thursday, the Judicial Council Committee said, "This Committee does not agree that the Federal Court has the jurisdiction to judicially review the proceedings of an inquiry committee which is deemed to be a superior court under the Judges Act , RSC 1985, c. J-1."
(left, Peter MacKay, current attorney general of Canada)
In Section 9, the Committee cited many instances where the Attorney General of Canada failed to defend the Canadian Judicial Council in federal court proceedings.
These include: "The AGC did not oppose the stay of the Committee's hearings requested by the Judge which was consequently granted, unopposed; The AGC did not appeal any of the decisions of the Federal Court denying intervener status to the Committee or restricting intervener status for the Council and the new Independent Counsel, despite having consented to these applications."
The Committee concludes: "There is no voice in defence of the process and an inquiry committee's role in it. Thus, this fundamental part of the process is silenced and paralyzed."
The hearing was to continue with testimony from Justice Martin Freedman of the Manitoba Court of Appeal, who was involved in Douglas's application to be a judge.
As I have suggested in previous articles, the Lori Douglas Inquiry threatened to unveil Masonic control of the justice system. Obviously, this control extends right up to the offices of the Attorney General of Canada, Peter MacKay, and the Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, left.
While the media is focused on Rob Ford and Senate expense accounts, the ignominious failure of the justice system to purge an unfit judge is being covered up.
Update: March 28, 2014 -----18 months later, Federal Court rules CJC panel NOT BIASED. A new panel is being assembled. This bungling is outrageous. She agreed to retire in 2015 on a full pension.
Related - Lori Douglas - Wikipedia
Lori Douglas Inquiry Unveils Masonic Underworld
Chief Family Court Judge on Bondage Web Site
Lori Douglas "Defence" is a Disgrace
Canada Anxious to Bury Porn Judge Inquiry
Alex Chapman (left) writes:
"Well stated. You have summarized it well. Nothing much to add other than it has now been proven that the current laws don't equally apply to everyone. When ordinary folks are accused, Justice is sure swift. When it's one of the elites, Justice drags its feet."
First Comment from Aloysius Fozdyke
Mariel said (November 26, 2013):
This story shows that sexual perversion is no longer a big deal to "society." It is a part of the everyday fabric of life.
This makes it easy for these officials to deny that what happened was important or worthy of censure.
My innocent grandchildren growing up into this. I hope they find a niche somewhere where people are relatively normal.
Where God is still respected.