Why Things Always Go Wrong
September 15, 2016

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September 15, 2016
LC said (September 16, 2016):
As usual an excellent article Henry." We are all to varying degrees, trapped inside a satanic cult," is absolutely the case. I think they use the expression " snake fascinated " in the US. Well Satan the serpent, is certainly appropriate in this case. In my life in retirement years, I attend a vibrant church, Bible Study groups, Prayer groups etc etc and when I bring this whole subject up, everybody, without exception, look perplexed and non plussed. It is very very very frustrating. The more you try, the more they ignore you. I would say they are absolutely trapped. A friend whom I regard as a good Christian, who is a retired surgeon, comes out with statements that defy Christian wisdom........... he's trapped.
You just pray that God will open eyes. Or, are we fast approaching the end of the evil system, so all will be well. " Thy Kingdom Come," we are advised to pray, and Jesus would not be trivializing that request!!!!
Henry keep up your marvellous work. Your articles are tip top and I always await them with excitement. May you keep opening eyes and hearts.
Doug P said (September 16, 2016):
In the movie "The Devils Advocate" Satan says "Vanity is my favorite sin" at the end.. They create extremely vain young people in university and use their vanity for indoctrination. Vanity is the best weakness, it makes one one putty in their hands, I saw it in school and I didn't go to an ivy-league university. Now its almost everyone that is infected by it.
They always have to tell us what they do and they use Hollywood as a medium.
A said (September 16, 2016):
G'day Henry;
To point out that the system is mired in a satanic cult is ultimately true and factual, however it might be helpful if people understood by what methodology this has occurred and also why it will not be getting any better, and the simple of it is that the system is over run by Freemasons, whose satanic goals are well known and propagated exponentially. From the Jesuit Freemason Capernicus (the propagator of helio(sun worship)centrism right on through to the establishment of the sub group known as The Illuminati, Knights Templars,and other levels of Freemasonry their end goal is to bring the world back to the days of Noah before the flood when occultism had reached universal proportions and satanism ruled.
I highly recommend reading http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/masonic.htm to get a better view of this echelon.
Telling readers that we are led by a satanic cult may be true but let's face it, it sounds a little "out there" however if people were made to understand the root of this satanism and it's inner workings via exposure of Freemasonry it might help in getting the concept anchored.
Don't wonder why the cops and the courts are "going to hell"; it is part of the plan. Most cops and a good portion of the judges and lawyers are ALL Freemasons and they really do have each others' backs, which has given them a lock down on the legal system, along with all it's inequalities and prejudices. It started with the Knights Templars, and when they got exposed for devil worship they went underground and resurfaced with new identities, one of which is Freemasonry.It is a fascinating read, hope you haver the time.
Connie said (September 16, 2016):
Today, Christianity is prevalent but not powerful. The solution is spiritual revival and awakening. Without such, we will see the beginnings of the tribulation. We are already starting to see the signs of the times.
2 Chronicles 17:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
TW said (September 16, 2016):
You hit the ball out of the park with the line, "If you take your cues from society, you are likely going to be messed up."
I can't tell you how often I get hopping mad at the way people operate nowadays. People are no longer outraged by the outrageous. They find out about an injustice and just shrug their shoulders. Then, when people like me make a point about how bad said injustice is, rather than getting riled up against the injustice, they get mad at me for not "just letting it go."
On the other hand, people DO get wildly upset and even downright fanatically insane about any given issue when the mass media tells them they ought to. For example, they do this on issues of paramount "importance" like allowing confused people to use opposite sex washrooms.
I'll censor this part a little, but I have to say that most people these days are really f****d up. The best way I can put it is that they're soulless automatons taking each cue from their idiot box masters.
Tony B said (September 16, 2016):
What you write here is true today but it wasn't always true. We have been consistently lied to about the so-called "Dark ages," also known as the Middle Ages. A serf in those days was infinitely better off than most workers today. Belief in God was almost universal, in Europe and the Levant anyway, people lived for God with the instant result that,, in spite of it being a cruder, sometimes brutal time, they treated one another, in general, much better than today, actually concerned with one another's salvation. Moreover, rulers were held in check to an extent by the Church as no one would obey any edict from an excommunicated ruler and the rulers knew it.
For the general population money was no where close to even a second consideration. It was seldom needed. Security was largely guaranteed, work was not hurried, free time far exceeded work time. Most went to Church every morning as the beginning of their day. The great cathedrals were build free of charge in the spare time of common people as their gift to God. They didn't have to be completed this week or this year, some of them took over a century to finish. People had a simpler yet more complete life, without the artificial stresses of today, most of them serenely certain of their true future.
Today, in constant chaos, we have nothing left except the spiritual world and most of us have been falsely taught that it doesn't exist. This is another lying satanic tactic as the devil knows he must harvest all the souls he can grab in these last days. Yet few alive seem aware that we each consist of a body and a soul but the material world can not account at all for the existence of the soul and its abstract abilities. When we fall for the devil's lies he keeps our last defenses down, not only demoralizing us in our worldly lives but threatening our true future in a better - or much worse - life.
A said (September 16, 2016):
G'day Henry;
To point out that the system is mired in a satanic cult is ultimately true and factual, however it might be helpful if people understood by what methodology this has occurred and also why it will not be getting any better, and the simple of it is that the system is over run by Freemasons, whose satanic goals are well known and propagated exponentially. From the Jesuit Freemason Capernicus (the propagator of helio(sun worship)centrism right on through to the establishment of the sub group known as The Illuminati, Knights Templars,and other levels of Freemasonry their end goal is to bring the world back to the days of Noah before the flood when occultism had reached universal proportions and satanism ruled.
I highly recommend reading http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/masonic.htm to get a better view of this echelon.
Telling readers that we are led by a satanic cult may be true but let's face it, it sounds a little "out there" however if people were made to understand the root of this satanism and it's inner workings via exposure of Freemasonry it might help in getting the concept anchored.
Don't wonder why the cops and the courts are "going to hell"; it is part of the plan. Most cops and a good portion of the judges and lawyers are ALL Freemasons and they really do have each others' backs, which has given them a lock down on the legal system, along with all it's inequalities and prejudices. It started with the Knights Templars, and when they got exposed for devil worship they went underground and resurfaced with new identities, one of which is Freemasonry.It is a fascinating read, hope you haver the time.
Al Thompson said (September 15, 2016):
One of the things I've noticed that when I break any of God's commandments, I get it back every time. Sometimes I may not recognize it, but I always get paid back. And since we're all persecuted by the Satanic system through Judaism, Freemasonry, and communism, we have to be vigilant to keep ourselves out of the political-religious slime.
Everything the communist government does is destructive and it is anti-social. Communist the shit people of the world and their system reeks of excrement; and, that's on a good day. I have a complete and total disrespect for the govtards; especially, law enforcement, judges, and lawyers. Police officers are the goons who enforce the Satanic legal system which is based upon demonology.
When compared to the alternative, government, is the most useless thing people can have ruling their lives. These communist governments kill, maim, destroy, and create chaos all over the world. it is like watching a gang war. The worst of it is that people are voting for their next gang leader.
Democracy is the mask on the communist pig. The only thing I know to do is to stay away from their influences. Donald Trump isn't really going to help anyone because he doesn't attack the communist principles of the system. Without a major change of mind this nonsense will continue.
I try to stay away from it but I'm always drawn back in because someone has to oppose it.
Communists, liberals, socialists, fascists, progressives are the shit people of the world. Maybe putting these people in the proper context might help overcome the brainwashing.
M said (September 15, 2016):
Good article, I think it is one of your best, a little masterpiece - not to be a flatterer. I browse the internet frequently, wondering if anyone shares my opinion in regards to how things are going. I mostly find a little piece here, and a little piece there - but never the full picture. You seem to have summarized what is really going on and painted the full picture, so congratulations on having a free soul that sees clearly. The situation... Its grim! But, you know, we got to try and be happy... best revenge right...
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
JW said (September 16, 2016):
re. comments by 50-yr-old woman
Of course she does make some relevant and factual points. However, having lived in Thailand for more than 20 years, let me correct her assertion that the majority of men who go to Thailand for young girls are paedophiles. The majority of men who go to Thailand these days are in fact young men. Young men who feel rejected by the majority of western women. She correctly states what is wrong with men but fails to mention the causal connection due to the state of women these days. They have been indoctrinated by feminism which has caused them to despise and reject men. Resulting in men going further afield (i.e. Thailand) to seek the companionship of feminine women.