Churchill and the Jews
December 8, 2013

"The Jews are very powerful in England." --Winston Churchill in a letter to General Holman, 1919.
According to Martin Gilbert, the "great statesman" Winston Churchill
was a brown-noser and errand boy for Illuminati Jewish bankers.
This is the NWO which most politicians secretly serve.
by Robert
In "Churchill and the Jews" (2007), Martin Gilbert portrays Churchill as a kind of "Johnny-on-the-spot" whenever Zionist interests required defense or promotion. His professed motivation was his conviction that advantaging "a superior people," the Jews, must benefit the world as a whole, not to mention himself.

When Winston was 20, Sir Ernest Cassel offered to "manage the young man's finances" (i.e. put him on a retainer.) For example, Cassel secured a £10,000 (today about £500,000) share of a lucrative Japanese government loan for him, and bestowed a £25,000 (today's money) wedding present on him.
In 1904, Churchill was elected as a Liberal in the riding of Manchester North-West, one-third of whose voters were Jewish, and promptly became an ardent opponent of the Aliens Bill, the purpose of which was to curb Jewish immigration from Russia. When he was accused in the press of acting under orders from Lord Rothschild, he characterized the charge as a "foul slander". Whatever the case, Churchill and a few allies stonewalled the bill until the government dropped it.
When Churchill holidayed on the continent in the summer of 1906, he had three prominent Jewish hosts: Ernest Cassel in Switzerland, Lionel Rothschild in Italy and Baron de Forest in Moravia.
In 1910, as Home Secretary, Churchill sent the army to arrest people rioting against Jews in South Wales, in Gilbert's words, "Britain's only pogrom". Jewish landlords were evicting impoverished miners from their homes. Ignoring both Conservative and Labour critics, Churchill subsequently had the rioters arrested and sentenced to hard labour.
As the First Lord of the Admiralty, Churchill pushed for an attack on the Ottoman Empire (which encompassed Palestine), leading to the unsuccessful naval attack on the Dardanelles that caused him to resign. Coincidentally, the Jewish Cabinet member Sir Herbert Samuel opined that once the Turks were beaten, Britain should acquire Palestine so it could become a centre of Jewish self-government.
Gilbert says that the Balfour Declaration was calculated to prompt American Jewry to "accelerate the military participation of the United States" in the First World War. Fulfilling the "pledge" (as Churchill insistently termed this nebulous document) became one of Churchill's constant crusades.
After the end of the "Great War" Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann suggested to Churchill, then Secretary of State for War, to appoint General Wyndham Deedes, a proven Zionist sympathizer, to the post of chief administrator of the British military administration of Palestine.
During the civil war in Russia following the Bolshevik Revolution, Churchill reported to Prime Minister Lloyd George that a very bitter feeling existed throughout Russia "against the Jews, who are regarded as being the main instigators of the ruin of the Empire, and who, certainly, have played a leading part in Bolshevik atrocities."
While repeatedly expressing concern that efforts should be made to protect innocent Jews, Churchill did not downplay the barbarity of those participating in the Bolshevik Terror. "A few Jews had become political commissars", Martin writes dismissively here, although later he more dramatically states that "Lenin was almost the only member of the Central Committee [of the Bolshevik government] who was not of Jewish origin," adding that few knew at the time that "Lenin's mother's grandfather was a Jew."
As Colonial Secretary he facilitated a Rothschild-sponsored hydroelectric project in Palestine. The 1922 White Paper that set out the governing principles of Britain's mandate in Palestine, known as the Churchill White Paper, strongly supported Zionism, affirming "that the existence of a Jewish National Home in Palestine should be internationally guaranteed, and that it should be formally recognized to rest upon ancient historical connection."
In the 1922 general elections, Churchill came fourth in polling in the riding Dundee which he had held for 14 years. He then lost a by-election in West Leicester in 1923, accused of having participated with Lord Balfour in a financial scam organized by Sir Ernest Cassel and other rich Jews in 1916.

While Churchill was out of Parliament, he lobbied the government for prominent Jewish leader, and Shell Oil Director, Robert Waley Cohen, for which, Gilbert reports, he received a payment, in today's money, of £125,000.
After his reelection in 1924, as Chancellor of the Exchequer, Churchill, along with Balfour, unsuccessfully supported Weizmann's request for the British Government's guarantee of a Zionist economic development loan.
Thanks to the Nazi Nuremberg Law in September 1935. 66,476 German Jews left for Palestine. This was roughly ten percent of all German Jews. Churchill delivered speeches advocating allowing more immigration for these victims of "every form of concentrated human wickedness cast upon [them] by overwhelming power, by vile tyranny."
In March 1937, Churchill gave secret evidence to the Peel Commission. He said Jews should be encouraged to become the majority in Palestine: " was...intended that they might in the course of time become an overwhelmingly Jewish state."
In 1937, Churchill became the leading international Nazi critic when the Hungarian Jew Imre Revesz contracted to publish his articles in 17 capital cities, three main Yiddish newspapers in Eastern Europe and two mostly-Jewish-read newspapers in Palestine.
Churchill opposed the 1939 White Paper that would prevent the Palestine population from ever becoming predominantly Jewish.
A joint Allied Declaration by the British, the Americans and the Soviet Union in December 1942 condemned the "bestial policy of cold-blooded extermination" of Jews. Churchill defeated the American proposal to describe the crimes as "alleged" and inserted a warning, that those committing the crimes would be punished after the war.
How many times Churchill volunteered the statement "I am a Zionist" during his career of course cannot be known, but the occasions noted by Gilbert imply that the tally would be considerable.
The financial support of the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario through a variety of their agencies, is acknowledged on the copyright page. This is one deal Churchill, who died in 1965, could not take credit for.
Makow- Winston Churchill-Illuminati Tool
Stokes -Churchill was Banker Go-fer
-------- Was Churchill a Soviet Agent?
First Comment from Dan:
Churchill was a stock market gambler, as has been mentioned on this site before. He was wiped out by the stock market crash of 1929, because he over-leveraged "on the margin" - meaning he borrowed big money form his banker pals to buy shares, counting on a higher return.
He was actually partying with them in New York on night of "Black Tuesday". The party was at the 5th Avenue mansion of Bernard Baruch, attended by 40 major bankers and players. Churchill had arrived in America "quite by chance" two weeks earlier. He stopped in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Washington, DC [1]
Wall Street had made Churchill a millionaire during the 'Roaring Twentys' margin stocks bubble.
He lost it all the stock market crash of 1929. What made the 29 Crash so devastating was that losers didn't just end up with zero balance - they owed the margin lenders millions, with no way to recover. They were truly 'ruined'.
However, Churchill's debts were immediately bought off by Sir Henry Strakosch, a London Jewish banker who was instrumental in setting up the Central Bank of India. Additionally, Churchill's publisher Simon & Schuster covered his ass with just enough advance money for him to hang onto to Chartwell - his beloved country mansion in Kent.
There is so much more to these years of Churchill's double-dealings to even begin to get into here.
[1] 'The Greatest Story Never Told: Winston Churchill and the Crash of 1929'. by Pat Riott
Peter said (December 9, 2013):
Churchill, put across as our greatest hero but in truth our greatest shame.
Never in recent history has so poor a politician been so massively overhyped. That is until Reagan came along.