Was Winston Churchill A "Soviet" Agent?
January 19, 2011

The USSR was a proxy for the Rothschild banking syndicate. Victor Rothschild was a "Soviet" spy. He was also Churchill's handler. The Illuminati make war on humanity by instigating war and controlling both sides. War is a devilish dance of suffering which they choreograph.
by T. Stokes
(Edited by Henry Makow)
Winston Churchill's mother was a high-class whore, and his father was a wastrel who suffered from syphilis. Churchill was a Jewish stooge for W W One. The sinking of the H.M.S Hampshire [June 5, 1916] was a British false flag operation, a Churchill/Jewish plot to kill Lord Kitchener, who was planning [to convince the Russians to make peace, which would have forestalled the Bolshevik revolution.]
Churchill's original Sandhurst military file, describes him as a drunken aggressive homosexual, and only his mother sleeping with Prince of Wales, stopped him from being prosecuted for sodomy.
Psychologists understand now that putting same-sex children together in boarding schools for years and hot-housing their development with no contact with the opposite sex, breeds homosexuality. The term "Fagging" meant the younger boys were bullied to do jobs for the older ones, and same sex relations grew from this at a colossal rate,as told in detail by Guy Burgess.
Arthur Ransome (1884-1967), an author best known for his "Swallows and Amazons" stories, was an expert on Russian affairs, having cultivated friendships with both Lenin and Trotsky. He was a high ranking MI-6 operative with the codename S76.
This man, according to Winston Churchill's nanny, Elizabeth Anne Everest,
knew first-hand from Russia that Churchill was working for Rothschild interests, not Britain's. Many British intellectuals have suspected this, and Walter Thompson, Churchill's bodyguard, said Churchill felt more at risk of assassination for betraying his own people in Britain, than from the enemies he made abroad,
Churchill received Jewish banker money paid into a secret account in the name of Colonel Arden. Maxim Litvinov was from a wealthy Jewish banking family, and, according to Constantin Volkov, also paid money to Churchill. It was Volkov's knowledge of this and his documents tabling it, which caused Kim Philby to silence him.
Churchill comes from a long line of traitors. He was a descendant of the 7th Duke of Marlborough, the first duke came to fame during the reign of Queen Anne. John Churchill played the prime part in the overthrow of James II, when William of Orange arrived in Britain, John Churchill the first Duke of Marlborough was paid 6000 pounds per year by Solomon of Medina. The other Jewish merchants paid William of Orange 2 million gilders. William III then with John Churchill founded the Bank of England in 1694, for the Jews to run and they still own it and us now, converting the English people to tax and national debt slaves. Each new born babe in Britain today January 2009 already owes the Jewish banksters, 15,347 pounds each and it's rising.
So when the Jews call us to war on our Saxon brothers in Germany, or peaceful Muslims in Iraq, we have to go.
A recent 20 pound note had a star of David depicted on it, showing we are all Jewish property.
The whole article appears here. (In the original, Stokes makes an erroneous or confusing reference to Oscar Wilde who died in 1900.)
See also- Another article on this subject by Stokes
Makow-- "Was Henry Kissinger a 'Soviet' Agent ?"
Fife - Is Obama a "Soviet" Agent?
Retired Nurse-2 said (January 24, 2011):
i got out my box of diaries going way back to when i was nursing, and i can remember something that may be important, with insiders like this man who know things they should not, when in hospital they always have a 'relative' sit with them 24/7 so that if they speak they can shut them up,
a conversation i had at the time with other staff members in the canteen, and one woman now long dead said, the doctors would 'let people die' if they were a threat to national security, i gather this man was a potential whistle blower and from that article he must have talked about things he shouldn't have, so i am surprised he left hospital if you get my drift, we had several people in there like him, and they always had a 'relative' with them as a minder