Suze Orman Exemplifies Predatory Culture
October 15, 2016
They allow her to cheat
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October 15, 2016
LC said (October 16, 2016):
What a rotten bitch! It's clear that the only reason she has not been prosecuted for financial fraud is her relationship with fellow travelers and predators both in and out of government.
Now we need someone to go after Joy Behar -- and her vile mouth.
David said (October 16, 2016):
Henry, a good rule of thumb is, any "experts" like Orman, Jim Cramer, Bill Nye "The Science Guy" (lol) who get lots of face time on the corporate media, should never be trusted. They are there to keep you in the dark and steal your money.
One thing about Madoff: to date he is still the only big wheel who was prosecuted out of all the banksters, because he was stealing from fellow Jews. That was his fatal mistake. As long as the Wall St. gangsters are only ripping off the goyim, they get a free pass.
HB said (October 16, 2016):
I enjoyed the disclosures on Suze Orman but I can’t say i was at all surprised. I guess the only thing that surprised me was that she is Jewish, since she comes across more as a Nordic giantess.
As a male, I always found her somewhat frightening in appearance — not ugly per se, but off kilter, as if her face had been drawn by an artist untrained in the proper use of perspective and who thus botched the scale of her individual features, the eyes, nose, lips, and throat, in proportion to the whole. Kind of like the human equivalent of one of those crazy house tourist traps where you walk in and find yourself standing at a 45 degree angle to the walls watching water flow uphill.
Even without the rest of the facts in the article, her connection to Hay House should be a red flag to anyone who is familiar with them. Hay House is a crackpot New Age publishing house that rode Wayne Dyer’s fame into big money success, and Wayne Dyer is the New Age guru who died of cancer last year after publishing tomes of work on how to cure yourself from any disease. (He also claimed at one point to have been totally healed of the leukemia that eventually killed him by ‘psychic surgery’ performed by the South American charlatan, John of God, then backed off the claim, saying that his healing may not have been ‘physical'). It would be well worth your time to dig a little deeper into the Hay House organization, because if anyone enjoys the full support of the reigning demonic oligarchy, Hay House does.
Their output is designed to denigrate and destroy any and all organized religious systems by convincing gullible readers that they, the reader, is a special, magical snowflake who can control the entire world if they just buy one more Hay House book … and then one more … and then one more, ad infinitum.
Al Thompson said (October 13, 2016):
In addition to the kleptocracy, there's another odd word "kakistocracy" which means "government by the worst people." The is what democracy produces and it hasn't disappointed the Jews to this day. They control most of the education of the children which is nothing more than mindless indoctrination to produce an obedient adult. Usually, these young children had little to no ability to think even a few steps past any issue. The end result is devastating to any successful society where people can live their lives happily and without interference from government. It's better to have no government than this nonsense.
Mohammed in South Africa said (October 13, 2016):
Henry, we know that most Zionists are atheists because theres is NO religion that allows they type of stuff the do on a regular basis.
they conveniently believe that this life is all that there is and that they wont be held accountable for their actions.
so they chase after wealth & material success without any moral limits/restrictions.
all of them are the same, so they cover for each other.
its always them behind all the chaos & bloodshed in the world.
they use diiffent patsies/proxies/fall guys etc but the real culprits behind the big crimes, killings are ALWAYS them.
since they have infiltrated and gained control of the Church, politics, media, education, finance/banking etc, theres not much the poor goys can do within the so-called "legal framework".
the only option is to use the weapons they have & rise up against Satan's followers.
the main obstacle is that gullible Christians still believe Jews are Gods Chosen people & the term "Children of Israel" refers to these pigs.
The term "Israel" or "Children of Israel" refers to the twelve sons of Jacob and their descendants.
it does NOT refer exclusively to Jews.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Pat said (October 17, 2016):
Thank you for that video! I have 10 children that I had to raise alone so I was never attracted to these scams, by the grace of God. This explains my reluctance to believe whatever she was saying. Thank you again for all of your work. God bless you.