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Results matching “freemasonry”


Dear Henry, A friend of

Dear Henry, A friend of mine, who used to be a Security Manager for a large legal firm in the Square Mile of the City of London, once told me a very dark, yet very interesting story about how the 'old boys network' operated after hours at this legal firm.

Hi there Henry. I live

Hi there Henry. I live in in North London. I also work in the Square Mile in the City of London. I recently read the article you wrote on the financial oligarchy in the Windsor Illuminati City of London and how Zionism is behind the institutions such as the Bank

It was nice for

It was nice for you to touch upon British imperialism and its Illuminati roots. Being a person of Pakistani origin, I was on the receiving end of it. This can be of help shedding light on what really took place under the shadow of British-Illuminati imperialism. Please feel free

Henry, When my father was

Henry, When my father was a kid, as a dare, he and a friend stole a UN Flag off the building in NYC during a world's fair...I think in 1964 when he was in H.S....I always had that flag and didn't know what it was until I was in college.

Time for a Change of Pace

It's springtime! Since 2001, I have written over 100 articles almost one a week. They were driven by a compulsive desire to understand the invisible forces controlling the world, and by a wish to share this knowledge. Lately this compulsion has abated. I have satisfied this desire to a

Dear Dr. Henry- Your site

Dear Dr. Henry- Your site is cool, funky, weird and deeply disturbing. I'm glad I discovered it! I have particularly enjoyed your articles on feminism and the NWO. Just so you know, I'm a 40 year old black man, raised as an army brat. My profession is that of local

Henry re. ley lines: These

Henry re. ley lines: These lines have nothing to do with witches, warlocks or the devil. They are simply energy meridians on the earth, much the same as the human body has meridians which traditional chinese doctors use with acupuncture. The problem is when people with negative intentions understand these

Americans are Rothschild Proxies in Iraq

Americans are serving alien interests and values in Iraq. They are advancing the Rothschilds' program of world dictatorship as outlined in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. These Lucifer-loving bankers and their confederates would like you to believe the Protocols is a forgery. It is not. It is

Dear Mr. Makow, I just

Dear Mr. Makow, I just finished reading your article on titled "Is the Pope a Catholic? and wished to thank you for writing it. In your article you referenced the 1976 Mason's list which has various Vatican officials listed and I want to pass along some additional information which

Dear Henry Great site and

Dear Henry Great site and great articles. re. "Is the Conspiracy Jewish ?," two quick points : 1) "British aristocracy" is a misnomer. The authentic British aristocracy that survived the battle of Hastings was deliberately goaded into hopeless rebellion (and annihilated on this pretext) or into exile by William the

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