According to David Livingstone's new book, Freud was a Sabbatean-Frankist (Illuminati) Jew who removed barriers to sexual debauchery in the name of "science." Thus he advanced the satanist plan to degrade humankind and destroy marriage & family. from Sept 21, 2013by David LivingstoneTHE HOLINESS OF SIN: FREUD, THE FRANKFURT SCHOOL
Results matching “cabala”
The Evil Symbol that Rules the WorldThe Hexagram has gained mastery over the human world. Practitioners might appear to be upright Jews, Catholics or Masons, but they are impostors who infiltrate and subvert.By CK( the evil in this world is a symbol. Understand this symbol and the cabal who
The Jewish Cabala is "a powerful system for gaining control over people by harnessing and perverting sexual energies." Yesterday: Illuminati's Planned Parenthood: Teach Your Pre-Schooler, "Your genitals don't determine your gender." Greg (a reader): "My niece is a student at the University of Oregon where there is a growing movement to eliminate gender references altogether. For
(Left, In 1885, Freud wrote financee Martha Bernays about an "anti-Semitic" incident on a train) Anti-Semitism today is what blasphemy used to be. Have Jews replaced God? This is the essence of the NWO.A one-thousand-year reign of darkness is descending. Judaism is a satanic cult which replaces Godwith his "Chosen" i.e. the Masonic Jewish central bankers. Modern
A plank in the Communist Manifesto was the establishment of a private central bank. Every country with one will gradually become Communist because the Cabalist Jewish central bankers must protect their fraudulent monopoly over the national credit by extending it to a total political, economic and cultural monopoly i.e. Communist
Christians are starting to wake up! New book details the Satanic Jewish (Cabalist) subversion of Christianity. I have not read this important book yet. (Just ordered it.) But wanted to alert my readers to it by posting an excerpt from a blog. Thanks to Ben for the tip! He wrote- "Kosher Pig is
For many centuries, Evil has waged a covert war against Good. Evil denies this and calls it a "conspiracy theory." They slander and smear people who sound the alarm. Resistance to Evil is classified as "Hate." They deny with their lips what they do with their hands. "Believe what we say, not what you
(left, Samuel Oppenheimer, Court Jew, and banker 1630-1703)In "Jewish History, Jewish Religion; The Weight of 3000 Years" (1994) Israel Shahak wrote that throughout history, elite Jews have allied with the aristocracy to control and exploit the masses. "The position of the Jewish masses moved in tandem with the peasants, not their leaders. The stronger
(left, Joe Sobran, 1946-2010) For essays like "The Jewish Faction," Joe Sobran was fired as an editorat the National Review, which only proves the West has been colonized by "the Jews" (i.e. the world central banking cartel using Freemasonry & organized Jewry as its instruments.) He says "Jews" deceive themselves and others