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Eustace Mullins: Communism is Jewish Cabalism

November 27, 2019

A plank in the Communist Manifesto was the establishment of a private central bank. Every country with one will gradually become Communist because the Cabalist Jewish central bankers must protect their fraudulent monopoly over the national credit by extending it to a total political, economic and cultural monopoly i.e. Communist tyranny. 

Communism is Cabalism, a Satanic cult which inverts reality and moralityIt dehumanizes and degrades Jew and non-Jew alike. We have been inducted into this cult. Just look at the hysterical cult-like reaction to Trump by mainstream media, politicians and corporate CEOs who are all central bankers lackeys. There is very little independent thought or investigation. Say goodbye to Western civilization and hello to the NWO.  Eustace Mullins (1923-2010) was a pioneer in exposing the subversion of humanity by Cabalist bankers. 

Disclaimer- I disagree with Mullins' assertion that the "parasitism" of the bankers represents all Jews.  I am not a parasite nor is my family nor are many Jews. They work as hard as anyone else. Nor do they know anything about their "religion" or the bankers' pernicious agenda. I realize that Jews are at the forefront of the NWO but most other Jews are dupes like everyone else. Mullins was a racist in that he imputed certain characteristics to all Jews regardless of their actual beliefs and individual behavior. People who feel aggrieved are the first to victimize other innocent parties. 

from Aug 19, 2017

Mullins' New History of the Jews 

by Eustace Mullins

(Excerpt by 

With their usual talent for confusing the issues, the Jews have created a number of smokescreens to hide their latest gift to the world, the philosophy of Communism. What is Communism? In some millions of words written on this subject in thousands of books published by the Jews, you will not find the one sentence which will explain Communism -- Communism is the modern form of the Jewish collective state.

What are the principles of Communism? 

First of all, Communism is international in scope. It denies the principles of nationalism.

Second, Communism denies Jesus Christ and His love for the individual. It also denies the principle of the salvation of the soul, which is the basis of all Christian beliefs. 

Third, Communism denies to the individual all human rights, such as private property, a voice in the government, or the right to question the authority of the collective state. 

These, then, are the fundamental principles of Communism. Oddly enough, these are also the fundamental principles of the Jews. Internationalism, hatred of Jesus Christ, hatred of the individual, the denial of human rights, the dictatorship of the collective state. These are equally basic to both Jewish political movements and Communist political movements. One should not be surprised, then, to find that a Jew, Karl Marx, is the father of the philosophy of Communism.  (Below, Jewish insider confirms most of what Mullins is saying.) 

We have already discussed the iron discipline under which the individual Jew lives, the dictatorship exercised by the Elders of Zion over every aspect of Jewish life. This Jewish dictatorship, extended over the gentiles, is then called Communism.


But, one may ask, why do the Jews -- attack the principle of private property when the Jews already own 80% of the private property in Western nations? First of all, by the term private property, the Jew means property which is still owned by the gentiles. Under Talmudic law, gentiles are beasts who cannot be allowed to own anything, neither homes, nor land, nor personal property. Therefore in carrying out the seizure of private property from the gentiles, the Jews are simply following a basic principle of their religion.

When Communists take over a country, the first thing they do is to murder all of the gentile leaders -- the professors, doctors, government officials, and any other gentiles who might lead the opposition against them. This follows the basic Jewish command, "The best of the gentiles -- kill!" ...

Since the Jewish people do not believe in individual rights, the concept of private property is alien to them. Every Jew considers the wealth of other Jews as part of the Israeli national wealth. Although individual Jews may have the use of their money during their lifetimes, they must contribute heavily to Jewish institutions, finance Jewish revolutionary movements, bribe officials to cover up Jewish ritual murders, and spend most of their income on purely Jewish matters. After their death, their money must go to Jews, and under no circumstances is it allowed to pass into gentile hands. Therefore, the Jews set up Zionist foundations, avoiding all taxes on their money, despite the punitive Marxist taxation laws which they enact and enforce on the gentiles.

But how can Jewish bankers be Communists, ask the earnest citizen? Everyone knows that Communists attack bankers, and confiscate their wealth.

Nevertheless, tons of documents prove that all funds for the growth of Communism throughout the world have come from Jewish bankers. The chief source has been the Jewish-controlled Bank of England, and the Bank of France. These are departments of what Senator de Villain called "the High Jew Bank", which is administered by the Rothschild family. Thus we find that a supposedly private Jewish fortune is used principally in Jewish activities and in financing the international Jewish Communist revolutionary movement.

Also, despite the fact that the Jews own or control most of the property in Christian nations, it is the peculiar characteristic of the Jew parasite that he must dominate every action and detail in the life of the gentile host. Without this complete dictatorship over the gentile, without the fury and the schizophrenia of the Jew which makes it necessary, modern life would lose much of its direction, for the Jew can never feel wholly secure. A Rothschild with his billions has the same nightmare as the little Jewish tailor down the street, the fear that someday, he may be driven off of the gentile host, that he may be denied his parasitic existence. Therefore, he has to attain a life and death power over the gentile host.

Most gentiles make the error of supposing that the Jew is interested only in money. This is a dangerous oversimplification. If the Jew were only interested in money, he would no longer be a problem, for he already has our money. The Jew is interested in money primarily as a weapon, an instrument of power over the gentile host. ...


(l. "brotherhood" talk is to dupe the goyim)

Communism is merely the next step in the Jewish parasite's furious desire to subdue and control the gentile host. First comes the financial power, then the government dictatorship of Communism. Under Communism, the Jew does not have to bribe gentile officials. He merely signs their order of execution. Weak gentiles are sent to concentration camps; strong ones, who might become leaders, and who might present a threat to the rabbinical theocracy which rules the state, are tortured and murdered. After a few years of Jewish Communist rule, there are no gentile leaders left, and the gentile survivors sink into a state of hopeless apathy, for the tension which brought the Communist state into being, the need for the Jewish parasite to control the gentile host, no longer exists. Jews and gentiles alike slip into a life of shabby hopelessness. What sort of life is this? It is the life of the ghetto. A Communist state is merely a ghetto of a nation.


All visitors from the West who enter a Communist country remark immediately on the drabness of people and cities alike. Everything is shabby and rundown. The spark of life has been extinguished. The gentiles exist in a zombie half-world of fear and poverty, while fat Jews travel from one vacation resort to another, accompanied by blond mistresses in sable coats. Despite their obvious pleasures, the Jew also finds Communism a boring existence. Why is this? Every stroke of invention, every bit of creative life, has come from the gentile, because the earthbound Jews, living collectively and hating the individual, lack any imaginative or creative instinct. They have always had to get this from the gentiles. Now it is gone, for under Communism, the gentiles have no money or leisure to develop new inventions or works of art.

Consequently, the Jew loses his reason for existence. The driving purpose of Jewish life for five thousand years has been to subdue or control the gentile host. Once this has been achieved, the Jew has nothing left to live for. He has destroyed the spark of life in the gentile host, and he is horrified to discover that he has, by so doing, extinguished the spark of life in himself, for his own life was wholly dependent on the life of the host.  


First Comment from JG

America, Russia, Canada, and Western Europe are all under attack by the NWO Cabal and have been since the end of the Cold War. This new line of attack is Communism on steroids. The end game is the destruction of constitutional government, state sovereignty, Church, and the creation of a multicultural world slave state without an ethnic or religious identity. 

This is all being done through the multiple of NWO financed non-governmental organizations disguised under misleading names that have infiltrated the national, state, and local governments of the existing sovereign nations that are left in the world. These organizations have successfully bullied the elected leaders of these nations through threats and blackmail into complying with their agenda. The present Impeachment Trial of elected President Donald Trump is more critical than a lot of people realize.

 The NWO kingpins who successfully infiltrated the Democratic Party are making their move to remove an American President who has successfully challenged and fought them off for 3 years now. The voters are not calling for his impeachment but the NWO is. If they do succeed the US Constitution will be next to be put on trial. Nationalist leaders like President Trump and Vladimir Putin who put their country and people first are an obstacle to the NWO/Communist end game. Both are under constant attack by the NWO controlled MSM. The NWO kingpins have been eliminating nationalist leaders in South America and other parts of the world for years now. And, if they can help it, America will be added to that list.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Eustace Mullins: Communism is Jewish Cabalism"

Laurence said (November 28, 2019):

Henry a superb article about Eustace Mullins. Yes, you certainly can’t tar all Jews with the same brush. I have 2 Christian Jewish friends, who are the most wonderful people one could ever wish to meet, as a tiny example! I believe that Yeshua will be embraced, by Jews ever increasingly, as we head for the big showdown. It is happening now…….One For Israel web site has some truly wonderful testimonies! And these NWO Satanists will target Christians especially, but also the fabric of Judaism itself. How can Satan love the people of Moses?

But I believe that Satan knows he has but a short time left, and he is cranking things up big time. Yeshua stated that we would see a tribulation amongst his followers, and I can’t accept this pre-trib rapture concept. Things will get tougher before they end with Christ’s triumphant return.

Peter R said (August 21, 2017):

Your disclaimer about not all Jews being part of the racket is absolutely true. In fact, most are taken to the cleaners like the equally ignorant non-Jews. Those Jews that aid and abet the money counterfeiting scam - in the media or many other instances in government and the private sector that are SUBORDINATE to the money printers - and pull all on the same string are most certainly guilty. They seem to be a substantial part (how many?) of all Jews, but not the majority. There are also those that go along with anything out of tribal loyalty, or because they figure they may one day become some sort of overseer in the prison camp that is planned or us, once the bad guys win. Now we are already talking about the majority of Jews.

Then there are those that know what their "elite" does is bad, but they don't have the guts to go against the mainstream. And finally, there are a few, like yourself, who speak out about the evil of the money printers and their many outlets that work on the abolition of civilization and its replacement with the demented NWO.
That you find it objectionable to be painted with the same broad brush is natural and reasonable. But considering that of the 14 M? Jews in the world only very few speak out against the evildoers, you cannot deny that there is SOME justification in throwing all Jews into one basket based on what the majority does, although that is clearly wrong in the case of those who fight for what is decent. Aren't the Jews doing that very same thing to all Germans to this very day? Not to say that this is right... just human.

Look at what happened to Joseph (Ginz)Burg, the Jewish writer who said that there were no gas chambers in Auschwitz and other camps. No Jewish graveyard would take him after his death. It was a decent German man who paid for his funeral in a Christian cemetery. That impresses many and keeps them toeing the line.

Brendon O'Connell said (August 20, 2017):

As Israel leads/steals the high technology world Henry, and AI and robotics take over, we may not even be suitable as slaves.

The term "Jew" is so nefarious and so lacking in meaning I doubt anyone termed "working class" will be spared. A technological elite likes other elites. Rich, intellectually superior "Jews" like other rich intellectually superior people. I'm sure everyone at the top will discover they are of the tribe, lost, but now found.

Ironically I have always thought I'd be sharing an attic with an Orthodox Jew at the end. The terror of the scientific rationalist technocratic dark age will seek out all those who believe in a Supernatural God.

I don't think we will have drab buildings. It will be shiny and new. And full of robots and sad pathetic individual rationalists like transhumanist Ray Kurzweil.

DR said (August 19, 2017):

Excellent disclaimer! Very well said. It proves the power of words. Best and simplest description of racism I have seen.
And I think anybody who wants to think they are better than others is free to do so. The lefties forget they are becoming more intolerant than the intolerance they are criticizing. The crime happens when people try to suppress others based on their physical appearance or different beliefs. Any thought is acceptable. Interfering in the rights of others is not.

P said (August 19, 2017):

It's true many Jews are unaware of the details, but many are aware that the big plan is to rule eventually, but most are brainwashed to hate non-Jews. To mistrust them and to always stand with other Jews, Israel, send their sons to serve in the IDF, etc. For many Jews it's us and them. Never forget or forgive - piss on their grave. Look at the sentiments expressed re Kunzel - in spite of everything he went through. They show in many little ways their contempt for non-Jews. They really believe they are chosen. Many don't want to hear about Khazars. They are crazy people! Crazies with nuclear power!

Art said (August 19, 2017):

I'm glad to see you make a stand against the blanket profliing of Jews. That tabloid nentality is a bloody nuisance. & helps no one, except the perps.

Larry C said (August 19, 2017):

Henry, I have a copy of Mullin's New History of the Jews and I find that it's a strange hodgepodge without footnotes.

Early on he makes the profound observation that "Because of the Jews, salvation becomes a conscious choice, instead of an involuntary or accidental decision....A majority of those who command wealth and power in the civilized world of today are those who have accepted Satan's offer, who have renounced the possilbity of the salvation of their souls through Jesus Christ."

Mullins then devotes the rest of his book to nullifying Jesus' words and ministry through such inane statements as "If Christ was such a good Jew, why did the Jews demand that He be crucified?" It's like Mullins never read the Bible himself much less in context. Here's another one: "The idols of Baal were melted down, and the Jews renamed him Yahu, or Jehovah, and they concealed many of their religious observations in his honor."

If that's true--and it isn't--then Christ was a liar when He prayed: "And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent." John 17:3 NKJV

Mullins--like so many--absolutely could not decipher the difference between Mosaism and Pharisaism. If Mullins ever heard the words "beware the leaven of the Pharisees," it went in one ear and out the other.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at