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Results matching “freemasonry”


Court Unmasks Secularism as State "Religion"

by Henry Makow Ph.D.Last week, Quebec Superior Court Judge Gérard Dugré  ruled that the government showed "Inquisition-like intolerance"  by imposing a secular ethics course on a private Roman Catholic school in Montreal. The reference to secularism as an "Inquisition" was satisfying for Loyola High School, a Jesuit boy's school that


A depraved satanic cult called the Illuminati is waging a covert war against humanity.  This is the key to understanding mankind's tragic history and current predicament.For more than a thousand years, Cabalist money lenders have conspired to usurp power from church and aristocracy according to a plan detailed in "The

Illuminati Use Sex to Degrade Us

by Henry Makow Ph.D. Porn is so freely available on the Internet, I can't believe anyone would actually pay for it. Yet, it is a $12 billion a year industry in the US, of which the Internet represents $2.5 billion.I suspect porn receives a hidden subsidy from the Illuminati so

Canada Gives $30 Million to Muslim Terrorists

Last week, the Aga Khan, (left) received a $30 million grant from the Canadian government for a "global center to promote diversity." None of the Opposition parties bothered to ask why the Canadian government gave this tidy sum to one of the richest men on the planet. by David Livingstone(for

What's Wrong With Gays in the Military?

A Reader Writes:I'm not gay, but I ask--what's the problem? Homosexuals are among the world's best killers, always have been, and Uncle Sam eagerly recruits expert killers. Alexander the Great was a swish. His dad, Phillip was 'bi.' Frederick the Great made no secret of his gayness. Julius Caesar was

"Progress" = Satanic Possession of Mankind

(Left, David Livingstone)by David Livingstone(for History is taught in reverse to present the slow appropriation of world power by the occult as progress.  European civilization had once subscribed to a Biblical view of history, where successive prophets were seen to have interacted with the world and taught God's divine

The Kabbalah- The NWO's Satanic Bible

David Livingstone (left) by Henry Makow Ph.D.My interest was picqued when I noticed that the very first chapter of David Livingstone's new book, "Surrendering Islam" was dedicated to "The Kabbalah" and the Occult. This was a subject I wanted to learn more about.Since the so-called "Enlightenment," mankind has gradually fallen

Why Rockefeller Created Canadian & Quebec Nationalism

by Anonymous(for   (Read French? See This Blog "The Masonic Plot Against Quebec") It seems counterintuitive but both Canadian nationalism and Quebec Nationalism were born in the late 1960's out of the globalist plan for North American "free trade."  Canadian nationalism was needed to repatriate the Constitution, a prerequisite

UK Satanists Criminalize Christianity

(left, David Neuberger) UK Court rules Christian religious beliefs unworthy of respect. by Richard Evans(for Last week, the highest court of appeals in Great Britain ruled that a veteran hospital nurse can't wear her crucifix necklace on the ward and keep her job. English nurses have been wearing crucifix

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