Perverse Masonic Initiations Pervade Society
November 8, 2011

by David Richards
As the Illuminati tighten their grip on humanity, we increasingly resemble them.
We are becoming more inhumane by the generation. A telling example is the dramatic increase in sexual bullying in UK schools over the last 5 years.
Another part of this trend is the increase in volume and severity of hazing.
Hazing is a term used to describe various activities involving harassment, abuse or humiliation used to initiate a person into a group. Initiation rituals like this are Masonic and satanic in origin and compromise, intimidate and blackmail the victim. They also establish a tacit Masonic pecking order.
The Illuminati use sadistic hazing rituals to ensure that new recruits conform. The rituals are often homosexual, to increase bonding between the initiates and further alienate the recruit from moral mainstream society, against which he will be required to wage war.

He called the people he was involved with 'members of The Firm or The Brotherhood.'
"He mentioned how many ... are members of the "Cap and Gown" Princeton group or the "Skull and Bones" Yale crowd and how they performed sexually perverted induction ceremonies with anal and oral sex performed inside coffins."
"I learned about how he was sexually molested by homosexual teachers at the elite Hun School, where a lot of the others in this small elite group also attended, including the members the Saudi Royal family. He told me how sex is used to control, intimidate and groom boys into this type of military service from a young age.'

Hazing is a milder form of these initiation rituals. It has spread into mainstream society through Masonic sub-groups hidden in various institutions. They function as Masonic recruiting pools.
One is the 'Order of the Arrow' secret society that exists within the Boy Scouts. John Salza is a former 32 degree Freemason and the author of the book "Freemasonry Unmasked." He has written an essay about the OA entitled "Freemasonry has Infiltrated the Boy Scouts."
Two 32-degree Freemasons founded the OA in 1915. Its rituals are Masonic. Both have three degrees; both are organized into lodges, both rituals seek esoteric spiritual knowledge and illumination.
Salza writes: "These rituals--which include a blood covenant are being conferred upon innocent boy scouts...and are harming their souls."
Anecdotal info: we have heard of an organization of chief executives of companies in a Canadian city where each member had to disclose a sexual indiscretion in order to be accepted.
Greek-letter sorority groups which have defined a great deal of student life, are Masonic in origin.

Both require new initiates to take voluntary oaths of fidelity. In the Phi Beta Kappa ritual, the founders named friendship, morality and literature as essential characteristics. These are closely related to the three supposed tenets of Freemasonry: Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.
Secret societies such as the 'Order of the Arrow' and Phi Beta Kappa function as a Masonic kindergarten, a place for young people to dress up and practice the rituals and roles they will act out in the future.
Hazing incidents at fraternities are usually kept under wraps. Cases surface in the media when someone dies or when an individual with enough backbone to expose the abuse speaks out.
An example is the recent death of 19 year-old George Desdunes, who was hazed to death by Sigma Alpha Eplison initiates at Cornell University.
One night, he was miles away from the SAE lodgings and called his brothers for a ride home.
Instead, the group of pledges kidnapped him, tied him up and quizzed him about the fraternity. Every time he didn't give them the correct answer, he was forced to drink.
He was found unconscious on a couch at the university frat house the following day and later died of alcohol poisoning.
Hazing is an integral part of sports culture. ESPN has reported that 80 percent of college athletes are hazed, and the vast majority of hazing incidents -- on the high school, college and pro levels -- go unreported.
A sporting hazing scandal is currently causing much uproar in Canada. Details emerged of hazing activities taking place in the Neepawa Natives Manitoba Junior Hockey League team.
Not all the details have been made public, but a Mother of one 15-year-old victim said her son was forced to walk around the team locker room with a set of water bottles tied to his testicles.
Sadistic hazing incidents are also rapidly rising in female sorority groups.

"Today, women are experiencing different gender roles and therefore are using more aggression and violence than they did a decade ago."
Alexandra Robbins, author of the book "Pledged: The Secret Life of Sororities," said, "I saw a definite trend toward physical methods."
Robbins spent a year undercover following four sorority girls and was shocked by physical hazing the girls suffered.
"One example was a girl named Arika whose pledge class had to answer trivia questions and drink straight vodka when they got a question wrong. They were also presented with a sharpie, a knife, a hammer and a dildo and the sisters said if they got enough wrong they would be violated with one of those four."
She also witnessed emotional hazing, one of the worst examples being "boob ranking".
"The sisters would bring pledges into a cold room and tell them to strip off their shirts and bras and line-up in order of breast size.
"Another woman I spoke with was forced to stand on a bench in front of a fraternity and everybody got to yell out parts of her body that need work. This happened in the '90s and almost a decade later she still had emotional scars."
Just as the Japanese people are being poisoned radiation that seeps from the Fukushima nuclear plant, our lives are contaminated by the emissions of the covert satanic groups that infest our society.
The increase of hazing in the general public, most of whom are completely unaware of its Masonic source, is just one example of how they have disturbed us.
The good news is that hazing disgusts normal people. The junior hockey hazing scandal has provoked total outrage from the public. The league governing body have suspended the perpetrators and fined the team $5000.
This should serve to remind us that we can fight covert satanic activities by shining a light on them and reacting forcefully.
Related - Illuminati Extorting Hollywood Stars
Half high school students victims of hazing
Sorority Hazing Increasingly Violent, Disturbing
Investigator Named in Manitoba Hockey Hazing Scandal
Ken (Illuminated) said (November 10, 2011):
llumination is not about hazing, it is about opening people's eyes to the truth. There are 1,400 different religions on this planet, all of them saying, "We are the truth, the other guy's peddling the lie." Truth is, they're all liars. In addition to religion there are lies set up to construct phony monetary systems and scams within them. There are the lies set up by the various systems of government and the psychopaths who run them. Lies are set up in science, in history, in the schools, the military. There are many others but my point is, the average person cannot break out of them AND... will actively use whatever power at their disposal to enforce those lies, because to have them overturned puts them in chaotic territory, cognitive dissonance.