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Results matching “freemasonry”


Challenge to Masonic Control of Canadian Justice

Canadian courts stonewall a case demanding  judges, lawyers and government officials reveal if they are Freemasons. The case claims Freemasons conspire against non-Masons. by Eva Sydel( Over a decade ago, Eva Sydel began investigating Canada's income tax laws and joined the "De-tax movement." As a result she was selectively prosecuted

"Dr. Who" Signals Plan to Destroy Israel

Left, Dr. Who with one of his Jewish Robots, called  "Daleks" The Illuminati descend from the Sabbatean Frankist cult who have always conspired to destroy the Jews once they served their Aspen (  Nearly every possible Illuminati stamp is in the re-launched "Dr. Who" BBC-TV science fiction series:  multi-sexuality;

Masonic Blackmail Behind Murdoch Scandal?

(left, former Commissioner of London Police, Sir Paul Stephenson.)  "My hunch is that, with police collaboration, Murdoch and his newspaper ran an intelligence gathering operation designed to blackmail England's Masonic elite and ensure they toe the line. "by Henry Makow Ph.D.Clearly there is a lot more to the Murdoch scandal

World Banksters Prey on African Wildlife

Wheat has never been a staple food in Kenya but Kenyans are nevertheless, along with wildlife, having their natural habitat increasingly constricted by ever larger wheat fields to earn export dollars for the World Bank.By Karradine Kesting ( traditional naturalist ( the east side of Lake Victoria, a mosaic of

"British" Betrayed 56 Dutch Resistance Agents

Before the worst, and at great personal risk, Lauwers actually sent the message "Caught" and was still ignored. by Henry Makow Ph.D.The two world wars were genocides of white Christians perpetrated by the Illuminati bankers based in London.   Just as Zionists sacrificed non-Masonic Jews, British Freemasonry (SOE, MI-6) Nazis and

College Fraternities Linked to Freemasonry

"Through hell week, hazing, and ridicule the candidate is broken down into acts of submission to his fraternity or her sorority. Lifetime loyalty is put in place by vows and oaths, some on penalty of death."by Fritz Springmeier( college fraternities are a way that the Illuminati recruit and entrap university

Australian Demands Freemason Judges Outed

John Wilson writes to his MP demanding Judges reveal their affiliations to FreemasonryDavid Elliott, MP,State Member for Baulkham Hills,Old Northern Road,Baulkham Hills,NSW 2153. Dear David, I dropped a copy of that DVD, "CHRISTIAN or FREEMASON" ( into your Electoral Office yesterday. It's a real eye-opener, isn't it. Some People have suggested that you

Freemasonry: "How the World Really Works"

"My education into how the world really works came from my father, a former soldier and career criminal."MORE ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE OF THE MASONIC MOby J. S.(for I read your recent article on the young man who refused to join the Freemasons with a great deal of interest. I may

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