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Results matching “freemasonry”


"Russia Today" is an Illuminati Proxy

left, Bill Ayers, Obama ghost writer, and like Obama a CIA operative is interviewed on RT  Annals of False OppositionRT portrays a conflict between Russia and the West, or Left and Right, when in reality it's a Punch & Judy show. They are all puppets of the Judeo Masonic Banking

Roman Catholic Church Not Crypto Jewish

Left, Merrie ol' England, under the Catholic Church, was about the most contented, happiest land on Earth.Tony Blizzard demands Edward Henrie explain why Masonic Jews identified the RC church as the single foremost obstacle to their world domination. Henry, the following rebuttal is the kind of thing that inflames uninformed

Was Mahatma Gandhi an Illuminati Pawn?

Left. Gandhi in London shortly after being called to the Bar in 1891. During his period as a law student in London, he joined the Theosophical Society and may have been recruited by MI-6.  Ghandi was assassinated because he was an Illuminati agent who had betrayed the Hindu cause. By

Ontario City Logos Signal Masonic Control

Left. Even Romney is into swooshes and waves, based on the horizon sign. It would be difficult to name another organization in which symbolism plays such a prominent role as it does in Freemasonry, a Masonic site proclaims.Masons believe symbols have an occult influence over everyone who sees them. That's

"Because I am a Girl" Discrimination is OK

p { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; }a:link { } "FEED A GIRL!"  Blatant Gender Discrimination. BOYS SHOULD STARVE?? At present, the Internet is full of ads which seek to "feed, educate & empower" young girls. Imagine the outcry if this campaign favored boys. The  campaign's size indicates Illuminati Money is behind it.

"Sex Cult" Runs UK Government, says MI-6 Victim

MI-6 MK ULTRA: a UK Survivor's Story (Part 1)Contrary to the popular image, many MI-6 agents start as trauma- brainwashed child sex slaves. "Red Ox" was one. In an email, he said: "You are right about Royal Arch Freemasonry and MI6. I have been in these meetings as a young boy.

Markets Signal Coming Depression

This article was originally posted at the height of the credit crunch Nov. 14, 2008 as "Credit Crunch: Occult Colonization of the Developed World?" It appears that the Illuminati will use the secession of Greece from the EU to precipitate another credit crunch and Depression.In "The Telegraph" today, Ambrose

Henry Ford: Can a Freemason be an "Anti Semite"?

Left. Henry Ford, 33 degree Freemason (1863-1947)Freemasonry is an arm of Illuminati Jewry. Yet Henry Ford's "The International Jew" (1920) is  perhaps the most informed and scathing condemnation of Illuminati Jewry ever. The contradiction is explained if we see Ford in the context of Freemasonry's build-up of Hitler. Freemasonry &

Breivik a False Flag to Discredit the Right

This is a drawing shown on a daily basis with reports from the trial in Norway's largest "news" paper Aftenposten.Breivik is a Freemason Doing his Bit to Advance Communism by Pretending to Oppose It40,000 Norwegians Mock Killer with Marxist Song He Hates "Thousands Gather in Norway Thursday to Denounce Breivik"

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