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Results matching “freemasonry”


"Sex Cult" Runs UK Government, says MI-6 Victim

MI-6 MK ULTRA: a UK Survivor's Story (Part 1)Contrary to the popular image, many MI-6 agents start as trauma- brainwashed child sex slaves. "Red Ox" was one. In an email, he said: "You are right about Royal Arch Freemasonry and MI6. I have been in these meetings as a young boy.

Markets Signal Coming Depression

This article was originally posted at the height of the credit crunch Nov. 14, 2008 as "Credit Crunch: Occult Colonization of the Developed World?" It appears that the Illuminati will use the secession of Greece from the EU to precipitate another credit crunch and Depression.In "The Telegraph" today, Ambrose

Henry Ford: Can a Freemason be an "Anti Semite"?

Left. Henry Ford, 33 degree Freemason (1863-1947)Freemasonry is an arm of Illuminati Jewry. Yet Henry Ford's "The International Jew" (1920) is  perhaps the most informed and scathing condemnation of Illuminati Jewry ever. The contradiction is explained if we see Ford in the context of Freemasonry's build-up of Hitler. Freemasonry &

Breivik a False Flag to Discredit the Right

This is a drawing shown on a daily basis with reports from the trial in Norway's largest "news" paper Aftenposten.Breivik is a Freemason Doing his Bit to Advance Communism by Pretending to Oppose It40,000 Norwegians Mock Killer with Marxist Song He Hates "Thousands Gather in Norway Thursday to Denounce Breivik"

Mormonism is Luciferian & Masonic

(Designated GOP Presidential candidate is a practicing Mormon who gives 10% of his income to the "church.") In November, Americans can choose between two  Illuminati (Cabalist Jewish) sects, Communism & MormonismThe author, James, is a 29 year-old independent researcher of religio-spiritual & occultic subjects. He is a former Christian fundamentalist,

The Myth of India's Independence

The first Indian Prime Minister Pandit Nehru (1889-1964) was a Freemason and Illuminati shill. He was in bed, in more ways than one, with Lord Mountbatten and his wife Edwina. by "H"(, reprised from 2004)As we know, the biggest Illuminati project of the 20th century was Communism. The Illuminati

Ontario Schools Begin Masonic Child Sex Abuse

Left, Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty, a Freemason, makesthe sign of horus (666) as he prepares to corrupt the province's youth. This man should be arrested.McGuinty is introducing clubs that foster homosexuality in all schools.There is a thin line between the acceptance of  homosexuality in theory and in practice.   Related:

America is Freemasonry's "New Atlantis"

The United States of America has never been a country in its own right.  It was established by British Freemasonry to perpetuate the deception of 'freedom for the people.'  by John Hamer(Edited & abridged from his book by thousand five hundred years ago, the Greek philosopher Plato described Atlantis as

"Women Don't Need Men"

"It's going to take some time to work things out. Meantime, women such as Magdalena Hinojosa (left) still find it hard to get a date."The "empowerment" of women was social engineering not social change. It was designed to make them seek career instead of family. They were told they could "have it all" but for most, that

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