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Results matching “freemasonry”


Money Scandal Behind Papal Coup d'Etat

Left, The Ex Pope and the New Pope? Joseph Ratzinger (l) and the palace coup-master, Cardinal BertoneTo understand the Pope's resignation, Kevin Annett says, "Follow the money." "What sounded the death knell on Pope Benedict was his personal involvement in the bribery and money-laundering practices of the Vatican Bank."by Kevin Annett(

Contempt for Lawyers Causing Boycott?

"Breaking Bad's" Saul Goodman (played by Bob Odenkirk).   Public revulsion against lawyers has grown to the point where the justice system is endangered.       "The law is an elite culture of privilege that has gone awry, utterly blind to its own weaknesses and its own propensity

Oliver Stone's "Communist Story of America"

(left, Oliver Stone, a long way from the man who made "Platoon")"So why bother reviewing "The Untold Story"? While we don't learn about American history, we learn about Oliver Stone."  Oliver Stone comes out as a fellow traveller in "The Untold Story of the United States." This ensures that

Inauguration - How Long Will Americans be Duped?

(Slave to slave driver: "Yoo-hoo! I think I'm getting a blister")"Mr. President: We have a boo-boo."America is fragmented and polarized, Ted Anthony writes in a plaintive "think piece" below, which grasps for a solution in vain. There will be no solution until the people realize that their country has been

B'nai B'rith-ADL Doesn't Represent Jews

By Henry Makow, Ph.D. Oct 28 2005 While claiming to represent "the interests of the worldwide Jewish Community" the B'nai B'rith is in fact a Masonic Order that represents British Freemasonry, and shifts blame for its Luciferian "world government" agenda onto Jews in general. Thus while pretending to fight anti-

Leo Zagami: 21/12/12 starts "Seven Years of Tribulation"

(Illuminati Defector Leo Zagami) In 2006 he said:"The cosmic alignment on the 21st of December 2012 gives you six years to prepare... So its about time you all wake up and fight for your right to stay free under one God before they take complete control and start persecuting the true

Newtown: The 9-11 of Gun Control

 Obama brushes away a tear, reminding us that he is a criminal, traitor and a fraud who uses the massacre of children to advance his masters' totalitarian political agenda. It's either our children or our guns, he tells Newtown audience.Two Shooters Were Captured Alive!Proof the US government and media

Swoosh Logos Signal Illuminati Control

by Dan who writes:      In the age of copyrights, why do all these logos feature the Freemason crescent moon and horizon in the form of a swoosh?? Coincidence? I think not.  Freemasonry is a Synagogue of Satan. Baphomet, the pagan devil, has a crescent moon on the top left

Why Did Masons Appoint a Christian Police Chief?

Last week, the new Winnipeg Police Chief, Devon Clunis, 48, caused  controversy when he said prayer has a "significant" role in fighting crime. Clunis, a  25-year police veteran, is a devout Christian. Winnipeg is Illuminati controlled. What is their game?  By Henry Makow Ph.DLike many other cities, Winnipeg is dominated by

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