House of Cards: Politics in a Time Warp
February 25, 2014

For an $100 million series, could Netflix hire writers
capable of reflecting what actually goes on
in Washington? Of course not.
"We have already contrived to possess the minds of the goy communities...[they are] looking through the spectacles we are setting astride their noses." (Protocols of Zion, 12)
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
(from Feb 25, 2013)
Although Plato lived 2400 years ago, his analogy of the cave anticipates the mass media, especially TV and movies. The analogy compares humanity with slaves shackled in a cave. Their reality consists of shadows projected on the wall in front of them from a fire behind.
I attribute my past personal dysfunction to scouring the mass media for truth. Indeed, this was my unconscious motivation for watching movies. I was a slave. The mass media is not there to empower humanity but to keep us enslaved. It trades in distraction, titillation and degradation, not truth.

Netflix spent $100 million to make a 26-part series on US politics, House of Cards.
For that money, could they hire writers capable of reflecting what actually goes on? Of course not. They spent a fortune buying the rights to a 1991 BBC miniseries and adapted that. This is ten years before 9-11, 3000 miles away.
They think that a ruthless ambitious politician, "Francis Underwood," played by Kevin Spacey, is all the realism we need. We know politicians are this way. LBJ was complicit in the assassination of JFK.
We also learn that lobbyists purchase influence. Apart from these remarkable facts, House of Cards exists out of place and out of time.
Watching this series, you wouldn't know that most federal politicians are Freemasons, a satanic secret society, puppets of the international banking

(Obama exchanges Masonic handshake as McCain watches on)
You wouldn't know about Oklahoma City, 9-11 and the many other government false flags, the bogus war on terror, the Patriot Act, DHS, the credit crash, gun control, immigration, multiculturalism, and the Judeo Masonic feminist-homosexual agenda. However. some attention is paid to the effect of the Internet on journalism.
Don't get me wrong. There's enough pretty faces and crisp dialogue to keep us distracted. I watched 12 of the 13 episodes and enjoyed them.
But some of the plot-lines left me gasping. For example, we're supposed to believe that a nationwide teacher's strike ended because the chief organizer punched Underwood when he demanded (as a bargaining ploy) fellatio. Surely this punch was justified. "You just struck a US Congressman!" - so what.

We're supposed to believe Underwood controlled Congressman Peter Russo because he was arrested with a prostitute. Ho hum. Compare this with reality, top level politicians buggering orphan boys in The Franklin Cover Up.
A whole episode is devoted to Underwood being blamed for a teenager's death because she ran into a water tower while texting. Underwood had opposed moving the water tower. Feeble.
How's this for a stretch? Russo is seduced by the same prostitute two years later but doesn't remember her? And, he has a garage door and walls on his stall in an underground parking garage, so that "committing suicide" is a plot option.
The man behind the milquetoast President is Raymond Tusk, a folksy plain living Gentile billionaire like Warren Buffett. Wouldn't do to have Jewish banker in that role.
Beau Willimon also wrote the 2011 movie Ides of March, also ostensibly about US politics.
New York Times critic A.O. Scott's review of that movie in 2011 applies equally to House of Cards: "It is difficult, really, to connect this fable to the world it pretends to represent. Whatever happens in 2012, within either party or in the contest between them, it seems fair to say that quite a lot will be at stake. That is not the case in The Ides of March, which is less an allegory of the American political process than a busy, foggy, mildly entertaining antidote to it."
Exactly, Hollywood produces sugar placebos to deceive and distract Americans while they are disinherited by the Illuminati. Sunday night we witnessed another orgy of self congratulation at the Oscars. They said they were "Changing the World." Indeed, for the worse.
I'm amazed at the disconnect between the excellent technical quality (especially acting) in mainstream drama and the meaningless subject matter. It reminds me of what someone said of Henry James: "An elephant rolling a peanut down the aisle of a cathedral."
Before the 2012 election, polls showed 90% of the population disapproved of Congress. So what do they do? They re-elect exactly the same people. This is the behavior of slaves: media mind-controlled slaves.
We look to entertainment to educate, inspire and uplift us. We need it to set good examples. Instead we get obscenity, porn, violence, occultism and Armageddon. Spirit and mind are demoralized and starved.
Humanity has a choice between conversion and diversion. As long as we reject God (the moral order, spiritual absolutes like truth, beauty, love) , we will remain in arrested development, slaves tethered to a treadmill, watching shadows on a wall.
Related - Makow - Cognitive Dissonance Defines Our Lives
Rusty said (February 28, 2013):
In the House of Cards review thread, Marcos, Brazil comments:
It is interesting that they picked Kevin Spacey for the show. A known satanist and homosexual, who starred in one of the vilest movies of all time, American Beauty, designed to mock American traditional values.
An ironically amusing anecdote: A Pittsburgh woman embezzled over $10 million dollars from a local car dealer. $11,100 of her ill-gotten booty was allegedly spent on a "private dinner engagement" arranged with Mr. Spacey.
You have to give these characters credit, Henry. No matter how they may use their penises, they're never short on balls.