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Results matching “freemasonry”


George Gurdjieff: Teacher or Deceiver?

"The key to happiness is not to be identified with what is impermanent." Gurdjieff left.  David Livingstone's new book traces the occult origins of the "New Age" to the Sufi Tradition. In this excerpt from Black Terror, White Soldiers: Islam, Fascism & the New Age, Livingstone asks whether George Gurdjieff

Coercing Homosexual Consensus

(Left, Scott Lively faces legal punishment in the US for his pro-heterosexual activities in Uganda.) Anyone who recognizes that homosexuality is dysfunctional and socially subversive is swarmed and shamed by Illuminati controlled government & media. This is Communist-style social engineering. by Richard Evans & Henry MakowAs you may recall Scott

Gestapo Chief Became Top Truman Advisor (Encore)

Wars are House League games for the Illuminati. After playing for the Nazis in World War Two,  Gestapo Chief Heinrich Muller was drafted by the US in time for the Cold War. "Mueller regarded Washington as "a cross between a zoo and an insane asylum." He had contempt for his CIA

Darwinism is an Illuminati Scam

James Perloff shows why Darwinism makes no scientific sense. By James Perloff( "We are constantly, by means of our press, arousing a blind confidence in these theories... Do not suppose for a moment that these statements are empty words: think carefully of the successes we arranged for Darwinism." (Protocols 2:2-3)The Illuminati

How I Ran Afoul of Freemasons

"I am a Christian who has been persecuted by Freemasons (and other secret organizations) almost all my life. The police, fireman, lawyers, courts (in fact the entire government systems) have boxed me into a corner.  I realize this sounds like paranoia, but it is true... The snake continually strikes at

Do the Rothschilds Own all Central Banks?

Apart from the Fed, it is incorrect to state that Rothschild owns all central banks.This is important, because getting straightforward facts like these wrong is clearly damaging the credibility of conspiracy theorists.Central banks are a mixture of both: they have public and private aspects. But the bottom line is that

Libya: Mossad, Al Queda & Hezbollah Did NATO's Dirty Work

Jo Anne and Jimmy Moriarty were working in Libya at the time of the invasion:"We have a copy of an agreement between the would-be rebels and the Mossad. The agreement states that Israel will provide arms and training to the rebels until they take over the country and in return

Masons! God Doesn't Take Bribes

"Masons don't build children's hospitals because they love God. In the same way they bought their friends, they are trying to buy off God." by Jake Shreffler( Shreffler  is a scientist who was "burned by Jesuit and Masonic propaganda." His website is www.arrowchaser.comIn pursuit of insider information, conspiracy researchers often

Can We Trust the King James Bible?

LEFT, Masonic handshakes in the originalKing James Bible "As the Bible itself exhorts us to stay away from occult and witchcraft practices, it is paradoxical that Christians should embrace a work mastered as it was by high-ranking members of the occult."(Editor's Note: I reserve judgment on this question, and present

Five Hollywood Movies That Exposed Illuminati

Bankrolling wars is not about the outcome of wars, but generating debt from wars, and that "this is the very essence of the banking industry, to make us all -- whether we be nations or individuals -- slaves to debt." (From "The International") Conspiracy pioneer Jim Perloff reviews a handful

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