The Mass Media: Wolves in Sheep's Clothing
October 25, 2014
"Kill the Messenger" a new film about reporter Gary Webb
made me think about the role of the mass media in our society.
"The goyim are a flock of sheep and we are their wolves." - The Protocols of Zion 11
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
In the 1960's, we believed that anyone who worked for "the Man" had sold his soul to the devil.
That turned out to be literally true. The "Man" is the Illuminati, a satanic (cabalist) Jewish cult, which owns the central banking cartel and controls almost everything else through Freemasonry. Put another way, the Jewish bankers gave
enough Gentiles a piece of the action in exchange for betraying society.
The Illuminati's goal is to farm the human race like sheep. Instead of producing wool, we pay interest on bank debt, (including the national debt which they create from thin air) and consume their corporations' products.
In order to be better sheep, we must be dehumanized and degraded. They strip away our human identity by undermining our loyalty to race, religion (God,) family (gender) and nation. They inundate us with porn, the occult and grind us down with wars, terror attacks and financial crises. These attacks are implemented by the mass media.
"It is indispensable to...utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture,
by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases, by want, so that the goyim see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else." Protocols of Zion 10:19
There are two kinds of people in the world: predators and prey. 1) the "wolves" (predators) advance this conspiracy, or at least don't impede it. "Success" depends on complicity with this conspiracy to undermine all the values society pretends to uphold.
2) And then there are the sheep. (Prey)

It's all in their blueprint, the Protocols of Zion. But the wolves have sheepdogs-- academia and the mass media-- to convince the sheep this document is a "forgery." These sheepdogs do not bite the (wolf's) hand that feeds them. Thus, public affairs in our society is largely a charade.

In 1986, Webb, revealed that the CIA was dumping cocaine into America's ghettos to finance the Contras. He had only scratched the surface. The Illuminati bankers dominate the world illegal drug trade through "intelligence agencies" like the CIA. They use the drug proceeds to fund many "black ops" that advance their world police state, things that couldn't be funded otherwise. The cocaine had the additional effect of neutralizing Blacks.
Webb is the subject of a new biopic, Kill the Messenger, which is receiving popular acclaim (85% on Rotten Tomatoes.) It is pretty grueling to watch a good man get hung out to dry. Webb lost his job, was banished from mainstream journalism and was murdered in 2004. The film is being attacked by the same CIA-controlled elite newspapers that attacked him in the 1980's.
Nevertheless, the film is an important reminder of how far we have gone down the road to a police state. In the 1970's and 80's, the illusion of freedom was much stronger. The CIA could be called to account and Directors fired. I can't imagine this happening today.
Webb reminds me of Edward Snowden who luckily found courageous help. Snowden too was attacked by media and
government sheepdogs for spilling the beans. Webb also reminds me of Pat Tillman who had swallowed American shibboleths and got his head blown off.
In his latest interview, Udo Ulfkotte, a former editor with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, one of Germany's largest newspapers, says that the media are nothing more than propaganda outlets of political parties, secret services, international think tanks and high finance entities.
"I ended up publishing articles under my own name written by agents of the CIA and other intelligence services, especially the German secret service."
"No German mainstream journalist is allowed to report about [my new] book. Otherwise he or she will be sacked. So we have a bestseller now that no German journalist is allowed to write or talk about."

The mass media are active collaborators in the conspiracy to subvert society. Without them, the wolves could never perpetrate crimes like the Kennedy assassinations or false flags such as 9-11 and Sandy Hook. The hopeful sign is that the Internet is not yet censored. The truth is getting out. Gary Webb did not die in vain.
While wolves in sheep's clothing make a farce of our ideals; truth, justice and freedom are real and worth fighting for.
Related- Washington Post's Ben Bradlee & Kat Graham's CIA Connections
-----------Google now sells more than twice the advertising of the US newspaper industry combined.
------------- Afghanistan Poppy (Opium) Harvest Hits all-time High
First Comment by Ray:
Thank you for your respectful words about Gary Webb, Henry. I had the pleasure of knowing Gary personally in Sacramento in the immediate aftermath of the publication of his excellent book, Dark Alliance. I produced a local cable access show entitled "Giants of Journalism" featuring Webb along with two other journalists who had exposed the CIA's role in the savings and loan collapse and secret and illegal CIA negotiations during the Iran hostage crisis. Gary Webb was very likely the greatest US journalist of the 20th century IMHO and I'm sure many of America's greatest genuine journalists would agree. I cannot recommend Dark Alliance enough to interested readers. In a lifetime of reading great books I've never read a better one than Gary Webb's magnum opus, for which he paid with his life.
Henry, this was an important article and the movie appears to be a small but significant mile marker on the road to awakening that many in the US (and Canada!) have taken in the past decade.
I was also happy to see that in the comments section of the Wash Post op-ed you linked, the readers blast the writer with facts and links refuting his claims against Webb. Literally hundreds of comments call Jeff Leen out to back up his words.
Print media can buy a website and claim "we're online too," but the interactive and accountable spirit of the web eludes them. They still live in the print world headspace where the vetted elite get to craft the narrative as they please. Those days are over!!!
MM said (October 27, 2014):
Two points of disagreement:
"The banking cartel must control the mass media so the sheep don't discover the wolves are erecting a thinly disguised police state..."
To the contrary, they control the mass media so that they can rub our noses in the police state. The latest example is the coverage of Ferguson.
"Webb reminds me of Edward Snowden who luckily found courageous help..."
I consider that an insult to Webb. He was for real, and he paid for it.
Snowden, on the other hand, is an op. Just like Assange, he fails the 9/11 litmus test.
The feigned outrage over Snowden's revelations is political theater. Snowden is doing exactly what he is supposed to be doing. We are being played.
After all, what good is it to construct a brutal, all-pervasive, total surveillance police state, to keep the citizenry scared and compliant, if the citizenry doesn't know about it?
Snowden lived openly in Hong Kong. He took commercial flights to get to Russia. Does anyone seriously believe that US intelligence couldn't have intercepted him, taken him into custody and spirited him back here to the US?