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Results matching “freemasonry”


"We Day" -- Illuminati Target Our Children

Some 16,000 young Manitobans spent Wednesday getting inspired at the MTS Centre in Winnipeg as part of We Day.Sound farfetched to say the Illuminati are inducting us into a satanic cult?  The "We Day" program indoctrinate our children under the guise of promoting peace & charity.  Look at the

Did the Romanovs Betray Christian Russia?

Far from defenders of tradition, the Romanovs were Illuminati traitors, according to Hamad Subani.  (Editor's Note: I find this hard to believe and welcome feedback from more informed readers.) by Hamad Subani author of The World War Deception ( The Romanovs are usually seen as a symbol of Christian Russia, as innocent victims of

Soviets Razed Churches, Spared Synagogues

   A key article from 2007 unveils the true nature of the threat that imperils mankind. Could it be that Judaism is a really a secret society like Freemasonry where the members don't know the hidden agenda, which in fact is Communism?  "Like the Nazis, the Bolsheviks had difficulty killing large numbers and disposing of the bodies. Schoonmaker reports that

Chanukah Doesn't Cut It

This New Yorker cartoon by Tom Turo  suggests an unease with Judaism. Jewish Holidays like Chanukah have nothing to do with religionand imply Jews are their own God. by Henry Makow Ph.D.(from Dec. 2, 2011)I complimented the supermarket cashier on the Christmas carols on the P.A. The store is owned by a

What is Satanism?

P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; } 'TRUE Satanism is all about progress, its about finding the truth behind everything and it does not matter if you believe in Satan or not, it's the action that counts." (Editor's Note: I post this to elicit comment. I post my own response below.) by

Diversity Israeli-Style

                                                                                                                  On Wednesday, a Red Cross blood clinic at the Israeli parliament rejected a donation from a Black member, left. The law allows Ethiopian Jews to immigrate and marry other Jews. Nevertheless, they are the most discriminated against, more than the Arab Muslim and Christian Israelis based strictly on their

Why I Admire David Duke

The Illuminati media demonize anyone who defends the white race. An army veteran, John Stanley has been a cabbie,an asbestos remover and a salesman. He is retired.(Editor's Note. Although I am in general agreement with Duke, I do not follow him closely, and so reserve judgment. I welcome feedback from

"Science" - The Matrix of Masonic Mind Control

P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; } Philip Collins explains how the Illuminati took control of science and determined our assumptions about the nature of reality. Scientists play the game or risk persecution. This article summarizes the thesis of Collins' book, (left.)  "The ruling class seized control of science and used it

Zionists Sacrificed Jews to the Holocaust

The word "Holocaust" is a Biblical term for "burnt sacrifice."  Why refer to genocide as "a sacrifice"?Because the Illuminati bankers deliberately sacrificedEuropean Jews to create the State of Israel, the capital of the Rothschild's occult New World Order.The London-based Illuminati bankers wanted Jews to set up the State of Israel

French Rudeness due to Occult Attack?

French "rudeness" may be due to the stress of being disinherited, says David Masada. He expresses the anguish and anger of a patriot watching his country go "down the drain."   Part One: "France Fights Masonic Jewish Hegemony"by David Masada ( In general, the French are rude because as a people,

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