Transhumanism: How the Illuminati Depose God
August 9, 2015

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August 9, 2015
Steve said (August 10, 2015):
Today's article was interesting and the comment, but look man has always tried to improve his lot by inventing, that's why we have homes and cars. I see nothing wrong with living 10,000 years. It doesn't do anything to diminish God for me. it's thru Gods help I wish to live that long. Just another experience in God's matrix.
Trust me. If they ever mastered this, it would be them not us enjoying the benefits.
Martin said (August 10, 2015):
"...and even uploading our minds to the Internet."
The author got that one wrong. They talk about uploading our brains, not our minds. To them, consciousness consists merely of electro-chemical activity in our brains.
Jennifer said (August 10, 2015):
Transhumanism is brilliant... if you are one of them. The illuminati can not handle the thought of death as their whole existence is the material earth plane…nothing good exists beyond this dimension where they rule.
In the After-Death-Dimension, Hell awaits--a place they surly do not want to experience so they restlessly toil to find a way to delay the inevitable for as long as possible.
Tony B said (August 9, 2015):
This whole concept is nothing but modernized Gnosticism: "Whoopee, we is now god!" (But we really ain't.)
Intelligent ignorance. Intelligent development of materialism, total ignorance of true spirituality.
JD said (August 9, 2015):
Yes these crackpot are serious about it:
The report says the abilities are within our grasp but will require an intense public-relations effort to "prepare key organizations and societal activities for the changes made possible by converging technologies", and to counter concern over "ethical, legal and moral" issues. Education should be overhauled down to the primary-school level to bridge curriculum gaps between disparate subject areas
Al Thompson said (August 9, 2015):
he idea of transhumanism is as stupid as evolution. There is no shortage of stupidity of people who desire a "new world order." There is no such thing as a human. Human essentially means a man who is a derivative of a monkey or a primate mammal. There is no such thing. The best point of this article is pointing to the fact that the desire to become god is the real motivation and the very ideal of it is completely insane. I am confidant that the natural order which God established will overcome the new world order.
Scientists seem to be a bunch of jerks tied to the political tit of the state. They vomit their stupid ideas as if they were facts, but the fact is that they have no facts to support their asinine conclusions.
BTW, Google makes a great search engine, but most of their other products are garbage: i.e. Google glass, Google docs, and driverless cars. They think that they can change reality when the reality is within the natural order. The natural order cannot be changed and it will never be changed and this is why these Illuminati freaks look so stupid to me.
Marco A said (August 9, 2015):
I once had a conversation with an acquaintance / friend (over the internet) who ended up not believing in God and instead fell into the modern day science cult, and began viewing scientists as his new priests.
We would get into discussions about evolution and evil and such, and because he believed the lie that science had the solution to everything, he presented the idea that science will eventually be able to identify and modify certain men who are prone to evil, as if evil were a genetic trait. Or rather, I think he mentioned 'aggressive' persons... how sad, people who are aggressive towards NWO trans-humanism slavery will be marked... this is how domesticated and weak socialist (big brother) society has made people.
This naturally offended me, because I'm not a domesticated animal and don't like the idea of some self flattering psychopaths in power (scientists of the NWO) with the power to genetically modify me or my future children.
I no longer talk to this individual, in my mind trans-humanism is a future Eden for atheists, and a Hell for Christians.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
LCV said (August 11, 2015):
David Livingstone nails it! Darwinism was created as the "shoehorn" for Transhumanism!