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Results matching “freemasonry”


Rejection of the Feminine is Rooted in the Occult

Lilith's refusal to lie beneath Adam is tantamount to the earth refusing to receive a seed. There is nothing inferior or "unequal" about this, no matter what this text has Adam say. It is part of the yin-yang, the active-passive, masculine-feminine dance that is at the heart of nature.Man serves
(left, George Soros with chief go'fer, HRC)  "Soros' ideology is basically Nazism, but with Jews instead of Aryans."Freemasonry: "We corrupt in order to control."An FBI insider confirms that practicallythe whole US government is controlledthrough a massive influence peddling operationcalled the Clinton Foundation.He says there is also enough to impeach Obama. The whole US

Texe Marrs: Serpent is Symbol of Jewish Satanism

Current events demonstrate that humanity is indeed in the grip of an occult powerrooted in the Jewish Kabbalah. The situation is dire.Adherents of this satanic cult control the government,economy, education and the media.No one has done more to alert mankind to its perilous state than Texe Marrs.In his latest book, he exposes

NY Masonic Control "In Plain Sight"

Left. The assassination of William Morgan, engraved by artist Pierre Méjanel.A satanic cult, Freemasonry, controls Western society yet no one dares speak of it. Richard Kaine observes that after a national scandal 200 years ago, Masonic control is very evident locally.By Richard W. Keene( 1826, a signal event occurred in Western New York

Manufactured Conflict: The Banker's Hegelian Grip

Hegelian Dialectics - A Few Examples From Our Past, Present And Future WorldMasonic Jewish bankers use Freemasonry to manufactureconflict and control both sides. Thus they frogmarchhumanity to enslavement."The Hegelian Dialectic is built around Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis. The key is to control all three steps without letting people know about it." by KMG( is

Gay Activists Want to Contaminate Blood Supply

Not content with perverting sexual mores, gay activists are threatening the blood supply. In Canada, gays represent the vast majority of HIV cases. Yet, until recently, a gay man could donate blood if he hadn't had sex with another man for five years. A sexually inactive gay man? Are you kidding me?  And

Fighting an "Invisible Force"

"Who and what is in a position to overthrow an invisible force? And this is precisely what our force is."  (Protocols of Zion, 4) On Independence Day, we are reminded that the US and much of the West has surrendered to a new tyranny, Judeo-Masonry i.e. Communism.(Revised from Jan 2009)by

Is John Todd Still Alive?

The highest ranking Illuminati defector may be a prisoner in a US prison hospital. Born in 1950, he would be only 66 today. Despite death reports, Diana thinks he may be alive: "I'm writing because I am an avid reader of your website. I saw once that you posted an article on a

Sodomy Key to Mind Control, says Deprogrammer

Marion Knox, 78,  is a grass seed farmer, pilot and businessman from Lebanon, Oregon  who has deprogrammed some 500 MK-Ultra victims. He says sodomizing children is the Illuminati's "key" to satanic possession and mind control. (Puts "Sex Ed" in new perspective doesn't it?) He raises the specter that most of our political leaders are in fact

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