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Results matching “freemasonry”


"Jack the Ripper" was Winston Churchill's Father

According to John Hamer, the Masonic ritual murder of four prostitutes was carried out by Winston Churchill's father, Lord Randolph Spencer Churchill, 1849-1895 (left.) The prostitutes were blackmailing the royal family.   "Churchill was not only the 'brains' behind the entire operation, but he was also personally responsible for the cutting of Masonic emblems and

May 1 - Does "Loyalty Day" Reveal Trump's Satanism?

Bait and switch? Couldn't Trump have chosen some other dayto celebrate America's ostensible core values? May 1 is a Satanic High Holidayand the birthday of the Illuminati. Why didn't he reject them both by choosing another date?Update May 1, 12.25 pm cst- As far as I can tell, this proclamation is being ignored. Must read!  Lynda's

Rothschilds Financed Hitler Takeover?

" World events are staged and managed by those who hold the purse strings," said former UK Defence Minister Dennis Healey.The Rothschild Syndicate's backing of Hitler is a prime example.  by Henry Makow Ph.D.In the depth of the Depression, the Nazi Party's appeal to many Germans was food, a clean uniform and a gun. The

George Orwell's '1984' was Cold War Propaganda

Liberals compared Trump's victory tosome Orwellian nightmare when in fact totalitarianism has been the policy of the deep state for many decades.Here, John Hamer traces the source of Orwell's "success"to the Cold War and the CIA's desire to tar Communism. Ironically, Orwell's accurate prophecy of human servitude was a product of the Ministry

Putin & Trump Following End Times Blueprint?

(Left, Putin and his handler, Rabbi Berel Lazar? Armageddon needs a nudge.) Researcher David Livingstone believes the Illuminati Plan is to fulfill the Book of Revelation, which they know is actually derived from Kabbalah. Albert Pike says as much, and bringing it about is their Great Work.Livingstone: "Because chaos precedes

Zionism Vs. Communism: Secret Allies?

Churchill was wrong when he saidIsrael was the best solution forthe Jewish question. As events unfold in Syria, we see thatSoros' Communism & Trump's Zionism  are not competitors. They aretwo pincers holding humanity in its malevolent Henry Makow Ph.D. It appears that the fate of the world hangs on a turf war

The Man Behind the "Anti-Semitic" Memes

(left Scottie Spencer, 25, American hero?) I had a great influence on Scottie Spencer buthis influence on society has been greater than mine. by Henry Makow Ph.DFew people have done more to alert the world to its subjugation by Cabalist Judaism and Freemasonry than an unemployed 25-year-oldman from Youngstown Ohio, Scottie Spencer, who

The "Jewish" Conspiracy is Western Imperialism

Jewish merchants and bankers have always dominatedCommerce in Europe. In 1935, "Leslie Fry" described howSpain, Holland & England respectively becamevehicles for Masonic Jewish commercial and political domination.In the 20th Century, the United States finally  inherited this mantle   from England.Warmongering liberals and the Israel-loving Trumpconfirm that the US is the latest instrument of the Communist and

The "Jewish" Conspiracy is British Imperialism

The Masonic Jewish owners of the central banks are behind all imperialism, including the colonizationof humanity. The "New World Order" is an extension of British and American imperialism which are proxies for Masonic Jewish mercantilism.Updated from May 30, 2004by Henry Makow.Ph.DConspiracy theorists believe modern history reflects a long-term conspiracy by an international financial elite to enslave humanity. Like blind men

Freemasons Control Most Protestant Sects

"There is a deceiver for every believer." Video provides history of satanic conspiracy."What about those who profess to be Christians, Protestant, Evangelical, Pentecostal, Baptist, Methodist, etc. etc.? ... Are they also ALL FALSE?"The answer is YES!  This gifted researcher confirms that humanity is indeed the victim of an ancient

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