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Results matching “freemasonry”


Why Do I Remain Jewish?

The short answer is I have no choice.  As I explained in the Epilogue to Illuminati 3, you can't jump out of your skin. As you know, I have no use for the Jewish "religion."  The essence of Cabalist Judaism is satanic: to enthrone the Jew (i.e. Cabalist Jewish banker) as God and turn

"Anti Semitism" Cry No Longer Deters Resistance

Cabalist Judaism is a satanic cult synonymous with Communism. First Jews, then Freemasons and now humanity is being inducted into it.They are trying to criminalize resistance to this tyrannyby banning criticism of Israel."... the discourse of the oppressed is defined by the sensitivities of the oppressor". Gilad AtzmonIn a country where flag-burning

Porn Destroyed My Husband

Reader says her husband became an empty shellas result of his porn addiction. by "Deirdre Hamilton"(  Your website helped me through a rather rough time. In a nutshell, it was revealed to me a year and a half ago (by God) that my husband of 19 years had been a

Masonic Bankers Started WWI to Exterminate Germany

In August 1914, Kaiser Wilhelm realized he had been fooled: "England, Russia and France have agreed among themselves ... to take the Austro-Serbian conflict as an excuse for waging a war of extermination against us..."War is used to eliminate any nationalist resistance toMasonic Jewish banker world hegemony. It expressestheir Talmudic hatred of humanity.

Ireland Was Always Ruled by Freemasonry

(Ireland's New PM, a globalist bumboy, right, with partner.)Ireland's election of gay neo-con Prime Minister Leo Varadkar is consistent with its long history asan abject Masonic colony.  According to Jude Duffy, the idea that Ireland is reacting to centuries of Catholic repression is a Zionist myth. Ireland was never Catholic."One of the great mindless clichés about

"God" Told Moses to Murder Jewish Sinners

I started out to write a short pieceabout how Moses must have been calleda  "self-hating Jew" when he castigated his fellow Jews for worshiping the golden calf. But I was startled to discover that the Jewish God hadordered Moses to murder 3,000 sinners.Obviously this was not the true God,not the loving God

The Satanists Among Us

God stole the world from Satan. Satan wants it back.They are our neighbours, our co-workers, our pastors, cops and political leaders. They want to confound us and induct us into their cult.This is what Margaret Davis learned when they tried to recruit Henry Makow Ph. D.Satanists believe that heaven belongs

Conservatism Coopted by Freemasonry in UK

Freemasonry is the reason conservatives are impotent and the white race is going down the toilet. It is the reasonwhy you always hear aboutthe Jews but never the "Juewes"-the Freemasons who betrayedtheir nation, race and religion for aseat at the devil's table. It is the reason the West is quite literally

The Satanic Cult That Rules the World

How can one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight unless God had delivered them into enemy hands?" Deuteronomy 32:30 Our "Culture War" describes resistance to society's induction into a satanic cult, the Illuminati, (i.e. Cabalism, Freemasonry, Communism.)A satanic cult controls and exploits its members by corrupting and making them sick.

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