New Documentary Celebrates Jewish Superiority
April 21, 2018
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April 21, 2018
Tony E said (April 21, 2018):
know one Authentic Jewish genius who will not be included in this upcoming documentary, The great and courageous Bobby Fischer.
Jude Duffy said (April 21, 2018):
Israelis as a whole have a pretty ordinary official IQ, but as far as I'm concerned that's neither here nor there, since I treat collective racial IQ scores with the same level of trust I I give to msm accounts of "chemical attacks".
It beats me how folk (e.g. white nationalists) who exhibit extreme scepticism about other establishment narratives treat collective IQ ratings as the equivalent of holy writ. Such stats often make zero sense when analyzed. For example, European Mediterranean countries like Spain and Italy have significantly higher official IQs than Arab and north African countries; yet the Latin countries also beat European countries such as Serbia and Croatia - nations which share much less genetic heritage with Arabs and North Africans than Spaniards and Italians do.
There are only a few real explanations for these anomalies: (1) the tests themselves are intrinsically flawed (2) the tests are often improperly conducted or the collective results are fraudulently compiled and collated - e.g. for reasons of national or ethnic prestige, etc. (3) race is not the real determining factor in IQ at all.
WA said (April 21, 2018):
After reading this latest article that you sent, these two articles came to mind. They represent what many Bible believing Christians believe about Israel and the Jews.
The True Israel Of God - L.R. Shelton
Amillennialism 101 - Jesus Christ: The True Israel - Dr. Kim Riddlebarger
Duane said (April 21, 2018):
If the Jews want to make a Jewish supremacy video FINE....
But when a group of Germans did the same type of thing (a group that 100 years ago had the most bragging rights on the planet) you get this: "Judea declares war on Germany" (Daily Express 1933), and they then manipulated their stupid shabbos goy into murdering 10 million Germans....(it's continuing today...Germany is now a vassal state of israel)...
The reason why jews have high admissions to Ivy League schools is because these once "goyim" institutions have been
completely taken over by Jews and obviously favor their own and discriminate against Whites and Asians in admissions....
Chess? Yes, it's possible that 40 percent of the best chess players are Jewish...But why? Most young Jews do not gravitate towards athletics so they instead pursue another extracurricular activity that doesn't take a lot of physical effort.
(many young Jews also pursue other non athletic activities like professional poker playing, magic and race horse handicapping...)....
G said (April 21, 2018):
Jeez, Henry, you really leveled the playing field on that one. Kind of called them out. Hard for others to rise if they keep getting shoved out of the way.
Annette said (April 21, 2018):
Read your article on “what’s with the Jews. Aside from the things you pointed out, one of the things that struck me as I scanned through the movie was the number of Jews who have been lauded as Genius’s or great contributors that were in fact charlatans, cheats, or just plain overrated.
I’m sure you are quite aware of this yourself. There is no question that as a group Jews are intelligent, but I question how much of this genius is real or just a con job and PR, and just how much more superlative Jews are when compared with Asians or Caucasians. You have exposed Freud. Christopher Byerknes has exposed Einstein’s plagiarism, and there is plenty out there now about what a monster Jonas Salk was and the true failure and hype of the polio vaccine.
How many of these other prominent Jews got where they were on genuine merit as opposed to tribal loyalties or fraud? I don’t’ have the answer to that, but I suspect it is a contributor to this story of supposed prominence because of brilliance.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Pedro said (April 22, 2018):
They would on average fail abysmally on an emotional intelligence test which beyond a certain level of IQ is more germane to the survival of the planet. (the Blade Runner test).
If we had another major ice age, which Western man survived by huddling together and being conservative and forward-looking (to the short warm season) then I wonder how these middle east types (oriental they used to call them) would fare.
Gilad Atzmon reckons they got some smarts (and some dumbs) by marrying the smart rabbis son to the merchants daughter.
It's a welfare system they have benefited from amongst themselves (as have freemasons) long before this modern welfare state. (and it's nemesis , cruel exploitation of their lesser brethren).
The greatest Jewish genius ever? Try reading this one to deflate that myth.