(left. Scene from 1998 movie "Pleasantville" made by Red Diaper baby Gary Ross. Learn the shocking reason David's mom is in color but his dad is in black & white.) The reason they want to sever our connection to God is they intend to take His place.by Henry Makow Ph.D.Last
Results matching “Talmud”
Many Jews are profoundly out of touch with their own truth. by Henry Makow Ph.D. (revised from April 2003) The Jewish people have been deceived (or have deceived themselves) on two counts: 1. Most do not descend from the Biblical Jews. They are Khazars, from southwest Asia. 2. Judaism
This article was originally posted at the height of the credit crunch Nov. 14, 2008 as "Credit Crunch: Occult Colonization of the Developed World?" It appears that the Illuminati will use the secession of Greece from the EU to precipitate another credit crunch and Depression.In "The Telegraph" today, Ambrose
Illuminati Jewish Bankers and Freemasons have undermined Christian civilization and are replacing it with a world police state dedicated to Satan. Humanity is being inducted into their satanic cult under the guise of being "sexual liberated" and "progressive." Jonas Alexis documents this process in his book, Christianity and Rabbinic
BLAMING GOD FOR ILLUMINATI DEEDSElizabeth Dilling and Bella Dodd revealed the Illuminati Jewish (Communist) plan to de-Christianize Western Civilization. Now we see evangelical and fundamentalist churches infiltrated beyond recognition as a new form of propaganda has emerged: Propaganda Through Prophecy.(Wikipedia) Joel C. Rosenberg (born 1967) has written five novels about
Caption Reads: The Sphinx as the first French scientific mission found it in the 19th Century. This profile is neither Greek nor Semitic: it is Bantu. Its model is said to have been Pharaoh Cephren (c. 2600 BC Fourth Dynasty) who built the second Giza Pyramid. (source: National Geographic, Nov.
"This reaching-out to other cultures while pushing away the host culture took a particularly bizarre form at a nearby college about fifteen years ago when a Protestant chapel was being built."by Paul GottfriedTaki's MagazineAugust 30, 2011( Excerpt from "More Tales from the Collegiate Looney Bin")I've recently started recovering from forty
Manhattan ends with Allen agreeing with Mariel Hemingway who says, "Have a little faith!" Does she mean in God? No, in teenage girls like herself.by Henry Makow Ph.D.Woody Allen is the most prolific filmmaker of our time. His movies can be divided into two categories. A few are unique in
An unseen evil has re written history and has grown to control all aspects of global societiesby Marie Henriefrom Oct 2010(for henrymakow.com) Video of Key O'Connor Sermon Many Catholics have probably never heard of John O'Connor but he was one of the first priests to