HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; } In 1927, German journalist, Emil Theodor Fritsch, (1852-1933) documented the causes of anti-Semitism in Germany in his book "The Riddle of the Jew's Success. In this excerpt, (p. 257ff) he described a lesser known reason, the corruption of Aryan women. ( Editor's Note:
Results matching “Talmud”
(left, Mosque)"To compare the Shariah to Talmudic Law is a great insult," says Mohammed Ash(Editor's Note: I gauge religions not by what they "teach" but by how their followers behave. Generally speaking, I have great respect for Muslims because of their strong family values.) by Mohammed Ash (henrymakow.com) Had I read
Sharia is the moral code and religious law of Islam. The Talmud plays the same role in Judaism.Based on a study of Sharia Law and Talmud, John Kunkle concludes "Islam and Judaism are not religions, but political movements dressed up as religions."(Editor's Note: This provocative article reflects the conclusions of
"I was raised as a Jew and I harbor no malice to the Jewish people. I feel obligated to tell this personal story. I believe that we will be accountable to the God in Heaven for our actions in this life and on this world." Rich S ALTHOUGH MOST JEWS
(left, Stalin & FDR, two sides of the same coin) "Romerstein & Evans give the impression that Roosevelt himself was left in the dark about the nest of spies around him." Even historians of Communist subversion cover up for FDR, says Dave Martin. Whittaker Chambers was a GRU (KGB) agent
(left. Goldwin Smith, 1823-1920, Regius Professor of Modern History at Oxford University. Many incorrectly identify him as a contemporary Jewish supremacist for saying 'The Jew alone regards his race as superior to humanity, and looks forward not to its ultimate union with other races, but to its triumph over them
TODAY IS HOLOCAUST DAY Aggressors always pretend to be innocent victims, and pretendthe real victims are the aggressors. The holocaust perpetuates this meme.It convinces the real victims, the goyim, that they are "bullies" if they resist the real aggressors, the Illuminati's Jewish and Masonic fronts. by Henry Makow Ph.D. Monday April
Elia Kazan (1909-2003) was the director of such Hollywood classics as On the Waterfront & A Streetcar Named Desire. Ironically, he is best known for "naming names" of Communists he had known during a short spell as a CPUSA member during the thirties. For this he was excoriated by