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Results matching “freemasonry”


The US Gifted China to the USSR

The Pro-Western and Christian China of the Chiang Kai Shek nationalist government was defeated by a Crypto Communist Western ZOG which cut off their supplies while the Soviet poured arms and ammunition to their Communist guerrilla army in China and creature Mao Ze Dong (the greatest genocider of all

My "State of The Website" Address

(Let this be a sunrise, not a sunset) I have accomplished what I set out to do. I now understand what is wrong with the world. So do many of my readers. But understanding an illness is only the first step toward a cure.Updated from March 5, 2018by Henry Makow Ph.D.I'm 68. When I evaluate

Freemasonry's Best Kept Secret: Ritual Sodomy

left. By 1996, Satanist rocker Marylin Manson was literally selling sodomy to teens.Sodomy is a form of brainwashingFreemasons are able to be a closeted homosexual organization due to the amnesia of half the victims,and psychological denial of their own homosexuality by bull fruit perps like Jerry Sandusky.Freemasons believe sodomy opens the "third eye"

Why? - The Hate-Fuelled Attack on our Gender Identity

The Jewish Cabala is "a powerful system for gaining control over people by harnessing and perverting sexual energies." Yesterday: Illuminati's Planned Parenthood: Teach Your Pre-Schooler, "Your genitals don't determine your gender." Greg (a reader): "My niece is a student at the University of Oregon where there is a growing movement to eliminate gender references altogether.  For

Do Jews Put Themselves in the Line of Fire?

Why do Jews act as human shields for the satanist banking cartel? This is the first major US antisemitic attack in my memory. Whether this attack was a psyop or not, its effect will be to identify Jews as responsible for the NWO, when we all know it is much

Anti-Semitism is Often Justified

(Left, In 1885, Freud wrote financee Martha Bernays about an "anti-Semitic" incident on a train) Anti-Semitism today is what blasphemy used to be. Have Jews replaced God? This is the essence of the NWO.A one-thousand-year reign of darkness is descending. Judaism is a satanic cult which replaces Godwith his "Chosen" i.e. the Masonic Jewish central bankers. Modern

The "British" Used "Appeasement" to Trap Hitler in a Two-Front War

 Halifax, Life Magazine, July 17, 1939) (Edward Wood, Lord Halifax)The pre-war British establishment was Communist (Freemason) to the core.They put Hitler in power and maneuvered him intoa two-front war that would destroy Germany once and for all. They were all Freemasons (i.e. Cabalists, Satanists.) The goal of Freemasonry is the triumph of Communism-- the political manifestation

Jews Manipulated Catholic Deicide Teaching

Vatican II was largely, and perhaps most famously, about Deicide - and the desire of modern Jews to be released from what they considered to be an outdated and unjust charge against them. A massive media campaign blitzed the Council Fathers to promote a change in Catholic teaching -

Adolf Hitler -- Agent of Zionism and Freemasonry

A German Researcher Renounces Hitler as a Cabalist and Traitor"Hitler's smear campaign was exclusively against Jews, but he had concealed the names of the Zionists who, with greatest brutality and disregard for the Jewish community, had planned the World Revolution and the foundation of the State of Israel. This is

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