Jewish Central Bankers Control Freemasonry & World Lockdown
May 8, 2021

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May 8, 2021
IN said (May 9, 2021):
I am sure Jews had a lot of support to create Israel...even from the Nazi's. But that influence has waned quite alot in recent history.
Look at the COVID jabs and jab passports in Israel. The withdrawal plans to 1967 borders. Biden's and Co.'s support for "Land for Peace".
Furthermore, many Jews at the top businesses are the crooked type. They prefer Marxism for ideological reasons and to crush free enterprise so their businesses benefit. Which is true these days with the lockdowns. However, not everyone at the top are Jews. Bezos of Amazon for one.
It could even be argued that Lenin and Co. were chosen by gentiles to get rid of the Tsar because Jews were not treated well in those days in Russia.
Yes I believe there is still a strong Jewish presence at the top of the globalist order, but not as much as it used to be and their strength and numbers are exaggerated.
Erik B said (May 9, 2021):
All freemasonry is aimed at bringing about "The Great Work of the Ages" , the One World Order and the new old god: Satan as angel of light in the New Aeon, the Mother of all Secrets, haha.. Freemason comes from frere -macon=brother-mason. First they have to build their Temple on the place of the al-Aqsa Mosque.. See what happens, they are running out of time.
John D said (May 9, 2021):
One could be amused by the megalomaniac Jews, they give themselves far too much credit even if they are important players. The whole issue is complicated.
The mystery religion origins go back to Babylonian solar cult worship. The etymology of the term Freemason comes from medieval French. phree=sons and messen=light.
However if one looks at some Egyptian paintings they could argue that Freemasonry predates Judaism because the initiates wore aprons like the modern initiates as explained by Bill Cooper. In his in-depth work he explains its not the "Jews", it's the "brotherhood". The satanic brotherhood that has existed since Babylon and then was disseminated to Egypt, then Canaan, then the Greeks then the Romans with the orphic mysteries. Everyone should read madame Blavatsky's the secret doctrine in which she goes to great detail to espouse the belief in Lucifer with all the initiated irrespective of what the mystery school or order calls itself.
Time and again the Vatican is overlooked in this equation. Final point, all are fulfilling the book of revelation.
Chris said (May 9, 2021):
The video made by Altiyan Childs is a made-for-YouTube production, he seems to have gone out of his way to say anything that would get the video banned or censored. For example, he alludes to covid but doesn't discuss it directly, and at one point shows the word "pandemic" underlined in red for a brief moment but does not say the word itself. He also avoids mentioning vaccines.
We can question his motives - is this another case of "revealing of the method"? Perhaps. He also barely mentioned the Rosicrucians and OTO and didn't mention that many celebrities are Scientologists, but he provided over five hours of solid information with evidence to back it up so it's hard to fault him for not going further in depth. If he had started talking about Judaism then none of us would have seen this video. He promotes Jesus and the Gospels throughout the video and for anyone who actually reads the New Testament it will be plainly obvious that Jesus had some issues with the Jewish leadership, to say the least.
Doug P said (May 8, 2021):
alk to any freemason about Jews. They become offended when you even question something regarding Judaism. I was in a used bookstore and noticed a man wearing some kind of symbol - I forgot the symbol - I was looking through some books on Zionism and I started a conversation with him. I had picked up the wrong book on Zionism he said and he said that it contained a lot of disinformation, he recommended another. I asked if he was a Noahide and he said yes, I asked him about Noahide laws and why he would want to live under a purely statutory system as a citizen with absolutely no rights, he was offended, didn't have an answer and walked away. I asked a Chosenite female attorney the same question, again no answer. I chose the book he told me not to read, I always choose the books people tell me not to read. No "free" mason will ever tolerate the criticism of Jewry - their intolerance exposes them often.
My point is that you can learn much from everyday conversation. Everyday conversation reflects the truths often found on Henry's site as well as many others. I've known something like this Kovid thing has been coming for years, just from everyday conversations and remembering that (a) people like the sound of their own voices (b) you only gain by listening - God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason. Many everyday people have been hypnotised by the serpent and Jews are among the most easily hypnotized and I suspect it is their worldly religion that is at the root of this fault and what makes them chosen.
Our sword is reason, our king is reason and the pen is mightier than the sword. Let's start asking why and how these people have been hypnotized by the serpent. "Hypnotized by the Serpent" are the words of Kipling, a true wordsmith - it's a powerful phrase and needs to be repeated. Talk about it in other places besides the web. Most people, unlike myself and others who read this site, do not seek out adversarial viewpoints but they must be exposed.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
ML said (May 10, 2021):
Some of us have to have our noses "shoved in it" before we wake up and smell the coffee--or anything else, for that matter. I was one of these. I would never have believed all the things you've exposed about Freemasonry and the satanic if I'd not had my whole life tainted by it, and had my children not suffered so odiously, to a heart-breaking degree, and on my watch. I think this would be referred to as a "severe mercy." Some of us are just awfully slow learners. Although regrettable and God-awful, our years under the tyranny of satanism showed us earthly, Biblical reality. There is a God and there is a satan, and that is the story, from start to finish, of man's sojourn here on earth: a true reality check.