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Results matching “Talmud”


The Jewish Messiah is the Antichrist (i.e. Satan)

Increasingly, the behavior of Western leaders strikes us as criminally insane and dangerous.In foreign policy, we witness the belligerence against Russia and threat of world war, the destruction of Iraq and Libya, and the support of ISIS in Syria.  Domestically, we have the attack on heterosexuality (gender), racial and cultural cohesion (migrants)

Dalai Lama As Antichrist - Tibetan Buddhism as NWO Model

Dalai Lama Meets Chief Rabbis, Muslim Leaders in 2006According to author "Titus Returns," Tibetan Buddhist Lamas areSatanists and play a major role in the New World Order. His argument seems farfetched but it is credible and definitely worth considering. February 19th 2006, Jerusalem, 20 February 2006 (By Matthew Wagner, The Jerusalem

Texe Marrs: Serpent is Symbol of Jewish Satanism

Current events demonstrate that humanity is indeed in the grip of an occult powerrooted in the Jewish Kabbalah. The situation is dire.Adherents of this satanic cult control the government,economy, education and the media.No one has done more to alert mankind to its perilous state than Texe Marrs.In his latest book, he exposes

Spain: Teacher Laments Social Malaise

Gay Pride parade in Barcelona. Human beings degrade and humiliate themselves in celebration of sodomy and family dysfunction."For fear of political correctness, Spaniards put their heads down. They are unnerved, destroyed, mutilated. They live stiff and pitiful lives; they flinch and turn away. They don't believe in anything, have lost

Manufactured Conflict: The Banker's Hegelian Grip

Hegelian Dialectics - A Few Examples From Our Past, Present And Future WorldMasonic Jewish bankers use Freemasonry to manufactureconflict and control both sides. Thus they frogmarchhumanity to enslavement."The Hegelian Dialectic is built around Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis. The key is to control all three steps without letting people know about it." by KMG( is

Gay Activists Want to Contaminate Blood Supply

Not content with perverting sexual mores, gay activists are threatening the blood supply. In Canada, gays represent the vast majority of HIV cases. Yet, until recently, a gay man could donate blood if he hadn't had sex with another man for five years. A sexually inactive gay man? Are you kidding me?  And

Fighting an "Invisible Force"

"Who and what is in a position to overthrow an invisible force? And this is precisely what our force is."  (Protocols of Zion, 4) On Independence Day, we are reminded that the US and much of the West has surrendered to a new tyranny, Judeo-Masonry i.e. Communism.(Revised from Jan 2009)by

Michael Hoffman - Judaism is Satanism

"Judaism Discovered," Michael Hoffman's monumental 2009 study of Judaism is subtitled, "A Study of the Anti-Biblical Religion of Racism, Self-Worship, Superstition and Deceit."  But, what does Hoffman really think of Judaism?Michael Hoffman writes: "The core of Judaism, like the core of Gnosticism and Egyptian Hermeticism, is magic, the manipulation of the universe, contra God's creation; i.e. against

WW2 in the Pacific -- Totally Avoidable

The Dec 7, 1941 Pearl Harbor attackwas instigated by Communist Jews in FDR's administration to save Stalinfrom potential attack by Japan. 36 million goyim died.As flies to wanton boys are we to th' gods,They kill us for their sport.King Lear Act 4, scene 1, 32-37By Henry Makow Ph.D.In our case, the "gods" are the

Expat Returns to Find England Unrecognizable

Squalid little island in rapid decline.Englishman "Semper Castleton" has lived in Thailand for 25 years where he works as a consultant. Recently he returned home to visit his mother. He found that a pall of fear hangs over the country."The brief return to my country of birth was not a particularly pleasant experience."By Semper Castleton ( ) English Society

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