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Results matching “freemasonry”

In a five-hour video, Australian rock star Altiyan Childs, 45, has broken his Masonic vows and risked his life to prove beyond any doubt that Freemasonry is Satanism, and Freemasons control the world.  This is an essential reality check. from May 4, 2021by Henry Makow PhDI have been warning people

E. Michael Jones -- "Jews are Not our Friends"

 E. Michael Jones, left, is the foremost Catholic thinker of our time.  Humanity has terminal cancer. We cannot fight this disease if we cannot diagnose it. We have been inducted into a satanic cult, Cabalist Judaism (Communism.)  Satanic cults control and exploit their members by corrupting and making them sick,

My Lifelong Struggle With Freemasons

(Politics is a shitshow put on my Freemasons. Notice Farage's feeble attempt at a Triad Claw sign.)The first obligation of government is to ensure that society isn't taken over by a satanic cult. Our government itself has been taken over. Freemasonry deliberately corrupts and subverts society and makes every non-Mason a second-class citizen.In a

Unvaxed are the New Jews

They're quite literally implementing David Spangler's pronouncement (left.) The unvaxed are the new Jews. Organized Jewry and Freemasonry are the new Nazis (except they´re Communists, makes little difference.)  Millions of people have been given a stark choice: potentially destroy your health or lose your job and starve. There is

1930's Soviet Brainwashing Manual Explains Today

The Soviet Art of Brainwashing --------by Lavrentiy BeriaThe stolen 2020 US election, covid hoax & Agenda 2030 are the culmination of a long-term Communist conspiracyrun by Organized Jewry and Freemasonry, and funded by the Rothschild banking cartel.They finagled our national credit cards and bought everyone and everything. Their ultimate goalis

Vatican Trillion$

(No surprise that the Vatican has gone over to Satanism) Matt 6 21 "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."I am a great supporter of the traditional Catholic church but I was not awarethat the Vatican is second only to the Rothschilds in worldly wealth.This is

In 1920, Oscar Levy Warned about Organized Jewry

"We who have posed as the saviors of the world; we who have even boasted of having given it "the" Savior; we are today nothing else but the world's seducers, its destroyers, its incendiaries, its executioners...I look at this world, and I shudder at its ghastliness; I shudder all the

Bill Gates: Satanist in Sheep's Clothes?

Bill Gates Foundation is affiliated with the Satanist Lucis Trust from Oct 3 2008 & April 1, 2018By Henry Makow Ph.D. (We learned today that Bill Gates is helping to finance a gay activist publishing company. This is consistent with the message of this article from July, 2006.)When Warren

The Satanic Jewish Nature of Modern Cult-ure

Left. Modern culture is a celebration of depravity.  Under the guise of "secularism," society has been inducted into a satanic cult, Cabalism. The goal is to deny man's soul connection to the Divine and reduce him to a domestic animal. "The purpose of modern art, literature and music must be to destroy the uplifting potential of

Perspective -- The US Went Communist Long Ago

For most of the twentieth century, the United States tolerated a party openly dedicated to the violent overthrow of the government and the enslavement of its people. This party, the CPUSA was funded and directed by a hostile foreign government. It engaged in industrial and military espionage, trained guerrilla units

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