by Henry Makow Ph.D.(This substantially updates and revises "Our Leaders: Whose Sick Joke?" Jan 15, 2008)I had as much satisfaction as anyone from the humiliation Vlad Putin dealt the Zionists in Georgia recently. However I'm not joining in the general celebration evinced by articles like "The Zionist West Has
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As the globalists continue on their irreversible course toward international enslavement, it is obvious that their ultimate goal will be attained via the imposition of a one-world government and religion. These objectives closely intersect with the recent adoption of "The Noahide Laws" as a universal legal code. On Dec. 27,
Hello Henry, I agree wholeheartedly with your conclusion regarding the current struggle against Putin. It all started when Putin visited the Islamic conference in Malaysia last year, where a retiring Mahathir Muhammmad went public about his conclusions of "Jews" ruling the world. The better word would have been globalists, but