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Results matching “freemasonry”


The US Was Masonic (Satanic) From the Get-Go

(left, George Washington, Freemason) You blind guides. You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel!"  (Matthew 23:24) For people around the world, the US represented freedom and opportunity. But in fact the US was created to kill, enslave and dispossess the masses,as we are rudely discovering today.Freedom and opportunity are

Jan 12 - Coincidence is Now the Leading Cause of Death

Please send links and comments to WATCH!  "The Kaufman Institute for the Study of Coincidence"Coincidence Theorists David Wolfe (@DavidWolfe) January 11, 2023As long as there is a relative free-flow of information via the Internet, the Satanist project will fail. People are starting to wake up. Even the dullest

Agenda 2030 Implements Protocols of Zion (c. 1892)

("We own the world. You're being evicted.")The Protocols of Zion: Introduction and Synopsis"There remains a small space to cross before all states of Europe will be locked in the coils of the symbolic snake, by which we symbolize our people, as in a powerful vice." "IT IS INDISPENSABLE TO... UTTERLY
Please send links and comments to FREE SPEECH? Elon Musks' Twitter Suspends Trans Woman After Saying Trans People Have a Mental DisorderSara Higdon, a U.S. Army Veteran and current Director of Communications for a group called 'Trans Against Groomers,' recently tweeted that being transgender "is a mental disorder." She

Christmas R.I.P.

Obituary for a sacred, uplifting, unifying social ritual.A vicious, implacable cancer -- Satanism -- is eating the vital organs of society. Satanism is the worship of evil -- greed, lust, violence and ugliness. It is the worship of Death. A measure of this disease's progress is the gradual disappearance of Christmas from

Rudolph the Hooked-Nosed Reindeer

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, written by Robert May, a Jew, was inspired by how Jews were ostracized because of their big noses. Santa (Satan?) plays the role of God, choosing Rudy to lead the other reindeer.This Christmas song-staple illustrates how Christians gradually have been stripped of their religion and inducted into a

Dec 16 - CIA Killed JFK - Tucker Carlson

Please send links and comments to The CIA is an instrument of the Deep StateTucker Carlson reports that an inside source who has seen the hidden JFK files says that the CIA killed JFK and "It's a whole different country from what we thought it was. It's all fake."
(On the left, Communist Jewish Gulag commandants in the USSR. On the right, Zionist Jewish pioneers at Kibbutz Gan Shmuel in 1921. Both are making the classic Masonic hand sign.) I expose the "divide & conquer" political charade. The Left (Communist, globalist) and the Right (conservative, nationalist) are both Masonic-Jewish

Dec 8 - Elon, Why Can't I Play in Your Sandbox?

Left, The Future --"He's got his Elon chip, so he thinks he's eating filet mignon." Ignore their gaslighting. Their ultimate goal is to kill you., you fired the twat that suspended me. Isn't it time you let me play in your sandbox?Henry Makow -- "Your account is permanently suspendedAfter careful

Dec 7 - Power Sabotage Opening Salvo in Civil War?

Free-speech-hypocrite Elon Musk continues to ban Henry Makow 41 Days after buying Twitter. Q. Why?  A. You cannot say mankind has been conquered by a satanic cult (Cabalism-Freemasonry-Communism; and Zionism, also Masonic, False Opposition.) Nonetheless Musk's Twitter is a BIG improvement. E. Michael Jones is back!Please send links and comments

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