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Results matching “Talmud”


Christians Respond to Eckhart Tolle Challenge

I asked Christians to help me understand how Tolle contradicts Christianity. Here are their responses and some responses to their responses.Matt- I believe that most of your "Christian" readers who commented on the Eckhardt Tolle may be egomaniacal narcissists who are unaware of there own shortcomings. This would be anti-Christ in

CEOs are Just Go-fers for the Rothschilds

145 CEOs Urge Trump to Enact Gun Control --- Bankers Control Most Corporations "The chief executives of major US companies sent Senate leaders a letter on Thursday, urging Congress to expand background checks on all gun sales and issue stronger "red flag" laws. The letter, first shared by the New York

Israel Shahak: The Historic Alliance of Jewish & Gentile Elites

(left, Samuel Oppenheimer, Court Jew, and banker 1630-1703)In  "Jewish History, Jewish Religion; The Weight of 3000 Years" (1994) Israel Shahak wrote that throughout history, elite Jews have allied with the aristocracy to control and exploit the masses.  "The position of the Jewish masses moved in tandem with the peasants, not their leaders. The stronger

Jews Disarm the Goyim But Arm Themselves

Reader: "You can be sure that the American Jews and their IDF-stylewill be the only ones left with fully automatic military weapons, semi-automatic rifles and handguns if the Jews have their way."Brother Nathaniel says that Israeli Americans have served in the IDF and represent a sizeable fifth column. Building 'Jewish Warrior' Camps In USAby  Nathaniel Kapner Hypocritical

"Red Terror" -- Why the Demon-rats Want Your Guns

The Demon-rats are the spiritual descendants of the Bolsheviks. This is why they want your guns. Speaking of Bolshevik Jews, Winston Churchill wrote in 1920, "this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has

Divide and Demoralize -- (((Russia's))) Pre-WW3 Strategy

WW3 is the final act in a long-range synagogue script to achieve world Jewish dominationAndy and a small group of dogged researchersbelieve the fall of Jewish Communism in Russiawas a ploy designed to weaken Western defences.He believes that Freemasons are setting the stage for WW3.Here he outlines Russian strategy for

Ilhan Omar and Elijah Cummings Represent Deep State

When the Sean Hannitys of the world insist on Ms. Omar disavowing terrorist organizations, why should she? Her remarks are indicative of an understanding of the realities of the policies and allegiances of the Cabal. (Disclaimer- This is credible and provocative. I can't vouch for it but I post it for comment.)by Lloyd M( In the

New Catholic Book Opposes Zionist Revolution

 "The New World Order is Zionism," says Hugh Akins. "Zionism seeks nothing less than a Universal Satanic Republic under Talmudic Rule." Makow Comment - In 1917, Illuminati Jewish banker Louis Marshall said, "Zionism is but an incident of a far reaching plan. It is merely a convenient peg on which to

Goyim! The Cabalists are Gaslighting You

(left, Ben Garrison's brilliant tableau entitled"Cultural Marxism." The spider is George Soros.) God is ultimate reality. Mankind is inflicted by a cancer called Cabalism (Satanism.)  Its goal is to supplant God and redefine reality according to its interests and perversions. Thus it must sever our ties with truth by making us question

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