I applaud your courageous stands, day after day, hour after hour on Twitter and other platforms, where you fight against and expose the complete and total hypocrisy of Zionist Jewish enslavement of the USA but also its use of American Blacks as their "muscle" and "shield" to get away with everything that they do to American citizenry not sharing this Jewish faith.
Being an Indian-American lawyer in New York City, I see first-hand the con-artist chicanery of the Jewish billionaires who run this city (and country) and how they, in order to avoid getting exposed, install the cruelest, dumbest, most incompetent, and unethical money and power hungry Blacks into positions of authority, (of course where a Jewish Communist is always at the top of that agency) in order to do their bidding.
Who can accuse a Black judge of being racist?
Or a black police officer of being a racist thug?
Or a black administrative government worker of violating your civil rights or being corrupt, incompetent, inefficient, or unfair?
The problem is, Jews and Blacks work together, in tandem (I call it the "gangster nightclub model") wherein Jews act as the brains/organizers/money power, while their Blacks operate as the "bouncers"or the "muscle."
The vast majority of people that these two races oppress, hurt, exploit, extort, target, steal from, threaten, terrorize, humiliate, torture are non-Jews and non-Blacks.
In other words, the people of New York City who get destroyed by this "model of repression" are American citizen descendants of India, China, Mexico, Arab/Muslim nations, Koreans, Asians, Philipinos, Albanians, Latinos, Hispanics, and everyone else (including Christian Non-Jewish Whites).
These two races (Blacks and Jews) have pound for pound, chosen/elevated ALL of the elected officials in New York City (and State) including all of the federal/state judges, congress and senate, and executive branch of the richest most powerful city in America, New York City, which acts as a progressive, communist, socialist trend-setter for the rest of the nation.
After the Jewish Mafia in 1994 gave then New York U.S. Attorney Rudolph Giuliani, all of the physical evidence that he needed to convict and incarcerate the entire Italian (Catholic) Mafia in New York, the Jewish Mafia became totally unopposed in their Khazarian Mafia rule over New York City, and the rest of America.
Then the Jews began to actively and aggressively recruit and elevate corrupt, stupid, and easily controllable Blacks as the city's judges (federal and state), legislative and executive, and have been robbing and oppressing everyone else, ever since.
The Jews in the federal and state courts use the Blacks to undermine the U.S. Constitution and to then elevate their own Talmudic, Noahide, Torah-based Jewish laws instead of the U.S. Constitution.
No one apparently sees this, and it's totally frustrating.
Furthermore, no one is talking about the hundreds of thousands of non-Jewish and non-Black American citizens, that are getting killed or murdered or cheated or having their civil rights violated, every single day, by Black police officers, black judges, black administrative workers, black immigration officers, etc.

(Indian American issues a call to arms to whites)
It far outweighs any civil rights being perpetrated against blacks, who, along with American Jews, completely DOMINATE the U.S. Congress, Senate, Judiciary, and Executive Branch of the United States, while the Indians, Chinese, Koreans, Asians, Arabs, Muslims, Latinos, Mexicans, and poor or non-Jewish Christian Whites, have NOBODY protecting/defending their interests in case they are targeted or oppressed by out of control Blacks and Jews in government, or the private sector.
Please spread this information, and bring this to the attention of your millions of readers/followers.
This "white guilt" has to stop, as we are doing their job to destroy us, for them, with this defeatist, resigned, weakling attitude.
James C said (June 2, 2020):
An estimated 70,000 whites have been brutally raped, tortured, and murdered in South Africa since 1994 when the African National Congress won elections, yet we never hear a word about this from the Western media (I guess white lives don't matter). And the country has been going downhill ever since. "To the extent that massive stealing becomes the order of the day a social breakdown is the inevitable result" (Walter Block). Ninety percent of redistributed farms are dysfunctional: "There is not one instance of a successful land handover in the entire country" (Dr. du Toit). If you have a very strong stomach, do a bing.com image search, using the search term "South African whites murdered," and set the SafeSearch feature to Off. Somebody tell me we don't have a very controlled media in this country.