In my inbox, this Labor Day morning, this video and message from Satanist insider Aloysius Fozdyke. "Seven years ago you published some material I forwarded to you concerning the death of Princess Diana (Aug. 31, 1997) and only now is the truth (some of it) coming out. And yet
Results matching “Aloysius Fozdyke”
"Let me restate, it's population control via mass culling. The survivors will accept a stratified, hierarchical, modern feudalism based upon an international prison system. Smartphones are wonderful and electronic currency is so much more convenient."The man who revealed satanist control of humanity in 2004 gloats atmankind's impotence in the face
"I made inquiries (as much as I can) and was told that the plan is that the Third World War will be caused "by dogma". It won't kill too many initially. The deaths will come more slowly and over time from radiation exposure."(Disclaimer- These are the latest ramblings of Aloysius
"So, were you impressed by the microwave weapons used in Canberra? These will be deployed internationally, after a little refinement. Taxpayers paid for this and we intend to ensure that they get their money's worth. Why not? It's not as if we can be stopped. I keep telling your
(Fozdyke says "Whitey" will be treated like Palestinians. "It's karma.") "There is a cure for the vaccinated, but that will be released after the die off and of course, it won't be free."by Aloysius Fozdyke( get a cheap thrill out of the optimism of the filth believing they will be
"Originally that Age was to be dominated by the white races; but their gross ignorance, rampant stupidity, honourless compliance and criminal cupidity meant that decades ago the Satanic Alpha Lodge decided that the atheist Chinese were to be the race that forms the new, global empire - an empire that
THIS TRIBUTE MIGHT BE EMBARRASSING! MANY ARE STILL ALIVE!!!!"The Dark Lord, Peter Mandelson, left, apart from being openly gay, is one of the highest initiates in the United Kingdom. He was trained in the hebdomadry system of Magick, the same system used by both the Alpha Lodge and the
Aloysius Fozdyke - "Just so you know, there will be a cover story about a virulent computer virus which will necessitate the banks of the world closing (for about three days?). When these re-open it will be back to the 1930s where depositors must prove why they need their money.
"Their structure will be hierarchic, with the Satanic caste at the top and outright slavery at the bottom, and the crushing out of liberty would exceed anything the world has yet seen. Within each state the necessary psychological atmosphere will be maintained by a complete severance from the outside world,