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Satanist Insider - China is Model for NWO

February 8, 2022

china-social-credit.jpg"Originally that Age was to be dominated by the white races; but their gross ignorance, rampant stupidity, honourless compliance and criminal cupidity meant that decades ago the Satanic Alpha Lodge decided that the atheist Chinese were to be the race that forms the new, global empire - an empire that will last millennia."

Insider, Aloysius Fozdyke revealed world satanic control in 2004.

by Aloysius Fozdyke

I have been telling the plebs what's to happen: economic and societal collapse, loss of human rights and freedoms, population reduction and the future for the survivors (the cream of the crud.)

I have also been counselling the purchase of weight/purity stamped, in-your-hand silver for reasons I won't repeat. Those of your readers who've been purchasing gold will be in a very difficult position, but they'll work that out in due course.

Long before you published Edward Dowd's financial end times comments, I've been stating that and many more truths. I stated that Donald Trump was The Harlequin long before the filth knew. His role was foretold to us. (harlequin = buffoon, hm)

So let me tell you this - when Vindex (avenger, executor hm) swiftly arises in His glory, the sheeple will flock to Him, because that's our game plan and everything's in place.

The vaccines were based upon the initiated interpretation of The Apocalypse of St. John the Divine, chapter 13, verses 16-18.

We try to base our actions on biblical prophecies because it's easier to alter the morphic field that way. And once you've accepted the Mark of the Beast your 'loving' God won't save you - only Satan will.  

While the soon-to-be-dead have been trying to guess which team will win My Kitchen Stinks, we've been working on the physical manifestation of our Deities. The scum prays, while we alter the world. And even if they're unvaccinated, the economics will kill them.

The countries of Australia, New Zealand and Canada will become Chinese Special Economic Zones because to rectify numerous colonial issues, their politicians would have to destroy the political systems which give them power.

For this reason, the handovers are on autopilot as the sheeple have never understood economics or how their own political systems work.

 What's a vice-regal appointment document anyway?

Satan is a wonderful Systems' Man! (Why do you think the truckers' GoFundMe was established?)  

What did America do about China's expansion in the South China Sea?

The same as it'll do when Taiwan is taken.

How many facial recognition system cameras throughout the 'free' world? The mushheads are paying for their descendants' prisons.

This is the Age of Satan. What God can create; Satan can destroy!

Originally that Age was to be dominated by the white races; but their gross ignorance, rampant stupidity, honourless compliance and criminal cupidity meant that decades ago the Satanic Alpha Lodge decided that the atheist Chinese were to be the race that forms the new, global empire - an empire that will last millennia.

There's nothing you can do. You've paid for the uniformed thugs, their batons and bullets. Have no fear, because there's more coming!  


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Satanist Insider - China is Model for NWO"

JT said (February 15, 2022):

This article, where Fozdyke speaks of a Chinese takeover and the NWO's abandoning of the white races, makes me think of Dr Rudolf Steiner's prediction of the north European races (5th Aryan Root Race) dominating the world for the next couple of millennia or so -- their time of dominance having started from about the time of the Spanish Armada, when they displaced the earlier dominant Greco-Latin races (4th Aryan Root Race). It seems to me, the northern European races, buckling under the weight of liberalism and mass immigration, have no possibility of lasting out that long.

JC said (February 9, 2022):

Re: Satanist Insider - China is Model for NWO

I don't know, and I don't care, who Aloysius Fozdyke is; but I can tell you one thing: he's a latecomer to what is actually happening. Long ago, I knew about China's coming role in the NWO. I knew because I had collected considerable documentation clearly identifying China and the Khazar "Jews" as the real Gog and Magog of Ezekiel 38. Before you dismiss this claim as absolute nonsense, let me just say that I have the documentation and I can show it to anyone who is interested, even the latecomer Aloysius Fozdyke. IMO, the man is a know-nothing who is full of himself.

There is one other thing:

We hear of the growing threat China poses, yet I find it extremely suspicious that no mention whatsoever is ever made by anyone of the absolutely incredible ongoing relationship that exists between China and Israel. Silence is not always golden; sometimes silence connotes consent. And this is a perfect example. I just did a search, using the search term "China Israel relationship," and got 250,000 results. I repeat no one in the so-called "alternative media" ever mentions this extremely incriminating relationship. If these online incriminating articles are libelous, where are the law suits? The truth of the matter is that Israel has been in bed with China for some time now; it's obvious to anyone who isn't afraid to speak the truth.

Instead of being our greatest ally, IMO Israel is our greatest enemy.

MK said (February 9, 2022):

It seems Aloysius Fozdyke, or the person who is claiming to be him, appears to be going wholly coo-coo-crazy or is just living in a dream world. Why do I say this? I am referring to this: "Originally that Age was to be dominated by the white races; but their gross ignorance, rampant stupidity, honourless compliance, and criminal cupidity meant that decades ago the Satanic Alpha Lodge decided that the atheist Chinese were to be the race that forms the new, global empire - an empire that will last millennia."

I get these wifebeater-vibes of this dude; he seems to be part of the grumpy and bitter incel white men who love Asians and hate their own white race. This group appears to be the only ones giving such appraising comments of Asians. However, from my experience, the Chinese don't seem to be too bright but obey every command - it does not matter if it does not make any sense. Perhaps that is why they were given the preferential status - whites sure are not a perfect race, but they have this nasty tendency to think for themselves and even disobey commands, while Chinese seem to be 100% obedient, equipped with a slave-mind.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at