Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comIsrael's slaughter of Gaza civilians is causing a deep schism worldwide as antisemitism ignites. Antisemitism is the Zionist's bread and butter. They have always sponsored it or faked it. While Jews are being targeted, one term we never hear is Freemasonry, although the
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(The Economist is owned by the Rothschilds and drops their hints)We can all expect to receive this treatment. We already are! COVID lockdowns. Sacrifice of Ukraine. Migration. Gender Dysphoria. Cabalists (Organized Jewry & Freemasonry) are waging war on humanity. Non-Satanists are being ethnically cleansed. But until this reaches their
(Many Jews suffer from a collective Asbergers Syndrome.)Organized Jewry/Freemasonry is using the same strategy they used to suck America into World War TwoGulf of Tonkin, 911, etc... we've seen it all Mike Stone( you concerned with the events taking place in the Middle East? If not, you should be, because
This cartoon is being shadowbanned. I found it on Yandex.Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comUS bombs Syria in an effort to provoke Iran into World War III"Things are escalating much faster than we anticipated. The U.S. has just bombed multiple targets in Syria, clearly in an effort to provoke
(left, Crown Prince Mohammed Reza Pahlevi) Freemasons have been on both sides of every world war. The next one will be no different.They use wars to cull the human herd and make money. Hell on Earth is the Satanist's dream.Partisans on both sides are committing suicide.Disclaimer - I don't agree
(Humanity is satanically possessed)Please send links and comments to Humanity is impaled on the talons of two pincers of Cabalist Judaism: Zionism, and Communism, and is facing a brutal exorcism. The other Cabalist (Masonic) pincer, Islamism, is aligned with Communism, the reason Leftist leaders pretend to hate Israel. Satanism
It's the weekend. As a change of pace, I present an article by a reader, Clare Kuehn, that casts Paul McCartney's murder and replacement in a new light."Mark Lane said Paul was convinced "Oswald couldn't have done it," and wanted to write his very first film score for Lane's upcoming and Snappets' Barbara -"Something has changed on a fundamental publishing level at the international cartoon level. Most international sites have bored me for a while because they were so in lockstep with the Communist agenda; many have come out heavily in favor of Palestine. There are usually plenty
Of course not. We are witnessing a human tragedy.But Israeli Jews must accept the bitter truth. They have been duped.They occupy farms, homes, and businesses that were stolen from their rightful ownerswho were forced to flee to refugee camps. They are unwittingly culpable. Instead of sharing it for the benefit of
(left. 14 yr old girl shot four times. Proof Nazis and Zionists were cut from the same cloth, Freemasonry, i.e. Satanism.)Zionism = Satanism: An Israeli Seeks An "Intervention" What kind of people reduce a subject population tothe point of desperation where children with kitchen knives are attacking soldiers armed with machine guns?