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Alfred Rosenberg - Organized Jewry's Agenda : Depopulation and Enslavement

October 21, 2024

You can keep your head down; you can be politically correct. But the ugly truth is that the "Jews are God's Chosen people" doctrine means that non-Jews are sub-human. 

This doesn't only apply to Palestinians. It applies to all non-Jews and assimilated Jews like me. 

Alfred Rosenberg wrote a scholarly history of the Jews using Jewish sources. He showed that by their Talmudic insistence on double standards i.e. it's ok to rob non-Jews but not Jews, organized Jewry is at war with God and man. Their agenda is to enslave and dispossess mankind under the pretext of war and plandemic. 

Our corrupt ancestors gave these miscreants our national credit cards. 
As a result, mankind is doomed. Hate to be a party pooper. Have a nice day.

The Masonic Jewish-sponsored migrant invasion of the West mirrors their own invasion over the last 150 years. Migrants are proxies for Cabalist Jewish oppressors.

The Track of the Jews Through the Ages pp.58-59
by Alfred Rosenberg

This national separation and this morality with a double [standard] is an undeniable fact of the Jewish past and present both in theory and practice. I do not wish to pile up so many quotations here; let the words of one of the most authoritative and at the same time extremely philo-Jewish scholars be mentioned: "It is a scheme striking on account of its insolence when rabbis gathered together seek to persuade the Christian public that the Jews are obliged to the same moral conduct with regard to all men and brand Judaism as a religion of love of mankind".

From this fact however, there result extremely important insights. If the Christian, the European, may go astray, indeed if he may sometimes fall deeper than the Jew, he possesses in his absolute moral doctrine something that shows him, even in the deepest fall, the path upwards. 

Against the commandment to robbery and betrayal stands, written and unwritten, that to the European society. The tendency of man to give himself up to his egoism receives from morality a counter-weight. To the Jew, on the other hand, there comes to his natural drive a great added power from his moral doctrine which is combined, as it were, with a tenacious racial energy...

If the Jew sees in the property of a non-Jew a thing that by right belongs to him, if the goods of the heathens are similar to the ruler-less desert, and if everybody who seizes them has acquired it honestly, if there is no adultery with a non-Jewess: "For the heathens there is no wife, they are not really their wives," this signifies a legally authorized robbery of all peoples. 

All the usury, all the fraud practised through the centuries on the peoples of the world is therefore not to be considered as an aberration but, on the contrary, the following of the laws of the Sinai and the Talmud scholars.That is why Luther wrote indignantly on this matter, that is why Goethe said of the Jews: "They have a religion which allows them to rob foreigners", that is why Fichte cried out in despair: "Let the Jews continue not to believe in Jesus Christ, let them not believe in any god at all, as long as they do not believe in two different moral laws and a god hostile to humanity".

So when one attacks the Jews that does not happen in order to gag freedom of thought, as they always maintain with indignation, but in order to launch an attack on a system of laws that runs directly counter to those of all states. 

It must be established once and for all that a race with this legal feeling cannot be able to do justice to that of the Europeans and that, consequently, the Jews must for ever be refused influence through the public offices occupied by them, for a Jewish judge cannot and may not act otherwise than to protect and defend, always and everywhere, only the Jews. 

Naive enthusiasts of humanitarianism maintain now that the Jewish laws are, in our progressive age, things of the past. To that it is to be countered that almost 9 million Jews, that is, two thirds ofthe entire Jewry of the world, are still the strictest followers of the Talmud. That is why the laws of all states have always been to the Jew a thorn in his eye and he has constantly tried to counteract them or explain them with Talmudic sharpness for his own goals. 


That is why we see also that the Jews have seldom tried to obtain admission as citizens into all occupations but always aimed at extracting exceptional conditions and laws for themselves... We see it now in Russia and saw it up to 1933 in Germany. It cannot also be explained by the fact that the metropolitan Jews do not have anything to do with the Talmudic laws. For it is not the Talmud that has made the Jews, but the Jews who made it. Besides, this book has ruled the Jewish intellectual life for two thousand years, it was drummed into children from the age of six on day after day and has therefore naturally formed the character of all Jews in the given direction, whether they are now atheistic stockexchange speculators, religious fanatics or Talmudic costumed Jews. 

Besides, our metropolitan Jews originate quite directly from small villages of Galicia or Poland. Now, if we admit that, whatever may be brought forward by well-meaning friends of Jews, there are enough Christian speculators, it is not to be denied that precisely the feeling of justice has stood especially high among the German people. 

A people can absorb a percentage of bad specimens but when a fraudulent mind with complete lack of restraint, prepared most expertly by the most hair-splitting education for all juridical subtleties and corruptions, adheres with incredible tenacity and is supported with enormous wealth, this is a danger to the people. 

With phrases about humanity and equality one cannot solve any historical and racial problems as the Internationalist masters today, through Jewish propaganda, believe they are able to. For that a recognition of the direction of the will of the Jews is necessary, but for that our age, befogged with phrases, lacks the necessary character.


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at