We have all been scarred, not just by the hoax, but worse,
by the fact that society betrayed us in the most egregious way.
Is denial the way to handle this trauma?
Nothing we were told is true.
There has been no reckoning, no account of adverse reactions.
The perps have not been punished. We're still pretending it didn't happen.
JFK's assassination, 9-11...what else is new?
Is Everybody Over Covid?
"1+1=2, government still wants to fuck your children and you."
"After everything that has happened since the start of the pandemic, it's been really hard for me to deal with everyone acting like the shutdowns and mandates never happened. I was coerced to take the vaccine, which I knew was a bad idea, but I thought I couldn't keep a job at that point (and I really regret this if anyone can help counsel me about making this decision.)
So many people turned into tyrants telling us what we could or could not do. Lost many relationships. All the information coming out after lockdowns and mandates largely proved those ideas false, but the media and government totally ignore this. I really was never conspiratorial before this, but since 2021 I've really lost faith in all our systems and institutions. Even people in general, I struggle socializing. Anyone else struggling?
A much loved locally owned bakery in my area closed because both owners took their own lives because of this. After being forced to be closed, they lost a lot of money and I guess it took was too much for them to handle.
Recently been getting heavy ads on streaming services about making sure you schedule your children to get updated Flu and C19 vaccines. So they are putting yearly C19 vaccines on the same level as yearly Flu vaccines. Which have always been a sham to begin with. 1+1=2, government still wants to fuck your children and you."

(Woman arrested for not wearing mask at football game. Cheerleaders are unmasked)
COVID disappeared overnight
"I vividly remember when, quite literally overnight, this entire agenda was just stopped. One day Covid wasn't being talked about anymore, pushing the Vaccine was no longer being stuffed up people's asses, the numbers of dead and infected were no longer being updated every afternoon on the news, and you had to put a degree of effort into even finding those updated numbers in some locations.
In the days prior it was all that was being talked about and thrown around. The overnight turn of the tide conveniently lined up, if I remember correctly, with Russia invading Ukraine, but also, and more suspiciously, around the timing that a Judge had set for the clinical trial data to be released at a rate of 12,000 by the end of that month, and then at a rate of 55,000 pages every 30 days until all 450,000 pages had been released.
This was a pointed jab at the original pace that the FDA was going to do this at, which was 500 pagse per month / 6,000 pages per year, a rate that would have taken 75 years to see full disclosure of the entire clinical trial data.
The initial 12,000 pages were ordered to be released on or before January 31, 2022. The first round of 55,000 pages were ordered to be released on or before March 1, 2022
Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022. With February being a shorter month, this invasion began a mere four days, a block of time less than 100 hours, before these documents were set to be released.
People can have whatever opinion they want, I can't be one to judge anybody, but I simply cannot exist in the skin that I occupy and be capable of calling something like that a fucking coincidence, and anybody that see's it as one, at least in my opinion and being entitled to hold their own, is absolutely crazy.
I'm not saying the war happened because of this or as a distraction from it, but Covid took over our lives for the better part of 2 years or more, and it was completely stripped of virtually all it's media presence while we slept for a single night. That to me is just madness that I'll never understand.

This sincerely effed up my life in a profound way. Still recovering from the family rifts and the depression it caused me. Put a very social person in a locked room for two years and see what it does to them. Then I think about the children, who couldn't learn to speak because they couldn't watch others lips move behind the fkn masks. And the teens stripped of their Senior Year events. Proms and graduations. First day of college. WTF. Ugh and the people who were alone on the beach who were arrested. OMG. The skate park in California that was plowed over. Fkn Vitamin D /Sunshine is the best disinfectant. So so stooopid.
Covid was a hoax; even if it wasn't: it had a recovery rate if 90+%.
The only reason why they got away with the masking and vaccine mandates was because too many people complied.
I didn't wear masks and got fired since I didn't comply with my company's vaccine mandate. I will stand up for my freedom even if nobody else will stand up for theirs.
The dark side of human nature really came out, didn't it.
From X: "No event has traumatized me so much as watching nearly the whole of the professional, media, and academic class be entirely fine with the sudden imposition of totalitarian controls on association, movement, and speech provided they could luxuriate at home - believing there to be a killer virus extant - and hang out on video chats as the workers and peasants kept society running and delivered groceries to their front doors. That same group was thrilled to receive trillions in payments for having done this.
Again, nearly the whole of the top 1/3 of society was just fine with this, and certainly raised no objection. Many within this group manufactured excuses for their deeply disgusting disdain for others.
I doubt I can ever recover the respect I once had for the wealthy, the educated, the credentialed, and the successful. In the Covid period, they deployed their privileges as a weapons against modern ideals and against all the people they (secretly) regarded as their lessers.
This really happened. And it revealed everything. In the end, they were rewarded for their disgraceful attitudes and behaviors. This reality, again, more than anything I've ever personally witnessed, has shaped my views on nearly everything and fundamentally disrupted much of what I once believed."
RB said (September 8, 2024):
First off on your recent addressing of the Covid Scamdemic (CS) and lack of criminal accountability...my wife and I couldn't agree more.
As a fellow Canadian I wrote to my premier on November 3, 2022. The following is one paragraph from that email:
"Let's cut to the chase. There was a definitive day when the Canadian Government released a report to its agencies, wherein it specifically denoted the known harms the Jibby Jabs (it is not a vaccine) were causing. Dr. Daniel Nagase brought this to the public's attention ages ago. In and around the same time, internal Pfizer documents became available that denoted that they had recorded 1,291 different types of ADVERSE REACTIONS OF SPECIAL INTEREST. In fact, Pfizer hired an additional 1,000 people to decipher the results of their 90 day clinical trial. If memory serves, over 2,200 people died during that trial. The bottom line is this: There is nothing arbitrary about how anything was handled. We have amongst us PERPETRATORS OF CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. They include but are not limited to: the ENABLERS (POLITICIANS), THE PROMOTERS (MSM) & THE DELIVERERS (DOCTORS, NURSES & ADMINISTRATORS). They can feign ignorance up to a certain point, although clearly many were complicit from the beginning; but after the aforementioned time frame everyone that participated is culpable. There is much talk worldwide about Nuremberg 2.0, wherein assets of the guilty will be seized, and they will either face LIFE IN PRISON or EXECUTION."
I agree we haven't seen much of the last sentence manifest itself as yet.
My wife and I never bought into the CS. We refused to wear FACE DIAPERS (FD) or get Jibby Jabbed (my phraseology to communicate more neutrally with those that took the clot shots); resulting in a lot of stress throughout the whole debacle. My wife kept saying, why aren't the churches speaking up?? We quickly realized they were more concerned with $$$ as they coerced their flocks, claiming Jesus Christ would want them to comply. For us, being Christian and believing we were created in GOD's image, wearing a FD was always out of the question.
Thankfully we had gone full on Alternative Media when Trump was up against Clinton in 2016 (not realizing at that point they were part and parcel of the same Demonic Uniparty); so by the time Covid came around we were pretty awake.
We give credit to the likes of Judy Mikovits, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Daniel Nagase, Max Igan to name a few in the early CS days.
Very early on, both Kaufman and Igan did independent podcasts on how the PCR Test was looking for Chromosome 8 amongst other things. Of course being human beings we all contain Chromosome 8.
We kept telling ourselves that no matter how much we resonated with any individual's take on any particular topic, we had to use the utmost in discernment.