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April 5 - The People Funding the Tranny Psy Op

April 5, 2023









Who Is Funding the Trans Movement?

Kara Dansky is an attorney, writer, gender rights advocate, and President of the U.S. chapter of Women’s Declaration International. Kara is committed to protecting the rights, privacy, and safety of women and girls on the basis of sex in law and throughout society. Kara and Mikaila Peterson discuss the well-funded industries that are promoting the transgender movement, fighting for sex-based rights of women and girls, the Equality Act, Public Accommodation Laws, and more.



It's a top-down imposition like the fixed US election, the pandemic hoax and the Ukraine war.


Please send links and comment to


Jennifer Bilek--The gender industry is corporate grooming for transhumanism.

Transgender is not a type of person. It is the conglomerate name for an array of corporate pressures which groom children and adults for industrial body dissociation, thus opening humanity to further corporate encroachments into our bodies. It is the colonization of humans, directly targeting the next generation. It is, as renowned transhumanist Martine Rothblatt states, “the on-ramp to transhumanism.”

The word transgenderism is not fit for communication. It does not define anything clearly, but rather obscures the industry manifested in its name. It’s an umbrella term with no borders, under which sit too many conflicting ideas, allowing its definitional goalposts to move whenever anyone critiques its ideology and the markets formed around it. Instituting gender identity as a legal concept deconstructs what it means to be human, since we are a biologically and sexually dimorphic species. What is happening is that the corporate state is deconstructing sex as a step toward alienating us from our humanity. Endless discussions about “gender identity” obscure this fact.

Website dedicated to Satanist tranny plague

  Easter 1956- How the Satanists have corrupted Amerika-









Who Is Funding the Trans Movement?

Kara Dansky is an attorney, writer, gender rights advocate, and President of the U.S. chapter of Women’s Declaration International. Kara is committed to protecting the rights, privacy, and safety of women and girls on the basis of sex in law and throughout society. Kara and Mikaila Peterson discuss the well-funded industries that are promoting the transgender movement, fighting for sex-based rights of women and girls, the Equality Act, Public Accommodation Laws, and more.



It's a top-down imposition like the fixed US election, the pandemic hoax and the Ukraine war.


Please send links and comment to


Jennifer Bilek--The gender industry is corporate grooming for transhumanism.

Transgender is not a type of person. It is the conglomerate name for an array of corporate pressures which groom children and adults for industrial body dissociation, thus opening humanity to further corporate encroachments into our bodies. It is the colonization of humans, directly targeting the next generation. It is, as renowned transhumanist Martine Rothblatt states, “the on-ramp to transhumanism.”

The word transgenderism is not fit for communication. It does not define anything clearly, but rather obscures the industry manifested in its name. It’s an umbrella term with no borders, under which sit too many conflicting ideas, allowing its definitional goalposts to move whenever anyone critiques its ideology and the markets formed around it. Instituting gender identity as a legal concept deconstructs what it means to be human, since we are a biologically and sexually dimorphic species. What is happening is that the corporate state is deconstructing sex as a step toward alienating us from our humanity. Endless discussions about “gender identity” obscure this fact.

Website dedicated to Satanist tranny plague

 Jon Stryker: The Gay Jewish Billionaire Funding the LGBT Movement

The foundation they use to buy trannies, media, doctors and media



Reader--"Maybe the best educational tool ever made in the last 3 years.

Whoever produced this needs an award and our thanks....

BEYOND THE RESET - Animated Short Film about life in a covid concentration camp

24 mins.


Michael Cowan is back after a two week hiatus.

Says US banking system is a house of cards. Bailouts of billionaires' bank accounts at SVB will cause higher inflation.


Pregnant women having heart attacks, strokes and dying - a dark side of Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccination no one is talking about - 15 cases including 10 VAERS (13 deaths)---Dr. William Makis MD

Cincinnati, Ohio - 25 year old healthcare worker Jada Arianna Turner died suddenly in her sleep at 8 months pregnant on March 20, 2023, baby died also…

 Russians outplay digital IDs, again--EdwardSlavsquat
A nationwide boycott threatens another Kremlin-endorsed cattle tag



normalize-this.jpgAcross Canada, the USA and other countries, Universities and Colleges violated our youth with mandates and forced dangerous misrepresented injections. Some were injected thinking that they received a "safe and effective vaccine"; others knew that they were being poisoned but submitted to the injections to maintain their educational and life goals; others protected their bodies at the price of being excluded from higher education, despite having already payed for and invested in their programs. It's criminal and it's evil.

Student Against Mandates is an organization of students fighting for their rights.

In today's post two students from SAM interview Dr Chris Shoemaker, who provides concise answers to their questions about the covid injections and more.  

Many young people feel isolated and will benefit from this interview and from accessing the resources of Students Against Mandates. Please share this with them.


Lesson from History: Transgender Mania is Sign of Cultural Collapse - Camille Paglia - YouTube


The Dollar is in trouble… Here are 7 signs that global de-dollarization has just shifted into overdrive - STATIONGOSSIP

For decades, the U.S. dollar was the undisputed king of global currencies, but now dramatic changes are happening.  China, Russia, India, Brazil, Saudi Arabia and other nations are making really big moves which will enable them to become much less dependent on the U.S. dollar in the years ahead.  This is really bad news for us, because having the primary reserve currency of the world has enabled us to enjoy a massively inflated standard of living.  Once we lose that status, our lifestyles will be much different than they are today.  Unfortunately, most Americans don’t understand any of this.


Funeral director and embalmer Laura Jeffery gave spine-chilling testimony about finding white fibrous masses in the veins of the deceased people in her care.

She had never seen anything like it in the 27 years she worked as an embalmer and only began to notice in the spring of 2021, when the mass injection campaign hit its full stride in Canada.











Who Is Funding the Trans Movement?

Kara Dansky is an attorney, writer, gender rights advocate, and President of the U.S. chapter of Women’s Declaration International. Kara is committed to protecting the rights, privacy, and safety of women and girls on the basis of sex in law and throughout society. Kara and Mikaila Peterson discuss the well-funded industries that are promoting the transgender movement, fighting for sex-based rights of women and girls, the Equality Act, Public Accommodation Laws, and more.



It's a top-down imposition like the fixed US election, the pandemic hoax and the Ukraine war.


Please send links and comment to


Jennifer Bilek--The gender industry is corporate grooming for transhumanism.

Transgender is not a type of person. It is the conglomerate name for an array of corporate pressures which groom children and adults for industrial body dissociation, thus opening humanity to further corporate encroachments into our bodies. It is the colonization of humans, directly targeting the next generation. It is, as renowned transhumanist Martine Rothblatt states, “the on-ramp to transhumanism.”

The word transgenderism is not fit for communication. It does not define anything clearly, but rather obscures the industry manifested in its name. It’s an umbrella term with no borders, under which sit too many conflicting ideas, allowing its definitional goalposts to move whenever anyone critiques its ideology and the markets formed around it. Instituting gender identity as a legal concept deconstructs what it means to be human, since we are a biologically and sexually dimorphic species. What is happening is that the corporate state is deconstructing sex as a step toward alienating us from our humanity. Endless discussions about “gender identity” obscure this fact.

Website dedicated to Satanist tranny plague

 Jon Stryker: The Gay Jewish Billionaire Funding the LGBT Movement

The foundation they use to buy trannies, media, doctors and media



Reader--"Maybe the best educational tool ever made in the last 3 years.

Whoever produced this needs an award and our thanks....

BEYOND THE RESET - Animated Short Film about life in a covid concentration camp

24 mins.


Michael Cowan is back after a two week hiatus.

Says US banking system is a house of cards. Bailouts of billionaires' bank accounts at SVB will cause higher inflation.


Pregnant women having heart attacks, strokes and dying - a dark side of Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccination no one is talking about - 15 cases including 10 VAERS (13 deaths)---Dr. William Makis MD

Cincinnati, Ohio - 25 year old healthcare worker Jada Arianna Turner died suddenly in her sleep at 8 months pregnant on March 20, 2023, baby died also…

 Russians outplay digital IDs, again--EdwardSlavsquat
A nationwide boycott threatens another Kremlin-endorsed cattle tag



normalize-this.jpgAcross Canada, the USA and other countries, Universities and Colleges violated our youth with mandates and forced dangerous misrepresented injections. Some were injected thinking that they received a "safe and effective vaccine"; others knew that they were being poisoned but submitted to the injections to maintain their educational and life goals; others protected their bodies at the price of being excluded from higher education, despite having already payed for and invested in their programs. It's criminal and it's evil.

Student Against Mandates is an organization of students fighting for their rights.

In today's post two students from SAM interview Dr Chris Shoemaker, who provides concise answers to their questions about the covid injections and more.  

Many young people feel isolated and will benefit from this interview and from accessing the resources of Students Against Mandates. Please share this with them.


Lesson from History: Transgender Mania is Sign of Cultural Collapse - Camille Paglia - YouTube


The Dollar is in trouble… Here are 7 signs that global de-dollarization has just shifted into overdrive - STATIONGOSSIP

For decades, the U.S. dollar was the undisputed king of global currencies, but now dramatic changes are happening.  China, Russia, India, Brazil, Saudi Arabia and other nations are making really big moves which will enable them to become much less dependent on the U.S. dollar in the years ahead.  This is really bad news for us, because having the primary reserve currency of the world has enabled us to enjoy a massively inflated standard of living.  Once we lose that status, our lifestyles will be much different than they are today.  Unfortunately, most Americans don’t understand any of this.


Funeral director and embalmer Laura Jeffery gave spine-chilling testimony about finding white fibrous masses in the veins of the deceased people in her care.

She had never seen anything like it in the 27 years she worked as an embalmer and only began to notice in the spring of 2021, when the mass injection campaign hit its full stride in Canada.





Jon Stryker: The Gay Jewish Billionaire Funding the LGBT Movement

The foundation they use to buy trannies, media, doctors and media



Reader--"Maybe the best educational tool ever made in the last 3 years.

Whoever produced this needs an award and our thanks....

BEYOND THE RESET - Animated Short Film about life in a covid concentration camp

24 mins.


Michael Cowan is back after a two week hiatus.

Says US banking system is a house of cards. Bailouts of billionaires' bank accounts at SVB will cause higher inflation.


Pregnant women having heart attacks, strokes and dying - a dark side of Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccination no one is talking about - 15 cases including 10 VAERS (13 deaths)---Dr. William Makis MD

Cincinnati, Ohio - 25 year old healthcare worker Jada Arianna Turner died suddenly in her sleep at 8 months pregnant on March 20, 2023, baby died also…

 Russians outplay digital IDs, again--EdwardSlavsquat
A nationwide boycott threatens another Kremlin-endorsed cattle tag



normalize-this.jpgAcross Canada, the USA and other countries, Universities and Colleges violated our youth with mandates and forced dangerous misrepresented injections. Some were injected thinking that they received a "safe and effective vaccine"; others knew that they were being poisoned but submitted to the injections to maintain their educational and life goals; others protected their bodies at the price of being excluded from higher education, despite having already payed for and invested in their programs. It's criminal and it's evil.

Student Against Mandates is an organization of students fighting for their rights.

In today's post two students from SAM interview Dr Chris Shoemaker, who provides concise answers to their questions about the covid injections and more.  

Many young people feel isolated and will benefit from this interview and from accessing the resources of Students Against Mandates. Please share this with them.


Lesson from History: Transgender Mania is Sign of Cultural Collapse - Camille Paglia - YouTube


The Dollar is in trouble… Here are 7 signs that global de-dollarization has just shifted into overdrive - STATIONGOSSIP

For decades, the U.S. dollar was the undisputed king of global currencies, but now dramatic changes are happening.  China, Russia, India, Brazil, Saudi Arabia and other nations are making really big moves which will enable them to become much less dependent on the U.S. dollar in the years ahead.  This is really bad news for us, because having the primary reserve currency of the world has enabled us to enjoy a massively inflated standard of living.  Once we lose that status, our lifestyles will be much different than they are today.  Unfortunately, most Americans don’t understand any of this.


Funeral director and embalmer Laura Jeffery gave spine-chilling testimony about finding white fibrous masses in the veins of the deceased people in her care.

She had never seen anything like it in the 27 years she worked as an embalmer and only began to notice in the spring of 2021, when the mass injection campaign hit its full stride in Canada.


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at