Feb 21 - Putin's Russia is Bulwark Against West's Satanism
February 21, 2023

Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.com
Gonzalo Lira: Main takeaways from Putin's speech today--Russia will:
+Not renew ties with Europe (implied in entire speech).
+Become fully autarkic. (Self-sufficient)
+Not renew nuke limitation talks.
+Ensure Ukraine will never be a threat to Russian territory (implies Russia will take all of Ukraine).
Putin says West using Ukraine as proving ground to inflict damage on Russia

Dr. Lee Merritt-- Ohio is not an ecological disaster
What's going on? She says this is the same stuff they use to defrost airplane wings. Hydrochloride acid is dispersed.
What a brave girl standing up and telling the truth.

David Icke- Well, well, well - Little East Palestine (population 4,700) was at the centre of a pilot program to respond to EMERGENCY situations and free digital ID's were given to residents to track long-term health problems like 'difficulty breathing'

Spain passes law allowing mutilation of gender-confused kids 16 and up without parental consent
New Zealand Gov't Admit COVID Vaccines 'Dramatically Increase Risk of Death'
Andrew Joyce--Jewish Corruption in Ukraine
Ukraine is an extremely corrupt country, with the culture of fraud and graft stemming in large part from the Soviet legacy and saturating all levels of society.
"At the same time, fifty Jewish families own 80% of all wealth. Where do you see the Ukrainian oligarch? I don't know any. They are all Jews. Their wealth betrays their own bragging rights: Rolls-Royces, planes, castles, hotels, casinos owned in Monte Carlo. Aircraft and yachts under foreign flags. And, of course, they don't pay taxes. And plants and factories were bought by them not at a real price, but stolen from the entire Ukrainian people."----Serhiy Ratushniak, Former Mayor of Uzhhorod

"We've now learned that the school has been behind a concerted attempt to pressure our GD to begin hormone treatment, without any parental guidance, or knowledge. She has been offered treatment many times we learn."
Makow--This screams "our situation is critical." It's all about depopulation. Gender bending hormones are in lieu of killing children with vaccines. The ultra-rich Satanists want us dead and gone. Just listen to Yuval Harari. They are raining shit on us and telling us it's ice cream.
Doug P said (February 21, 2023):
The Russians are Satanists as well. They just do it differently.
Proof: https://nap.nationalacademies.org/read/11382/chapter/19