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Col. Richard Black: U.S. Leading World to Nuclear War

May 1, 2022

"Ukraine is meaningless to Americans; it has no impact on our day-to-day lives.
And yet we're playing this reckless game that risks the lives of all people in the
United States and Western Europe for nothing! Just absolutely for nothing!"

"You talk about New York City, probably New York City itself, not only would everybody be killed, but it would probably be impossible for people to inhabit New York City for hundreds of years afterwards. But not only would it cease to be a place of vibrant human life, but probably going out for maybe half a millennium, it would not recover any sort of civilization. "

Col. Richard Black, Sen. Richard Black, who, after serving 31 years in the Marines and in the Army,
then served in the Virginia House of Delegates from 1998 to 2006, and in the Virginia Senate from 2012 to 2020.
 A helicopter pilot, he flew 270 combat missions in Vietnam.

Makow - Organized Jewry (and Freemasonry) are trying to provoke a nuclear war.    In this interview, Black says the US and the West will be totally wiped out.

Col. Richard Black: U.S. Leading World to Nuclear War
(Excerpts by

Russia is, perhaps more blessed with natural resources than any other nation on Earth.

They are a major producer of grain, of oil, of aluminum, of fertilizers, of an immense number of things that tie into the whole global economy. And no doubt there are people who look at this and say, "if we could somehow break up Russia itself, there will be fortunes made, to where trillionaires will be made by the dozens." And there's some attraction to that. Certainly you've seen some of this taking place already, with foreign interests taking over Ukraine, and taking their vast resources....

christian-russia.jpgRussia went from being an officially atheist country, to where they became the most Christianized major nation in Europe, by far. Not only were the people, the most Christianized people in any major country in Europe, but the government itself was very supportive of the church, of the Christian faith. They altered their Constitution to say that marriage was the union of one man and one woman. They became very restrictive on the practice of abortion. They ended the practice of overseas adoptions, where some people were going to Russia and adopting little boys for immoral purposes. So they became a totally different culture.


We don't care! The United States and NATO, we do not care how many Ukrainians die. Not civilians, not women, not children, not soldiers. We do not care. It's become a great football game. You know, we've got our team. They've got their team, rah rah. We want to get the biggest score and run it up. And, you know, we don't care how many how many of our players get crippled on the playing field, as long as we win.

Now, we are shipping fantastic quantities of weapons, and it's caused the stock of Raytheon, which creates missiles, and Northrop Grumman, which creates aircraft and missiles, all of these defence industries have become tremendously bloated with tax dollars. I don't think it's ultimately going to change the outcome. I think that Russia will prevail. The Ukrainians are in a very awkward strategic position in the East.  

But if you look at the way that this unfolded, President Putin made a desperate effort to stop the march towards war back in December of 2021. He went so far as to put specific written proposals on the table with NATO, peace proposals to defuse what was coming about. Because at this point, Ukraine was massing troops to attack the Donbas. And so, he was trying to head this off. He didn't want war. And NATO just blew it off, just dismissed it; never took it seriously, never went into serious negotiations.

At that point, Putin seeing that armed Ukrainians, with weapons to kill Russian troops were literally on their borders, decided he had to strike first. Now, you could see, that this was not this was not some pre-planned attack. This was not like Hitler's attack into Poland, where the standard rule of thumb, is that you always have a 3-to-1 advantage when you are the attacker. You have to mass three times as many tanks and artillery and planes and men, as the other side has.

In fact, when Russia went in, they went in with what they had, what they could cobble together on short notice. And they were outnumbered by the Ukrainian forces. The Ukrainian forces had about 250,000. The Russians had perhaps 160,000. So instead of having three times as many, they actually had fewer troops than the Ukrainians. But they were forced to attack, to try to preempt the battle that was looming, where the Ukrainians had massed these forces against the Donbas...

But it is amazing to look and to see that Russia dominates the air. They haven't knocked out the train systems. They haven't knocked out power plants. They haven't knocked out so many things. They've never bombed the buildings in the center of Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine; they haven't bombed the buildings where the parliament meets. They've been incredibly reserved about these things, hoping against hope that peace could be achieved.

But I don't think I don't think Ukraine has anything to do with the decision about peace or war. I think the decision about peace or war is made in Washington, D.C. As long as we want the war to continue, we will fight that war, using Ukrainians as proxies, and we will fight it to the last Ukrainian death.


And you can see we're taking these very reckless actions, and each time we sort of up the ante--I happen to be a Republican--but we have two Republican U.S. senators who have said that, "well, we might just need to use nuclear weapons against Russia." That is insane. I think it's important that people begin to discuss what a thermonuclear war would mean.

destroyers.jpeg(This refers to Organized Jewry not ordinary Jews who are clueless conformists.)

Now, we need to understand, we think, "oh, we're big, and we're bad, and we have all this stuff." Russia is roughly comparable to the United States in nuclear power. They have hypersonic missiles, that we do not have. They can absolutely evade any timely detection, and they can fire missiles from Russia and reach San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Washington, D.C., New York City.

And if you think about just Virginia, where I happen to live, if there were a nuclear war--and keep in mind, they also have a very large and effective fleet of nuclear submarines that lie off the coast of the United States. They have a great number of nuclear-tipped missiles, and they can evade any defenses we have.

So just in Virginia, if you look at it, all of Northern Virginia would be essentially annihilated. There would hardly be any human life remaining in Loudoun County, Prince William County, Fairfax County, Arlington, Alexandria. The Pentagon lies in in Arlington County: The Pentagon would simply be a glowing mass of molten sand. There would be no human life there. And there would be no human life for many miles around it. Just across the Potomac, the nation's capital, there would be no life remaining in the nation's capital. The Capitol building would disappear forever. All of the monuments, all of these glorious things--nothing would remain.

If you go to the coast of Virginia, you have the Norfolk Naval Shipyard, you have the Port of Norfolk. You have you have the greatest accumulation of naval power on the face of the Earth. This is where we park all of our aircraft carriers, our nuclear submarines, all of those things. There would be nothing remaining. There would be nothing remaining of any of those shipping industries there.

And you can carry this on. You talk about New York City, probably New York City itself, not only would everybody be killed, but it would probably be impossible for people to inhabit New York City for hundreds of years afterwards. But not only would it cease to be a place of vibrant human life, but probably going out for maybe half a millennium, it would not recover any sort of civilization.

Deagel-usa.jpgWe need to understand the gravity of what we're doing. Perhaps if it were a matter of life and death for the United States, what happens in Ukraine, that would be one thing. Certainly when the Soviet Union put missiles in Cuba, that targeted the United States, that was worth taking the risk, because it was right on our border and it threatened us. And it was it was a battle worth fighting for and a risk worth taking. The Russians are in this in exactly the mirror image of that situation, because for them, the life of Russia depends on stopping NATO from advancing further right into Ukraine, right to their borders. They cannot afford not to fight this war. They cannot afford not to win this war.

So I think, toying with this constant escalation in a war that, really, in a place that has no significance to Americans--Ukraine is meaningless to Americans; it has no impact on our day-to-day lives. And yet we're playing this reckless game that risks the lives of all people in the United States and Western Europe for nothing! Just absolutely for nothing!


 You know, there's been a tremendous deterioration in the quality of flag officers, going back to, well, certainly the 1990s. We had very, very fine flag officers, during the time I was on active duty--I left in '94--just superior quality people. But what happened is, subsequently, we had President Clinton take over, later, we had Obama. We've got Biden now. And they apply a very strict political screen to their military officers. And we now have "yes men." These are not people whose principal devotion is to the United States and its people. Their principal devotion is to their careers and their ability to network with other military officers upon retirement.

There's a very strong network that can place military generals into think tanks, where they promote war, into organizations like Raytheon and Northrop Grumman, and all of these defence operations, where they can get on boards and things like that. So there's quite a personal price that you pay for saying, "Hey, stop. War is not in the interests of the American people." If we had a better quality of individual, we would have people with the courage who would say, "I don't care what it costs me personally."

 But it is very difficult to get into the senior ranks, if you are an individual guided by principle, and patriotism, and devotion to the people of this nation. That's just not how it works. And at some point, we need a President who will go in and shake the tree, and bring a lot of these people falling down from it, because they're dangerous. They're very dangerous to America.

Related - Martin Armstrong


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Col. Richard Black: U.S. Leading World to Nuclear War"

TP said (May 1, 2022):

Richard Black was respected in Virginia, in the legislature, but they all hated him, for speaking against the Imperial Wars. And if you see him, tell him that his scenario for New York City sounds great! I am all on board, as most Americans would be.

Richard H said (May 1, 2022):

The following is a response to Col. Black. In short, he's worse than wrong.

Response to Col. Richard Black.

So many of so called military authorities are spewing little more than Putinist agitprop. It would not be so bad if it were actually their considered opinions, but that they are regurgitating Putin's talking points almost verbatim.

The picture of Russia is not as pretty as people like Black think. Putin, for example, is not the anti-NWO warrior people like to think. He was a part of the WEF for years and was expelled only because of who Putin thought should be at the top of the globalist heap.

A comparison of Putin and Zelensky is also in order, if you still think Putin is different.

Are Ukrainian President Zelenskyy and Russia's Vladimir Putin both globalists? - LifeSite (

Russia is also not really a part of western civilization. It remains the same semi-barbaric country it was under the Tsars, and has long been a troublesome headache to the core, while being unable to live and gain advancement only by stealing from the core. The hits Russia is taking in its tech sector shows this and is why the withdrawal of western tech companies from Russia is forcing them to revert to Soviet production of weapons and consumer goods.

This last article deals with the history of Mariupol and touches on Donetsk and their origins at their founding by British industrialists. The picture of Russia is not pretty.

Thread by @kamilkazani on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App

In short, Russia is a parasite. Much of their oil production is about to disappear with the departure of western oil services companies. Their tech sector is rapidly dying because of the withdrawal of western tech companies, and their Army is showing they are barely above the brutal stage at the best of times, and revert to savages as they did in Libya, Syria, and Ukraine.

In the end, Russia dies in Ukraine, or Russia wins and goes onto Moldova, the Baltics, Romania, Slovakia, and Poland. Black wants to think the sorry political establishment in DC is taking us to a nuke confrontation with Russia. The opposite is true. Putin is acting like his political forebears and is demanding others kneel before Tsar Putin, who has invaded Ukraine with no provocation or reason to invade. Putin is playing the same game Hitler played, with a Russian flavor. Putin has even made history Rhyme. On page 37 of Rene De Chambrun's book “Mission and Betrayal 1940-1945,” Chambrun tells of the broadcast, in French, telling that Germany,

“had decided, against her will, to protect Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg against

an allied threat.”

Those actually believing Putin have either ignored history, or simply find it easy to taker Putin's disinformation, neatly packaged, as it is, with little critical thought. Simply put, Putin is the man rattling nuke sabers because he isn't getting his way in subjugating Ukraine and the west as had the temerity to support Ukraine against Putin's rape. Frankly, It's a shameful display right up there with Munich 1938.

Anonymous said (April 30, 2022):

This is another good article. If this war is to happen, so many Americans will die or suffer without a clue of the truth to any of it. Our minds have been warped by years of propaganda.

The cynical side of me says these demonic-possessed creatures will come out of their bunkers after the fallout and it will all be theirs, as they planned. Its evil and insane.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

My Mother Embodied Selfless Love -

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My Mother Embodied Selfless Love

May 8, 2022


(left. My mother feeding my brother in 1958)

My annual Mother's Day article slightly revised 

By her example, my mother,
Helen Iskowicz Makow (1919-1983),
taught me 
that love is selfless 
devotion to family.
To my shame her self-sacrifice
was taken for granted.

"I grew up in an era when the media taught us that homemakers were not cool. Women like my mother who nurtured and loved their families were denigrated. That attitude rubbed off on me."

  This #scamdemic is all about degrading and dehumanizing us by destroying institutions like Motherhood.  Evil wants us too frightened and distracted to honor our mothers on Mother's Day. 

by Henry Makow PhD

My biggest regret is that I never showed my mother how much I loved her before she died in 1983 of breast cancer.

I think she knew I loved her but at 33, I was still too self-centred to repay her in kind. With shame, I remember sitting in her hospital room marking term papers as she lay dying.  

When people are dying, we can't easily say our goodbyes. It is awkward. We want to maintain the illusion of recovery.

mothers-day12.jpg(Left. The nuclear family is the building block of a healthy society. Dad took this picture of us.)

I learned from her how a woman brings love into the world by her selfless dedication to family. When someone totally sacrifices for you, when someone is unconditionally for you, it's pretty hard not to love them back with all your heart. 

Mothers kickstart the cycle of love. 

Mothers are the unsung heroes of society. They do the difficult, thankless work of nurturing and teaching helpless children in sickness and in health. 

My mother's credo was to serve her husband first, children second, Canada third and Israel fourth. She wasn't on her own list.

She never demanded anything in return; and as result, we took her for granted. We exploited her.

She was so selfless that I noticed when once at dinner, she took a choice cut of chicken for herself. 

I grew up in an era when the media taught us that homemakers were not cool. Women like my mother who nurtured and loved their families were denigrated.  That attitude rubbed off on me. I was brainwashed.

Obviously, this was part of the Cabalist (Communist) war of annihilation against the family and society as a whole. The covid hoax is just the latest in a centuries-long effort to destroy and enslave us. We are brainwashed and inducted into their cult. 


My mother had a successful business importing watch bands from Switzerland. After my father became more established, he asked her to focus on the children. This was about 1954. 

She was proud to be Mrs. David Makow, wife of a physicist, and mother of three. Women have been deprived of this time-honored social role. Many are quite lost as a consequence.


Once, when I was doing a TV appearance in NYC for "Ask Henry," a producer showed us the sights in his sports car.

We had an accident. The car door flew opened and my mother fell on to the pavement.

I screamed in panic, "Mom!"

Thankfully, she wasn't hurt. 

But afterwards, she remarked with satisfaction, "You do love me."
Why did it take an accident to show her that?

My mother 
had survived the war by passing as a Gentile. She didn't finish high school and didn't read books. But she had a sophisticated stamp collection and made batiks. 


When I was eight-years-old, I related an incident that occurred at school. She told me to be strong and stand up for what is right. 

This is called "moral courage," she said. 

You don't learn that in school. You learn that from life.

Evil will not stop us from honoring our mothers on Mother's Day. 

Related - "No Longer Binary"-- Aussie School Renames Mother's Day

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "My Mother Embodied Selfless Love"

Tony E said (May 11, 2020):

Well said Henry, when I was young my mother encouraged my love for chess, I finished 2nd place in NYC Archdiocese tournament, my hero was not Mickey Mantle but Bobby Fischer, he adored his mother a poor Jewish woman cleaning apartments on NYC lower east side. Bobby had a 180 IQ and was slandered as being crazy by the elite Jews which he exposed for their plans for a NWO.
He was a great man with a great love for his mother, Much like you Henry.

Les said (May 10, 2020):

As the comments above make abundantly clear, a Mother’s prime job is love, which in turn begets love. Without “Mothers” this world is doomed to violence and a loveless existence for humanity. As you have repeatedly made clear, this is the meaning of the NWO. This is why they are trying to destroy Motherhood.

Love is more powerful than evil. The NWO, will not succeed for this reason. Although we are not yet through the tunnel, and we must suffer still more, I believe love will eventually vanquish this horrible experiment.

Henry thank you for this powerful article. I also had a loving Mother. I also did not appreciate this until after her death.

G said (May 10, 2020):

Henry, just wanted to say that the pictures of you and your family that you've posted over the years show so very much love, such good history, lives well-lived. Your mother is especially beautiful and looks the embodiment of nurturing strength. Good that you have had such an influence. Shows in your character. None of us has had a perfect life, but how much more awful it would have been without those who did the best they knew how to love us. So here's to families who try!! Imperfect, and prone to on-going mistakes, they somehow make the journey worthwhile. Happy Mother's Day!! I hope the result of all this evil that surrounds us everyday will be that we root out the evil and we love each other with greater intention.

Lora said (May 12, 2019):

I know many women who are being made to feel guilty by society no matter what they do: they work, they feel guilty for not seeing their baby. They do not work, they are feeling guilty for not doing so. I am not talking about the lazy ones. I am talking about conscientious, life affirming and aspiring women. We are being driven crazy at every front.

For me the guilt ended when I started to study the Bible properly and got to know my Father in Heaven better. It showed me that being a mum is an extremely honorable position and come with great responsibility. I chose a modest but good life nor am I jealous of other women's achievements.

Now, I am glad I made that choice. My kids are a joy and loving to me. Everything I worked for prior to the children, doesn't exist anymore. It was wasted time and effort; somebody else got rich. My children are my legacy and the best thing I have done. Women have to make choice and then be ok about it and take responsibility for it. I am glad to live a life where I had the choice though and wasn't forced into either direction.
Now we need to support the fathers.

Diane said (May 13, 2018):

Henry I love to read your story every year. Your Mom was like so many who live to care for their children.
I have something I'd like to say.
I simply cannot walk around in a Pink Pussy Hat with a bunch of ridiculous feminist.
They are not fighting for what's important.
All women should be provided six months of maternity leave.
What we get in the US is barbaric.
If Feminism were not state and corporate sponsored, we'd have maternity and child welfare laws that promoted family health.

Ken Adachi said (May 13, 2018):

What a magnificent ode to the selfless love that so many angelic mothers shower upon their children (which is often not fully realized until much later in life). The entire course and direction of our life is determined by the lessons we learn under the wing of a loving mother, yet we rarely realize the value of those lessons that we instilled within while observing her example. I too was blessed with a mother who could only be described as saintly, considering the hardships she had endured when my father was hospitalized for 2 years during World War II, yet did everything necessary to keep our family whole, together, loving, and laughing. God thanked her for her service by allowing her to live a long life, free of disease, and went further by sending me a wife who is just as loving, caring, and devoted to me as was my mother. Who could ask for greater gifts than the love of a mother and wife?

LT said (May 13, 2018):

I love your story about your beautiful mother Helen. I've read it before. you have tweaked your lovely story in a perfect way to get the correct message out there.

What would we do without the selfless love of our mother's?

I can relate to not appreciating my selfless mother. Coming over to the U.S. as a teen with a baby was not easy.

She gave everything to me so that I would have a good life. Education was her mantra. She did not get the education. She made sure I had the best.

But of course, growing up in the 70's the take home message was that being a selfless, stay-at-home-mother did not deserve respect. I was told to not look up to her example. I was to forge a new identity as a woman who could do it all on her own. I did not need anybody.

I regret not giving her more and loving her more. I was an angry young feminist.

She is gone now and I miss her every day. The best values I ever learned were from my mother and her constancy in my life.

And now, the best thing I have ever done is to have my son and give to him unconditionally. No job has ever given me that satisfaction.

It's called LOVE.

Wade said (May 13, 2018):

I had a mother like yours. I am an only child. My mother raised me alone as she and my Dad divorced when I was two years old. My Dad was a veteran of WWII and an alcoholic. I never had a relationship with him. Mom and I moved to California from back East when I was two...right after the divorce.

Just to give you a flavor of what I was like...I walked out of kindergarten on the 2nd day. I walked home. When Mom and I went back to talk to the teacher it was decided that I would just skip it. Next year in first grade I got into a physical fight with an old maid teacher. As a result I was removed from her class and the principle showed me a razor strap hanging on his wall and threatened to use it on me. I remember clearly what I was thinking in this very large man's office at the time. Henry I was not one bit afraid. I was thinking...You just try to use that strap on me and see what happens. And I am only 6 years old.

If not for my Mother I would have ended up dead or in prison. Dr. Dobson says Mothers are the most important person in a child's life. I will say that a kid can make it in life with a great Mother and a bad Dad...but that kid can't make it in life with a good Dad and a bad Mother. That is just how critically important Mothers are.

You are a very fortunate man Henry to have had a Mother like mine.

Tex said (May 13, 2018):

Andrews remark of no one but a mother gives so unconditionally is only partially correct.

Henry struggles with seeing truly who God is but says how can one not return love to one who gives so unconditionally and sacrificially.

No one gave more than Jesus Christ nor loves more unconditionally, yet you struggle, failing to accept His love for you personally and to return it.
You are being prayed fo.


God may love unconditionally but people who ignore His laws do suffer.


G said (May 13, 2018):

Thanks, Henry, for the beautiful tribute to your mom. How lovely she is. Made we think of my own mom. Yeah, as I look back, the selflessness was stunning. And there was hardly any ego in it all. Just a continuous giving and a making sure the family's needs were met.

How I wish I could give back and somehow communicate how grateful I am. I guess the best way to do that is to be the best mom I can, to model family love and devotion. I'm glad we had a taste of the real thing and that we can speak of it, speak of it as the life-force that keeps the love flowing. Mother's Day is Love Day.

David M said (May 15, 2017):

Your latest article is spot on about your mother. We have no idea just how blessed we are to have great moms. My mom was always there for me even though I took her for granted. For me, it has been almost five years since my mother passed away.

Before she died, the last words I ever spoke to her were "Mom, I love you. I love you too son." After I said these words, my pops took her to the hospital where she later passed away that night. My mom wanted me to be successful in my own life. My two regrets are that I never got married and gave her at least one grandchild by the time she went to heaven.

My mom was a warrior who fought to the last minute of her life. I never knew she was dying. She never told me she was. She just did not want anyone to know what she was really going through. She made the ultimate sacrifice for me and my pops.

Al said (May 10, 2016):

Say what you want about the most important jobs there may be in any existing culture; you would get lawyers, doctors, engineers, teachers, etc., however, mothers have the most crucial jobs of all; because they are responsible for them all. Thank God for that, after all, no matter what the social engineers claim, the only successful thing a village ever raised, was the idiot. Thanks for sharing

Marlene said (May 9, 2016):

No way that I could not respond your beautiful tribute to your mother ... Thank you -- straight from your heart, it brought tears ...

My mother too, was exactly like yours -- she lived only for her "beloveds" -- my father, my two brothers and me!
Born, the youngest of a large family, she happily attended everyone's needs, thrilled to wear clothes which her sibling sisters had outgrown.
She too, was not well-educated ... but like your mother, upright and with the inborn wisdom of an old soul, she lovingly kept us on the 'straight and narrow".

So along with your salute to your wonderful mother, I salute my wonderful mother too!

If I may -- treasure to your heart, that your mother, although long since gone, more than ever, knows that you loved her ...

Warm regards ...

From a reader who appreciates your writings and the moral courage your mother passed on to you!

Roy said (May 8, 2016):

A few years ago I had the pleasure of recording a special tribute for Mother's Day.

You can find it at the top of the list at

I hope you and mothers everywhere enjoy it. Of all the things I have recorded in my life
this along with my religious recordings, "The Bible", etc, is among my favorites. I hope you enjoy it.

David R said (May 7, 2016):

Enjoyed your article about your mother on mother's day. Here are some images I found interesting and want to share with you. In the picture by the lake, your mother was wearing a pretty dress, and a smile on her face as she displays her love for her beautiful WHITE children. Her smile exposed nice white teeth, because I believe she did not smoke. Your mother was pretty and presented herself in a clean and wholesome feminine image. Lucky you and your brother and sister to be the creation of this lovely lady.

Paul said (May 7, 2016):

Micah 2:9 says, " You drive the women of my people from their pleasant homes. You take away my blessing from their children forever." We learn about God from our mothers. I had an abusive mother but I'll never forget how she still would get up early on cold winter mornings, re-light the fire in the coal furnace and try to make breakfast in an uninviting setting while the rest of us slept. That small sacrifice certainly didn't go unnoticed. even if it was all I had.

JG said (May 7, 2016):

I was blessed to be born into a Nuclear Family in the once Christian America of the 1950's. We had 3 children with a father that worked and a stay home Mom. Believe it or not, this was once the norm in America.

My Mother is an Orthodox Christian which is even a greater blessing.

Love never ended or started with kind words because she believed that it was always your actions that defined who you were. An apology yes, but a speech on love, never.
I remember once when I was going through a period of despair and unhappiness she told me that this was a punishment for the sinful life I had been leading for many years. She didn't lie and sugarcoat things just to make me feel good.

I was never raised to believe that God was a Santa Claus and that mommy's little boy could do no wrong.
My feelings today go to the young people out there who have had their families ruined by divorce, materialism, and immorality. I have a good friend who wants contact with his Mother but she still refuses to talk to him to this day.

They once showed a commercial here of a young born baby asking why everyone was running away from him. If this doesn't sadden you than maybe nothing will. Life was not meant to be this way.

We are in the closing days now and will be reaping a whirlwind of judgement soon.

However, we can still hold on to the life that once was in our hearts and keep our memories of the godly people we were blessed to have in our lives.

Dan said (May 11, 2015):

It really touches me, to read of the disappointment of D [below], the mother whose daughter was indoctrinated into the cult of feminism at McGill. I hope the young woman will realize eventually her own childishness to put her mother down and reject her for being a mother instead of a selfish careerist.

I think any emotionally mature man or woman, sitting in the waiting room of a female doctor, seeing there a full time mother with two or three children, will respect the doctor, but they will admire the mother, for it's the loving sacrifice of these that give us all the doctors, great scientists, statesmen, philosophers, leaders, and you name it.

A feminist is just like a man in the respect that she will ever only produce one 'professional' - herself. A mother - the real woman - can produce many.


D writes:

P.S. to the article on Mother's Day
Dan, now I am touched.
Just letting you know - my daughter DID send me a rather kind email in the evening. She acknowledged the differences between us, but expressed words of gratitude and hope that things can get better. Gratitude should not end in words, I know, but she meant it when she spoke them. :-)
It is better than nothing and there IS hope. These indoctrinators are very powerful, but truth, even when persecuted, humiliated and outlawed, is more powerful still, and always wins in the end. I pray my daughter's love for truth will be greater than her love of self, and will help her see through the layers of lies - to emerge battered yet victorious.

Bill S said (May 11, 2015):

I once asked my father, "Dad, why did you marry mom?" He replied immediately, "Because your mother is the kindest person I have ever met." I agree. She had a pure heart of love. Quite innocent in the ways of the world. Although she could connive on occasion. She bought me a cream colored sport jacket once for $100 and warned me not to tell my father how much it cost, since he would throw a fit. She was always available by phone when I needed someone to talk to. I wish I could have talked to my dad that way, but could not. Dad was all business. Willing to help or give advice, but make it short and sweet - kind of like when you are presenting your case before a judge. My mom could read between the lines - and she cared enough to dig deeper. Yet she knew when to back off and respect my personal boundaries. My parents were both good people who did the best they could to love each other and love us kids. I miss them alot. I hope they are reunited in heaven with my sister and cheering me and my brother on as we continue here on this troubled planet. It would great to see them again some day - young and vibrant, no pain, no money pressures.

D said (May 10, 2015):

How sad for me.

I was a dedicated mother to my only daughter. I, like your Mother, taught her to always stand up for what is right. Sometimes it cost her, but she knew there was a price to pay, and she had me to support her. I taught her that with freedoms and privileges come responsibilities. I taught her to work hard, use her many gifts in service of others, and to be honest.

Then she left for McGill University and never came back. She left the city and she left me. She is a feminist now. I discovered her man-bashing (her father is a good man, generous and kind) on social media and confronted her. That didn't go well. She told me I made no contribution to society (I have two degrees from two different universities, but am unemployed). She hates babies for a reason unknown to me and ridicules her friends who have children as stupid. When I tried to to tell her about the persecution of those who rather than supporting the ego-centrism of homosexuals playing home for adopted children, stand up for the right of children to a mom and a dad (when possible), she called me a hater.

I did not receive a card or an email from her.

When I tried to talk to her, she responds emotionally, not as an intelligent young woman she definitely is. She graduated with a science degree, after all.

This education system is diabolical. I has formatted my daughter into a politically correct, leftist moron.

Robert K said (May 10, 2015):

My mother was unstintingly loving too. Pause today to think of all the people in the world who have not experienced this example in their lives and how morally impoverishing this is. "They know not what they do"--how could they?

"When someone totally sacrifices for you, when someone is unconditionally for you, you can't help but love them with all your heart." Jesus, anyone?

"Amor vincit omnia" is the essential lesson of Christianity, long since abandoned by vast numbers of people professing themselves to be Christians.

Malak said (May 12, 2014):

In the spirit of your moving article about your departed mother, I'd like to share the following well-known sayings of Prophet Muhammad, upon him blessings and peace. A man once came to him and asked, "Who among the people is most deserving of my good companionship?" The prophet replied, "Your mother." The exchange continued:

"Then who?" "Then your mother." "Then who?" "Then your mother." "Then who?" "Then your father."

This is not to downplay the father's importance, but to highlight the degree of honor bestowed upon the heart of family, the mother. It is significant that the question said "companionship," which implies an active obligation of being present and spending time with one's mother. The prophet also famously said "Paradise lies at the feet of your mother."

Lastly, a desert Arab once approached the prophet with a list of questions to which the prophet gave very pointed, one or two-word answers. When asked "How can I become wise?" the prophet advised simply, "Remember death." Keeping in mind the lingering reality of imminent death - yours and your loved-ones' - helps foster the correct attitude toward one's obligations to family, friends, and God. Inherent in his advice of course is the reality of judgement and the afterlife.

Jim said (May 12, 2014):

I have to admit that I am a bit envious of you and others who had good mothers. As I read the tribute you wrote a lot of feelings came up.

The first feeling was, "If only..." If only my mother was kind and gentle like yours I wonder how different things might have been for me and my siblings.

The second feeling was sadness at missing out on the love, dedication and selfless love I should have gotten from a mother such as yours. I wonder what it would have been like to be embraced and heard her say, "I love you."

The third feeling was compassion for my mother. I have learned that her childhood was a lot worse than mine. She suffered horribly at the hands of her father.

Back in the day there was little help or counseling services to help her sort through her trauma so she did the best she could with the tools she had when raising her own family.

She once told me, "I thought I was doing good because I beat you less than I got beat." I guess, on one level, it makes sense.

Mother's Day is one of the most difficult for me. Trying finding a greeting card that doesn't tell your mother how great she was... because mine wasn't. I nearly go into a PTSD episode reading all those cards lavishing praise.

My mom has since apologized for being a bad mother but we will never have a lovey, huggy mother/son relationship.

CF said (May 12, 2014):

Your heartfelt remembrance and deep appreciation is certainly understood and appreciated here. I lost my mom (who also had breast cancer) to a quite scheduled demise (in 2000) due to idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

There are plenty of «what ifs» and «should haves», which can be somewhat tortuous. Nothing can stop the arrival of that reality of life called death. Which is why we need to express our love and appreciation to those we do love, when it counts; in the present.

Ed said (May 11, 2014):

Dadgummit, your such a 'momma's boy'. Nothing to be ashamed off though. I think we all felt the same after reading such a wonderful article. The "moral courage" your mother taught you is also felt by those of us who read your website everyday.

Though I never had the honor of meeting her, I feel like I know her through your writing. I am also aware of the legacy she left us through her son. We are grateful for that as well. You know Henry, through the years you have searched for truth and have sometimes been lead astray.

The foundation your parents gave you are like the 'North Star' that always brought you back to the truth.

Today, I would like to thank my own mother for well as the late Mrs Makow.

Debra said (May 11, 2014):

The problem I have with Springmeier’s position when he states: “… so they can externalize themselves to the public" is that the “Illumined not he” have already been exposed (and rather well) by those seeking Truth, so, why should we listen to them / the un-illumined? Jesus said know them by their fruits with Matthew 7.

7:16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
7:17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

Robert K said (May 11, 2014):

Andrew comments: "Our parents and particularly our mothers are the only ones who will ever love us so unconditionally." This is only because of our failure to take to heart Jesus's advice to "Follow me." God's plan, and the hope of the most loving mothers, the "universal" ones, is that we should all love everyone in this way. The world is sick with unnecessary distrust, cruelties and deformed personalities because we do not.

If we are fortunate, we will be blessed with parents who show us the example of unconditional love, from which it should be incarnated in our associations as these widen in the course of our lives. This is the leaven that will create a new world as it was meant to be, the salt that gives the world its savour.

The idea that Christianity is only about saving one's own soul is a perversion (one might even say a total inversion) of its essential message, and part of the twisted propaganda that assails us from all directions. Christianity is about loving your fellow creatures, all God's creations. It is about rebirth into a world perceived, as the relative primitivism of "obedience" is left behind, through the lens of love, which, as Dante so beautifully pointed out in a flash of insight, is a resource that multiplies without limit as it is actively practiced.

Dan said (May 11, 2014):

Happy Mother's Day Henry,

What son of a good mother wouldn't relate to your homage to your mother. Unlike girls, boys reach a period of time when nature compels them to "cut the apron strings". I've known many men that remained aloof from showing affection after that.

I read your heartfelt homage to Mrs. Makow upon returning home from Mother's Day mass at church. The place was packed. Hundreds of mothers paraded down all the isles to get their carnations. I watched every face as they processed by. It was a rare feeling of joy. There's just something about good motherhood that's sacred.

God bless Helen.

Al Thompson said (May 11, 2014):

Thanks for posting that Henry; it brings back a lot of fond memories for me too.

I grew up in the 50s and 60s and during that time, there was more love, romance, and it had a much higher moral standard than what we have today.

I remember when my parents were divorced, people who knew us felt sorry for me. I certainly didn't like it, because when there were family outings with the other children, I felt left out. It wasn't my fault, but it did have an effect.

Governments and religions as they exist today have no moral compass, so only a good mother and father of the children can pass that on.

Your article does take me back a long time, but there are still a lot of pleasant memories.

JG said (May 11, 2014):

What a God given blessing it was to be raised in that golden era of the 50's when "nuclear families" were the rule and not the exception.
I can still remember the mantra that defined America at that time, "Ma, Apple Pie, and Chevrolet" .

A woman who was divorced back then lived in shame for it, right or wrong. Marriage vows meant something back then which are now considered a part of the " woman suffrage" syndrome.

As this present day " satanic nightmare" unfolds on this world a little more everyday it's memories like Henry's and our own which are similar that help keep us going.

Paul said (May 11, 2014):

Henry I share the same with you. My mother died of breast cancer as well. She always put everyone in the family before herself. I'm forever grateful for her servitude.

I cannot possibly thank her enough, Happy Mother's Day mom!!!

Andrew said (May 11, 2014):

Our parents and particularly our mothers are the only ones who will ever love us so unconditionally.

I felt every word of today’s essay.

Thank you Henry.

Photos were priceless.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at