Donald Drumpf - Illuminati Jew (Dec 29, 2015)
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January 23, 2021
Lindsay said (December 30, 2015):
Amazing that both you and Brother Nathaniel attack Trump on his Jewishness.
But if Trump is so Jewish and Illuminati, what explains Jeb Bush, Heidi Cruz and her work in the North American Union Treaty, Rubio, Christ Christie, Pataki, Graham, McCain, Gingrich (and Thomas Friedman outed Gingrich as a globalist) and others who all have Jewish Illuminati backers? I don't understand the conundrum, the sign of glaring inconsistency.
A Jewish Illuminati is about doing away with borders. Bringing in massive immigration. That is what the Bushes have done and Obama, and the whole Republican Party establishment. If the Establishment hates Trump and you hate Trump, It doesn't make sense.
When a man stands up to Political Correctness which is Masonry, and Cultural Marxism, he can not possibly be Illuminati or working for Jewish concerns. I take him for his word because he has acted honorably and courageously. That is a man of virtue. Trump has Jewish advisors like everyone else in the field. There is not a one who is without Jewish Influence. And Rand Paul is Libertarian which is a Jewish ideology anyway.
Trump says he is going to build a wall ---and NO ONE said that. He gets attacked. And he is Illuminati?
Trump says he is going to deport 11 million illegals--and NO one said that. He gets attacked. And he is Illuminati? And the others are not?
I'm voting for Trump. Trump is the only guy.
Nothing fundamental will change.
Steve said (December 30, 2015):
I watched his speeches with approx 2,000 to 30,000 in attendance...(who else gets these numbers?)
Apart from his “establishment†connections as mentioned, they actually really do sound fantastic!
He argues with seeming sincerity and showmanship as follows:
Protect the borders; stop illegal immigration; bring back American factories from China, Hong Kong, Mexico, South America; make the military so strong and superior the USA won’t have to fight because nobody would dare fight the USA (it’s much cheaper than actually fighting wars); charge tariffs (taxes) to bring/send goods into the USA; charge taxes (tariffs) on those USA companies that take their plants out of the USA (Ford, Nabisco, Apple,..) this will allow the manufacturing taxes to pay down US debt, provide jobs, fix up roads, bridges, pensions, health care, welfare; help the veterans big time for their service to the nation; bargain much, much, better in trade deals with other nations; use USA purchasing power to make the Chinese fall in line (as they would go bust without the US consumers); stop the import of Syrian/Middle East refugees (make a safe zone in Syrian area); become more sociable with Putin (Putin likes Trump) to avoid WW3; stop/end political correctness (encourage Christmas, etc), bring Hillary Clinton to account for her crimes (Benghazi, etc), create a building boom, get rid of Obamacare; fix the economy because if “we don’t now, it’s all overâ€; he is NRA registered and strongly anti-gun control; he claims he is a Presbyterian and admires Billy Grahame; he is anti the establishment press who he calls “liarsâ€; rebuild the dying middle class;
I was not born yesterday about Trump’s “establishment†history, BUT, Trump is saying so much of what is in the hearts of American people (not being said) and so much of what needs to be done in the USA to halt the dismantling, slide to oblivion. Nobody else is daring to say and promise what he is! And to the public, it is not only refreshing but quite simply astounding! The leading other politicians are guaranteed sell out traitors and dishing out the usual status quo downward spiral BS.
Trump has made so many reverse NWO engineering promises – he has to keep at least some of these great promises of immense hope. Seriously, which of the presidential contenders would you vote for who has any clout or real chance of being elected president? If you are going to pick the best of a very bad bunch (isn’t that how American citizens usually vote?), then Trump has to seriously be on one’s register. See how it pans out in the end.
Chad said (December 30, 2015):
The other thing to consider is the population of American patriots who are getting stirred by the sentiments of Trump. Even if Trump does a 180°, he’ll get run over by the movement he chose to shepherd. You can say, while he’s leading, he also has a number of bayonets at his back. Trump didn’t create something out of nothing. He’s tapped the angst of a segment of the population. Much as France’s Le Pen.
Jim C said (December 30, 2015):
All I can say concerning your article, "Donald Drumpf - Illuminati Jew," is excellent, excellent, excellent!
You have brought forth vital, critical information concerning Donald Trump's background. From the beginning, I've thought that "the Donald" was a spoiler being used to get Hillary elected.
David S said (December 30, 2015):
I'm not ready to write the Donald off yet. There is no comparison between Trump and Obama. Even if the facts and conclusions about Fred and his jewish connections are true, there is no certainty or indication that Donald would be bound to the same powers that made his father rich. Trump has angered the jews. He cancelled his trip to Israel, spoke his mind recently to a powerful american Israeli group, and quite ready to do without their money bundling. It would be a stretch to maintain this is an act. Trump, unlike Obama, is a known commodity. If Trump is not nominated and runs as an independent, I'll reconsider my position.
Diane said (December 30, 2015):
With the good private sector jobs leaving and the poverty and crime coming in, Trump is the only one that can stop these policies and not be bought off bribed or blackmailed to continue the third worlding of the U.S.A.
All the rest running are for sale and trying to make their first billion at the expense of the remaining middle class.
Ray said (December 30, 2015):
“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.â€
― Vladimir Ilich Lenin
Tony B said (December 29, 2015):
Thanks for giving us Trump's real name. Figures. You nailed him with the earlier piece. The only reason he has this role today is that everyone in the world (except the satanic powers that be) absolutely hates Hillary and the Satanists know it. Therefore they feel the necessity of having the ready lie handy that "Trump split the Republicans" when they announce their new queen Hillary to take the place of their present "queen." Most of the dumbed down will accept that lie.
It is too obvious for them to mention that the vote is meaningless, that they put into office whomsoever they please. Might cause some difficult cognitive dissonance here and there.
JG said (December 29, 2015):
Great work here Henry. It connects a lot of the dots surrounding the mystery of Donald Trump.
Back in the 40's, 50's, and early 60's the Jewish business magnates had to enroll some goyim lackeys in their operations as partners and also to be used as front men to give them legitimacy with the overwhelming Gentile public.
And, they were also needed especially if it involved securing government loans or grants. Changing your last name doesn't work all the time. Today this is not the case with one of the exceptions being the office of the presidency. Donald could fill this void very well.
For those of who think that it will never happen just look at your last two presidents and that alone should remove all doubts.
Donald Trump is the Republican Party version of the "change" candidacy of President Obama. However, not much changed and the same scenario will be the result if Trump ever gets elected. They both have the same bosses.
Like Obama, Trump has gotten a free pass from the MSM so far. You can't win a presidential election without it.
The presidential election process IS a "rigged system", and I'm surprised that even some of the better minds in the Alternative Media have forgotten this.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
AC said (February 19, 2020):
2017 to present. The Rothschild Deep State resistance is in full swing. Impeachment has begun just 20 minutes into Trump's Presidency.
2019. Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff initiate their long awaited impeachment, hoping that people like Col Lindeman and the whistle blower will send Trump packing. Media and Hollywood still hate Trump to the point that they are morons who have lost all objectivity. Ricky Gervais is right.
Now , they all hate Bernie and want Bloomberg in.
I guess my point. Trump is no Rothschild agent. If he was the above scenarios would not have occurred. Impeachment would have never happened. Rothschild would never allow Pelosi or Schiff to do this, not even for a joke.
The real threat In the immediate horizon is Bloomberg. He may be Rothschild choice. So far , he is buying his way into the election campaign. Maybe he might buy his way into The White House. Bloomberg is indeed a tyrant and despot. I watched his channel. It is indeed a Cult of Personality. An ego the size of a Synagogue. Naming a channel and all programs after himself.