Trump FBI Raid a Reminder of 1933 FDR Banker "Coup"
August 20, 2022
In 1933, the Illuminati bankers pretended to depose their go'fer FDR, thus giving him priceless credibility.
They chose Gen. Smedley Butler, a man guaranteed to betray them, to lead this coup. To this day, historians say
this plot was actually meant to succeed. By analogy, Demonrat opposition to Trump is designed to give him legitimacy. Communism and Zionism work in tandem to achieve the Rothschilds' aim of world government tyranny. When Trump was in office, the Demonrats attacked him over everything real or imagined but never mentioned his constant Illuminati hand signs.
from July 27, 2007 & May 6, 2019
By Henry Makow PhD.
The 1933 "Banker's Coup" was a ruse
The story that Wall Street bankers planned to overthrow FDR in 1933 still makes the rounds today.
The Illuminati bankers staged the coup to give FDR credibility as Wall Street's nemesis. As I will show, they routinely used such tricks to build up their Presidential puppets.
The conspirators (members of the "American Liberty League") approached retired Major General Smedley Butler to use 500,000 veterans to remove FDR and become a Mussolini-like figure. Smedley Butler was absolutely the LAST man you would approach if you were serious. The most decorated Marine in history, Butler recently had been forced to resign by Herbert Hoover for calling Mussolini a "mad dog" and warning that his fascist cohorts "were about to break loose in Europe." Butler refused to retract his remarks and thus became a national hero overnight.
However, if you wanted someone to expose your coup as he did; (thought it "smacked of treason,") Butler was the go-to person.
Butler was touring the nation with the message that the bankers used the US army as "gangsters for capitalism" -- thugs and debt collectors: "Looking back on it, I feel that I could have given Al Capone a few hints," Butler said. "The best he could do was .. operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents." ("War is a Racket" 1933)
Why would the bankers enlist their biggest critic unless they wanted to fail?
"There was definitely something crazy about the whole affair," remarked Curt Gentry. "Butler who had gained prominence for speaking out against fascism, being asked to become an American Duce." ("J. Edgar Hoover" p. 203)
Nevertheless, Gentry and most other historians accepted the tale, indicating their function as highly paid flacks.
The story received its widest currency in Jules Archer's book "The Plot to Seize the White House" (1973). Judging from Archer's other works, he is an Illuminati propagandist.
His other subjects include such "defenders of the people" (Illuminati front-men) as Trotsky, Mao Tse Tung; Chou En-Lai; and Ho Chi Minh. He has also penned books about such elite-sponsored movements as feminism, civil rights and environmentalism.
For the answer, we are indebted to a book by a courageous honest, public-spirited New York Jewish doctor, Emmanuel Josephson: "The Strange Death of Franklin D. Roosevelt" (1948.)
FDR was the scion of two Illuminati families, the Delanos and the Roosevelts. He was related to a dozen US Presidents: four on the Roosevelt side and eight on the Delano side. He was a third cousin of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth.
FDR's mother's father, Warren Delano made a fortune in the opium trade. His father James Roosevelt was Vice President of a railway and director of several companies. FDR was a spoiled brat who always changed the rules to suit his whims. He was tutored privately, and failed law school but was allowed to enter the bar anyway. Like Barrack Obama, he never held a real job. In the 1920s, he helped float some stock market scams. As Governor and later President, he was extremely suggestible, evasive and shifty. Louis Howe created his public persona and did his thinking for him. Howe was FDR's "alter and wiser ego." (102)
FDR had a small army of speech writers and sometimes there were screw-ups. For his Democratic nomination acceptance in 1932, he was handed two speeches with diametrically opposed views and read them both. (157)
After his attack of encephalomyelitis, the Rockefellers gave him a health spa at Warm Springs, Georgia. They subsequently funnelled millions of dollars to FDR in the guise of charitable contributions to his "foundation." (Dr. Josephson found that the institution did not accept charity cases and didn't issue financial statements.) (118-ff)
In Josephson's words, "Roosevelt was magnificently bribed to run for office. By the end of 1930, some $700,000 was poured into the coffers of the foundation ...[FDR] was the pathetic puppet of conspirators scheming the destruction of democracy and the establishment of an American monarchy." (95, 124)
In return, the US Treasury under FDR spent hundreds of millions bribing Saudi King Ibn Saud and building oil infrastructure in Saudi Arabia to benefit Standard Oil. (262-263)
Josephson said the basic doctrines of the Rockefeller Empire are "feudalistic monarchic government" ... "monopoly of every necessity of life and of national existence, and absolute dictatorship..." (86-87)
The rich must "divide and rule": " The people must be dealt with not as Americans but as minorities set at each other's throats, Labor vs. Capital, Black vs. White, Catholic vs. Protestant, Christian vs. Jew for e.g." (87) He could have added male vs. female and gay vs. straight.
Rich degenerate inbreeds running for President naturally pretend to defend the public good. Naturally, their banker-sponsors are willing to feign displeasure and opposition.
FDR learned the game from his cousin Theodore Roosevelt who pretended to be a "trust buster" while remaining a creation of the trusts and giving the country to them.
The contributors to FDR's 1932 campaign include a "Who's Who" of the US business elite, the same people who supposedly tried to overthrow him a year later: Hearst, Rockefeller, Morgan, Baruch, Du Pont, Astor. (Louis Howe, left, probably devised the scam)
In 1933, a group of "publicity men" advised that fascism was becoming unpopular in America and FDR could score points by opposing the Nazis. "They suggested that Hearst and his publications launch a sham attack on Roosevelt and at the same time pretend to support Nazism and Fascism, thus throwing the Anti-Nazis and Anti-Fascists into the Roosevelt camp." (167)
"As the perverters of public opinion expected, the gullible public raged at Hearst and flocked to the standards of Roosevelt, blind to the fact that he was giving them another of the same brand of dictatorship." (167)
The antagonism was an utter sham. Hearst employed FDR's son Elliot, his daughter and her husband! Similarly the public enmity of the munitions manufacturing Duponts was also a sham. Ethel Dupont married FDR Jr. !
"The Liberty League was then set up for the ostensible purpose of attacking Roosevelt and fighting his re-election. This served to throw the entire pacifist vote into Roosevelt's camp and helped reassure his re-election." (169)
Clearly, the "Fascist Coup" was just another clever ploy invented by the "publicity men."
Curtis Dall was a banker and FDR's son-in-law. He portrays the President not as a leader but as a "quarterback" with little actual power. The "coaching staff" or "brain trust" consisted of mainly Jewish "advisers" like Louis Howe, Bernard Baruch and Harry Hopkins who represented the international banking cartel. For Dall, FDR ultimately was a traitor manipulated by "World Money" and motivated by conceit and personal ambition. (Dall, "FDR: My Exploited Father-In-Law" 1970)
The 1933 "Banker's Coup" is indicative of the trouble the financial elite takes to deceive the public. No President did more than FDR to take America down the road to tyranny.
Related- FDR Turned Blind Eye to Soviet Spies
New First Comment by James Perloff
I'm glad to see you republishing this, Henry, as I have always believed that the attempt to sway Smedley Butler into leading a coup was a ruse. Butler was ticking off the bankers with his "War is a Racket" speech tour in the early 1930s, and the government had repelled the "bonus marcher" veterans (YouTube) who had descended on Washington in 1932. These veterans had risked their lives for $30 a month during World War I, while Bernard Baruch (FDR's top financial backer) and his banker buddies swindled American taxpayers out of billions for goods never delivered to the front, a fact extensively documented by the Graham Committee of Congress (21 volumes).
Thank God Smedley Butler didn't take the bait. Leading a veterans' "fascist" march on Washington would have been the end of Butler and the veterans, while giving Roosevelt dictatorial powers "to maintain order," as well as emblazoning his fake image as "man of the people." Some "man of the people"!
Two of his first acts in 1933 were (1) recognizing the Soviet Union, which had just finished murdering millions of Ukrainians during the Holodomor, and (2) confiscating all Americans' gold. I don't know where that gold is now, but it sure ain't Fort Knox. Maybe the Rothschilds are still counting it. But FDR's crowning act of treason had to be betraying the thousands of U.S. servicemen who died at Pearl Harbor
Also by Dan Butler:
Franklin Roosevelt was specimen of the East Coast "blueblood" establishment. Thus his Harvard grade point average didn't matter. Bred to rule, at twenty-eight skipped lightly into the New York State Legislature as a Senator in 1910.
From there he was appointed Assistant Secretary of the Navy during the World War One by Woodrow Wilson.
That's a crucial part of the history usually played down in American history books, for at that time, young Winston Churchill was 'Sea Lord' of the British Royal Navy.
This forgotten fact is terribly important. Most history buffs recognize the word 'Lusitania' as the name of the civilian ocean liner sunk by a German U Boat bound from New York to Liverpool on May 7, 1915. It was the psychological equivalent of 911...
There have always been rumours that Winston Churchill arranged for the crew of the Lusitania to sail into U-boat infested waters (See Perloff's article Lusitania Torpedoed 100 Years Ago Today )
So Roosevelt and Churchill were already working together at the highest levels while Hitler was a lowly corporal dodging bullets on the Maginot Line. It's documented in Roosevelt's papers that he and Churchill had first met in 1918 at a dinner in London. Roosevelt recalled that Churchill was "one of the few men in public life who was rude to me." There would meet again in summer 1941 on the high seas to draft the 'Atlantic Charter', an official sounding unofficial propaganda piece that 'defined goals' for a new world order.
Pedro said (May 6, 2019):
Miles Mathis did Smedley Butler here
Partial and distractive truth telling is the biggest racket of them all. Butler never mentioned the 'J' word, nor does Alex Jones or Julian Assange. Organised International Jewish Power is the biggest racketeering project of all time and it is vorbotten hate speech to even
mention it in the polite company of lemmings.
Voltaire said if you want to know where the real power lies, know who you cannot criticise. Gilad Atzmon's variant is that jewish power is
the power to stop you from discussing Jewish power.