The West Belongs to People of European Descent
July 19, 2019

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July 19, 2019
MOHAMMED (SOUTH AFRICA) said (July 20, 2019):
i agree with a lot of whats in the article but from what i see, one of the main causes of this issue is the fact that a lot of Americans still enlist in the military.
before WW2, the British military was the main enforcer of the Zionist banking cartel. After WW2, that role was given to the US military. Since then, every war/conflict that the US military has benn involved in, has NOT been for any justifiable or morally righteous reason- all has been for the benefit of the Zionist bankers & the big corporations that they control.
many whites think that without their govts interfering in the affairs of poorer nations, esp in Africa, these countries will become unstable & a breeding ground for extremists etc.
actually, the opposite is true.
have any of you watched John Perkins | New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man?
it seems that many whites conveniently believe that other races hate them just bcos they are whites. they dont want to get into the actual reasons bcos the truth hurts.
the Zionists have exploited that but you white westerners are still guilty to a great degree.
when it comes to immigrants, you seem to realise that the vast majority of them are in the west just to try & build a better life & future for their families. what many of you dont seem to understand is that most of these immigrants would prefer to remain in their home countries if they were safe, stable & prosperous but the constant interference of western nations makes that impossible.
of course, mainstream media wont tell you that- they will spin another story that makes you feel good about your govts & your militaries. do you think that if African countries has NO mineral resources at all, that western nations would have ANY troops stationed there?
the big corporation want the minerals under the soil of these poorer countries & they want your sons & daughters to enlist so that they can send them to enforce their will.
and these men & women who enlist- they just see the military as a career move- theyre there for the paycheck & benefits- maybe to be able to complete a college degree etc- they dont care that theyre being used to mess up other sovereign nations.
so when these countries become shitholes, as Trump mentioned, wouldnt you also try to leave and look for greener pastures if you could?
and wouldnt you also have some degree of animosity towards these white nations that you migrate to?
after all, its THEIR govts & militaries that were behind the mess your country has turned into.
the vast majority of immigrants dont know about the Zionist banking cartel- all they see is the white man.
am i wrong?
so the VERY FIRST step for ALL white westerners is to NOT enlist in the military & those who are already there, to get out ASAP- its more honorable to work a dead end job for minimum wage at Dunkin Donuts etc.
as far as AOC etc are concerned, theyre yet more puppets who are fulfilling a role(like Trump)- maybe they know exactly what theyre doing or maybe they dont- i have my doubts bcos sometimes they seem really dumb & sometimes i feel that a person just cant be that dumb so theyre just really good actors.
just look at Ilhan Omar- im a muslim & i cant believe she supports the LGBT community- even non muslims know that Islam and LGBT are about as far apart as you can get- so shes either really dumb or a good actor.
James C said (July 20, 2019):
Henry Makow wrote: “Whites represent roughly 15% of the world population. Yet they are slated for displacement. Their countries are being invaded by uneducated young men of military age.â€
Accessed 20 July 2019.
I submit the following 5 points for consideration as a possible explanation:
1. Whites are called Caucasians because the German physiologist Blumenbach believed that their place of origin was the Caucasus region of southeastern Europe. Likewise, the Scottish Declaration of Independence of 1320 claimed “greater Scythia†as the Scots original homeland. This is the exact same area that the so-called “Lost Ten Tribes of Israel†had been deported to in 718 B.C. by the Assyrians.
2. Contrary to widespread popular opinion, true biblical Semites are never
described as a dark and swarthy people. Many biblical and extra-biblical sources describe true biblical Semites as being of a fair complexion, like that of the Caucasians of northwestern Europe.
3. There are historical examples of Semites being attacked by other racial
groups. Nimrod, as the son of Cush, was a Negro (see Gen. 10:8; Jer. 13:23). Since Assyria evidently derived its name from Shem’s son Asshur, Nimrod’s invasion of Assyria is an historical example of the dark-complexioned branch of the human family attacking the fair-complexioned branch (Gen. 10:8-12). Another example that can be cited are the Mongol invasions of Europe in the 13th century. The Mongol invasions were a yellow-skinned branch of the human family attacking the fair-complexioned branch, the Semitic branch.
4. From the Atlantic to the Urals, Europe is Shem, the home of the Caucasoids par excellence. The peoples of northwestern Europe fit the biblical and historical descriptions of true Semites. The black and the yellow races do not. As predicted, Caucasians also became the greatest colonial powers the world had ever seen (Gen. 22:17; 24:60).
5. As the examples above indicate, Satan has always used other racial groups to attack the true people of Shem. This current attack on the white race is no exception. It is pictured symbolically in the 12th chapter of Revelation (verses 12-17). The sun-clothed woman of Rev. 12:1 refers to the twelve tribes of Israel that eventually ended up in northwestern Europe and the North American continent.
Doug P said (July 20, 2019):
The reason for this war is not white skin. The West is Christian. It is the foundational aspects of Western Jurisprudence they wish to destroy. Western Jurisprudence is based on the ideas of Christianity as well as the Roman "right of self". All forms of Western Jurisprudence are all based on the same fundamental idea: The "common law", that universal law (reason) which is understood by any un-stunted human being by the time they reach early to mid teens.
This universal law directly opposes Jewish Supremism.
Stunted personalities remain in super-ego, which makes moral judgements only by rules. The stunted NWO wants a humanity that is more easily ruled by autocrats rather than a population that judges by reason.
I elaborate on this in my 16 minute youtube video "Christian Doctrine: Why They Hate Us (Exactly)"
We must not turn this into a race war. Christ never talked about race. The only thing that matters is how one views right and wrong. Everything else is noise.
Racism is our enemy and its cruel in the deepest sense. It is so sad that an otherwise great movement is being duped by those who mix the water with the wine.
Gabriel said (July 20, 2019):
It's such a shame what's going on. As a 25 year assimilated Argentinian Jew in the States I see the Jews opened the gates to the enemies; as the have done trough the ages, bringing down empires for millennia, I'm getting pretty fed up with this Jewish mafia that seems to be controlling everything. Brainwashing a majority of naive everyday Jews into support them. And 30 million or so foolish evangelists But there's hope, Henry and I are fricking Jews. Come on my people, get a grip !
Andy said (July 20, 2019):
I like the article because it is spirited and a 'trumpet blast'. At the moment we have a thousand armchair analysts, who for the most part, don't recognize the reality of what we face. I say without exaggeration, if we don't coagulate and mobilise we are finished.
In remedy, we have to consider hitherto inconceivable actions, such as (preferably discrete) military arrest of public and private conspirators. As I said yesterday, we are truly under attack. If you will forgive me, the enemy is not the 'globalists' - they fall within the designation of the 'evil western cabal'. It is international Jewry and (high-level) freemasonry controlling both East and West. Organised socialism and communism must be prohibited and subversive of the state and liberty and abortion outlawed.
As Yuri Bezmenov said 'the time-bomb is ticking; with every second the disaster is coming closer and closer.'
9m 29- 9m 34
Al Thompson said (July 20, 2019):
This is a good article. My take on this is that the people of the world do not focus on the morality of any course of action. There is a right and a wrong way to do something and the wrong way will get bad results; do something right, then good results will follow.
This concept should have been taught to everyone at a very early age. It is simply staying within the natural law or natural order the way God intended. I believe that the governments and the religions of the world are hopelessly corrupted. If they were not so corrupted, we would not see such bad results. And it is the results of bad decisions based on bogus information that can do a lot of damage.
The people should simply demand the truth so that they can make informed decisions as to whether something is right or wrong. People need to take more time to check the facts before forming opinions or taking action. The truth works to the benefit of mankind every time.
Chris G said (July 19, 2019):
We really belong to the Earth and Our Creator; Humans trying to own the planet is madness. When we all leave this world we can't take the world with us. However, Indigenous aboriginals of America will finally get their overdue justice when China and Russia invade and take America outright for all the crimes perpetrated on them. Also, justice for Vietnamese, Iraqis, Libyans, Germans(firebombed in Dresden), Japanese, etc.etc.. Babylon(America) is being judged by Eternal God for her sins and crimes. Jewish devil worshipers(Rothschilds) already sold American debt to China and they are left holding the empty bag. What does the mafia do when you don't pay up?
THE WEST BELONGS TO CHINA AND RUSSIA! China will take the west coast of the USA and Russia will take the East.
Many people are having dreams and visions about China and Russia's takeover of America. A race (civil) war is the least of America's problem:
Invasion of America Vision China Russia Nuclear WW3:
Chinese Invasion and Ammo Shortage:
Insider George Green lives in Ecuador and says what's left of US after nuked will produce food for China:
Where should US CITIZENS flee to escape Martial Law?:
JG said (July 19, 2019):
The main obstacle to total national white sovereignty in America and Europe is the George Soros Society of traitors from within and open border 3rd world immigration to destroy the peace and solidarity of these nations.
He has practically owned the Democratic Party since Bill Clinton left office. And, this is why the Democratic Congress is opposing a border and controlled immigration.
Without the White European population in America this country would be a helpless 3rd world nation much like the nations these immigrants are leaving. This is exactly what the Soros Society wants.
I praise President Trump for his courage in attacking this problem and the people behind it.
The MSM has largely also been complicit with the Soros Society by attacking all the politicians and leaders who oppose his agenda. The MSM is also promoting racial division to add to the chaos and then blaming President Trump for it.
The Americans and Europeans have weathered many storms before and they will get through this one also.
John said (July 19, 2019):
I love you, man. Your site is so great, so much truth, destroying
lies. Thank you so much.
I want you to know Christ Jesus as your Savior someday, my friend.
married father of 5, age 55
George said (July 19, 2019):
I don't believe I expressed any reluctance to comment. Naturally you know what you are writing about. Unfortunately, I think that this program of fomenting racial war has a real chance of succeeding. The most likely outcome is not expulsion of whites from ancestral territories, but the opposite. La Rochefoucauld, who was a keen observer of human nature, noted that real courage is rarely found. What drives humans is our baser motives, the ones we choose not to acknowledge. When civil war breaks out, the dominant motives are fear, greed, and desire for revenge. Look at the hellholes of South Sudan, the Congo, etc. and you have a blueprint for what is likely to happen when the Gates of Hell are fully opened.
Andy2 said (July 19, 2019):
I like the article because it is spirited and a 'trumpet blast'. At the moment we have a thousand armchair analysts, who for the most part, don't recognise the reality of what we face. I say without exaggeration, if we don't coagulate and mobilise we are finished.
In remedy, we have to consider hitherto inconceivable actions, such as (preferably discrete) military arrest of public and private conspirators. As I said yesterday, we are truly under attack. If you will forgive me, the enemy is not the 'globalists' - they fall within the designation of the 'evil western cabal'. It is international Jewry and (high-level) freemasonry controlling both East and West. Organised socialism and communism must be prohibited and subversive of the state and liberty and abortion outlawed.
As Yuri Bezmenov said 'the time-bomb is ticking; with every second the disaster is coming closer and closer.'
9m 29- 9m 34
If you will forgive me, the enemy is not the 'globalists' - they fall within the designation of the 'evil western cabal'. It is international Jewry and (high-level) freemasonry controlling both East and West. Organized socialism and communism must be prohibited and subversion of the state and liberty and abortion outlawed.
Andy said (July 19, 2019):
G Edward Griffin - communist handbook instructs to label obstructionists as 'Fascist', 'Nazi' of 'anti-semitic'. (You can add racist);
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Coco said (July 21, 2019):
My family immigrated to Canada in the late 1980s. We are originally Palestinian (stateless). When my parents moved to Canada they invested in a small business, employed several people, and basically interacted with people from all sorts of backgrounds. We were taught to be proud of our heritage but never encouraged to segregate ourselves from other communities.
While I experienced some mild racism on very few occasions, I also had friends from many backgrounds. To a large extent as immigrant children we did assimilate in many respects.
I recently visited Canada after a 14 year absence and in certain big cities in Ontario I was shocked at the amount of new immigrants, but it is not simply their size that is worrying. There is no longer any need to assimilate since you can just hang out with members of your own community, and this I believe is a breeding ground for creating societal divisions, potential resentment and ethnic gangs.
Don't get me wrong, it's nice from my perspective to have some multiculturalism, but I just find it that it's being promoted so intensely and so artificially.
Furthermore, the sense of entitlement of new immigrants is staggering. I've heard stories of wealthy immigrants who have large sums of money earned abroad, and still claim child credits and other benefits because the Canadian government assesses them based on their incomes; since their incomes were earned abroad, they appear to be low-income while in Canada despite having large amounts of financial and non-financial assets.
I've also heard stories of non-refugee Syrians living and working outside of Syria that have claimed refugee status (even though they have not been to Syria in years and largely escaped the horrors of the war) and have been granted immigration to Canada and apparently (I did not verify this independently) have been granted some sort of stipend per family member by the Canadian government when they are settled (around 500 or 600 dollars per family member I believe). What is this insanity? Some of these people being granted immigration aren't even proper refugees.
I honestly just feel like there's a lack of common sense in many western governments. If immigration was more selective, more limited and gradual, you can ensure that the people that arrive will have the ability to assimilate and contribute. But the sheer scale of what's happening now is unnerving.
Of course it's not immigration that's unnerving, the fractional reserve banking system, the debt based money creation process, the heavy tax burden, the massive government involvement in the economy. AHHHHH!